Did you ever?

Make an offer on a coin that the seller snapped up so quickly that you had to wonder just how low he would have gone? So quickly that you begin to think maybe you missed something?
In the case I'm thinking of I offered about 15% back of what he was asking; the seller accepted before I even had time to refresh the page.
Just because I'm old doesn't mean I don't love to look at a pretty bust.
If it's ebay, it's an auto accept. It may have accepted a lower offer, it may not.
I've usually got an auto accept and auto decline that are 10% back of the listed price. There's not usually enough margin to have a broader range.
If it was on eBay, a seller can set a price below their asking price at which to automatically accept offers.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
I regularly get 15-20 percent off on eBay. 😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Dealer website.
It usually takes some correspondence for me to get a reduction in price but never had an immediate acceptance.
Kennedys are my quest...
I had immediate 15% turn down. Then in a few days he restarted the coin at 20% off the list price. I have not made a offer since and I didn't buy his!
I guess you showed him!
Happens now and again but I’m talking $50 and less. Also not necessarily hot items. That said I bought a Canadian nickel yesterday and got instant acceptance of 15 percent off. On a Sunday. Last week got 20 percent on a coin book. I also get slammed for asking 5 percent off on a make offer item. Sooo it’s eBay and living way up in the mountains, not any coin stores,coin clubs or such. This forum and NGC’s forum, add eBay and away we go 😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Maybe you just caught the dealer at a time he was at the computer.
As far as the question, I have wondered the same before. However, if you're happy with the coin at 15% off, don't sweat it and enjoy the deal you received. Maybe try 20% off next time or pay full price to show appreciation for the prior offer being accepted.
Absolutely. eBay provides an area to save sellers. Repeat business is a nice way to say thanks 😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I was kind of hoping that when I saw the "Did you ever?" title to this thread that the second half of the question would be "have a bit too much to drink one night and wake up the next morning vaguely recalling that you bid on/purchased something the night before"?
I guess! Not sure what I done. I just thought it weird that he resold the coin for less than what i offered @MasonG
You should thank him for saving you from a burial.
One time I got an 1877 CC half dollar with graffiti. The coin was overpriced but I thought it looked really cool so I had to use all 5 offers to get it down to a (somewhat) reasonable price. Then I got it in hand and realized the lighting made it look slightly off, and what I thought was light toning was just the light!
Young Numismatist • My Toned Coins
Life is roadblocks. Don't let nothing stop you, 'cause we ain't stopping. - DJ Khaled
First post. Strong start 💪
But seriously, I don't think Okbustchaser was hagglin for nickles on eBay 😅
Interesting you mention that 😎
The number of coins I’ve won during what I call the party hours is a fairly good amount! Friday night ,Saturday night 6pm eastern, let
the fun begin. Sometimes it’s fun to watch drunk bidding in real time. The “I’ll show you, “mentality can be on full display. 😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I do!!
Even though you don't understand his motive, that doesn't rule out the possibility he had an entirely reasonable one.
Website software may have the same mechanism in it as eBay for automatically accepting offers. I know if I had such a website, I'd want that. It expedites the purchase and doesn't give the buyer a few hours to change their mind.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
That's true! 😯
Can’t change your mind after you make an offer. Sez you are committing to buy. Now that’s not precluding eBay return policy but technically your committing to buy
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Yes, but a buyer may drag their feet responding to a response e-mailed later, never see the it, claim they never saw it, catch you when you can't respond for a day or two and complain about your responsiveness, try and find a way to weasel out of it while tying up your inventory, etc. Instantly accepting their offer and getting payment eliminates all that potential for unnecessary strife.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
If you're happy with the price, just do it and don't look back.
Life is full of should-haves, would-haves, and could-haves.
@BucketHead .... Welcome aboard. Interesting comment... and probably happens fairly often. Not to me.... I simply do not do business when imbibing alcohol.... I do enjoy a good Cabernet Sauvignon, but never during work or making important decisions. Cheers, RickO
It always helps to add this . . . .
Busy chasing Carr's . . . . . woof!
Successful BST transactions with: Bullsitter, Downtown1974, P0CKETCHANGE, Twobitcollector, AKbeez, DCW, Illini420, ProofCollection, DCarr, Cazkaboom, RichieURich, LukeMarshall, carew4me, BustDMs, coinsarefun, PreTurb, felinfoal, jwitten, GoldenEgg, pruebas, lazybones, COCollector, CuKevin, MWallace, USMC_6115, NamVet69, zippcity, . . . . who'd I forget?
Thanks Ricko. I've been lurking here for awhile and can't say how much I appreciate all I have learned from the members (I mean this sincerely) This is inclusive of but not limited to why it would not be in good form to post a picture of what I'm fairly certain is a one of a kind penny that I found in a parking lot last week. Best I can tell it's a 2003 Goodyear strike through error but I'll wait for the grading results before bragging about it.
For me work is a nine to five thing that has nothing to do with coins so when I've finished dinner and Ms. BucketHead hits the hay it's not uncommon for me to park myself at the computer with a few fingers of scotch. I've only been collecting for a short time and am guessing that the decisions I am making are significantly less consequential than the ones you are involved in.
NIce to make your acquaintance.
@BucketHead .... I was never much of a Scotch drinker, but work/travel took me to England some years back... and coming out, I visited the duty-free shop and purchased a bottle of Macallan's 25 year old Scotch. It was more for my friends when they would visit... but I did try it a few times with them. It was great. Good luck with your coin. Cheers, RickO
Good choice.
A tip…..always buy scotch that’s old enough to vote. 😉
A: The year they spend more on their library than their coin collection.
A numismatist is judged more on the content of their library than the content of their cabinet.
If I was ever to take up drinking scotch, @BustDMs would be my go to guy for everything I need to know.
I’ve had the pleasure of sharing his company several times at coin shows for dinner, cocktails and great conversation, which I highly recommend! 😊
I’m happy to have dinner and drinks with anyone buying. 😉
A: The year they spend more on their library than their coin collection.
A numismatist is judged more on the content of their library than the content of their cabinet.