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Coin collection websites? Online exhibitions?

I’ve spent some time over the last three months building a website to showcase my coin collection. Inspired a bit by the Tyrant’s website and being able to view some of their coins online, I designed and built my site from scratch to display everything exactly as I wanted the information to appear (while being desktop, tablet, and mobile friendly).

I just added the 97th coin to my site and think it’s time to share it publicly. Every coin features large detailed photos, along with specifics of mintages, metal content, design elements, and other interesting specifications.

I also decided now was the time to give my coins a collective name, so I settled on the Chronos Collection, as Chronos is the personification of time, and I can’t think of a better descriptor for a collection of historic coins spanning over three centuries.

You can view my online collection here: https://chronoscollection.com/

And if you just want to jump right to an individual coin page, here’s an example of how each coin is displayed: https://chronoscollection.com/coins/1937-d-buffalo-nickel-3-legs/

There are a couple blog posts covering the collection and updates that get posted as I add new pieces. There will be more of those in the future.

I also keyword tagged each coin so subsets and smaller collections are dynamically created as new coins are added. Using these tags, the site automatically creates collections by region, gold or silver alloys, finishes (including proof, reverse proof, enhanced, etc), and a whole lot more. It’s all very cool and allows for dozens of different ways to view the collection.

For those of you interested in the backend tech, I wrote a post about building the site here: https://chronoscollection.com/building-an-online-coin-exhibit/

I’ll continue to update the website as I acquire new pieces, and I will expand upon descriptions over time to present as much information as possible about each coin.

I know I’m not the only collector to put together an online display of their coins. Feel free to drop links here, I’d love to browse other collections. And if you view mine, I hope you enjoy the presentation!


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