1969s ddo proof cent error and value

Hello I currently have a 1969s ddo proof cent and I cannot find another one anywhere check the pics the back half of Lincolns is missing and there is clear doubling in date and extra y in liberty I am definitely interested in selling it but don't know what the value is tia for any help
@skallday .... Welcome aboard. That cent is not a DDO...the date has machine doubling... picture of the head is difficult to determine, but looks like grease filled die or damage. The extra Y looks like transfer PMD. No numismatic premium for that cent. Cheers, RickO
Your coin is not a doubled die. You should study the minting process so you will know what is and is not die doubling. Also, your post is difficult to read due to your run on sentences and complete lack of punctuation.
Common ejection or mechanical doubling on a proof coin – no added value whatsoever
Cut the new person some slack. The person is clearly new and looking for advice regarding numismatics. I am certain the person is not looking for grammatical advice from you or anyone else. Additionally, rather than telling the person "you should study the minting process...", consider pointing out to the person where to find that literature.
While their are numerous books on the U.S. Coin Minting process, here are a couple of video pages showing the process, not as good as a book, but free and gives an insight into the process.
Good luck. Regardless of the machine doubling, a very interesting coin with 2 processes that have occurred to provide targets to study and learn. Thanks for sharing.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
What do you mean by transfer PMD? And with that imply that the extra Y is depressed rather than raised on the surface?
I would like to see the reverse of the coin.
Kennedys are my quest...
I’m gunna guess the “y” is an illusion. Looks cool but it’s just random stuff that lined up creating said illusion. Now the back of Lincolns head is disturbing ( due to historical reference) and unusual,to me. All around a spooky set of circumstances 🤔
Ah , where are my manners. Welcome 🙏. Some pictures of both sides would be nice. Agree with opinions about doubling. It takes a while to get the hang of spotting it. Keep searching and come on back. Also your picture is ok practicing a little has helped me become ok with an iPhone 7.
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Unfortunately it is just a very common date proof cent with very little value and no doubling that would bring any premium.
Welcome To The Forum
That coin is discussed here on the forum quite often. Thanks for sharing yours.
Post often and have FUN! -Joey
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Not a doubled die.