How much will this reed dent hurt the grade? So much it will just be details graded?

Here it is….will this be straight graded or will it be details graded? Coin is an 1879
Here it is….will this be straight graded or will it be details graded? Coin is an 1879
Hmmm. Good question. I'll be watching for the answer.
I think it would straight grade. Not far enough into the coin (dentils) to affect the grading.
I have seen worse graded but that doesn't mean much.
Only the graders on that day know.
excellent pictures of an attractive coin. I would not venture a guess without seeing the coin in hand. Toss a coin... heads or tales?
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seems acceptable to me
Collector, occasional seller
Straight grade
As a rule of thumb most rim bumped coins will straight grade unless the denticles are deformed...IE out of alignment.
That coin looks as if it would straight grade... Yes, rim damage, but not severe, or impacting a surface. JMO Cheers, RickO
This but would add it also matters if we are talking an UNC or circulated coin. The more abuse a coin has seen equals the more abuse that the graders will tolerate.
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
Looks ok to me
Will probably land on the flat spot and stand up! 🤪
I vote straight grade as long as you can’t see any file marks.
I like the coin... for me when there are issues such as this it can be a judgment call. If you submit, please post the result and hope the submission goes well if you should you go that route
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