As requested by @LindyS some of my Levick and Hill Smoker "weed" tokens

Since this will be a thread of. .....CoinsAreFun, I would ask that anyone who wants to post some nice coins/tokens/medals
that you like to show everyone here on this wonderfull Thanksgiving weekend.
In the thread asking about forum members Pedigrees On Labels
@LindyS asked to see the Levick tokens I have because he liked my design.
So, here are the three I own. Brass, Copper and Silver
another interesting Levick token with his business noted is this one
CoinsAreFun Pictorials Album
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Very interesting. I have never heard of this.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
If you do a search in the forum for Levick you will find several threads.
Levick was indeed a very smart business man and extremely important to numismatics.
Here’s one thread when I finally acquired the silver example.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
That's a classic design Stef! Given how popular "weed" is now, it would be interesting to have this design restruck, perhaps with a very popular leaf design on the other side?
Benin already got em 🙃

$180 is too rich!
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
What an awesome collection !!!
Thank You Very Much Stef !!!
That's one old stoner. Congrats!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Imagine doing modern store cards?
Could be kinda cool have a merchant token for coinsarefun.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
That would be great Stef.... I would add one to my coin collection.
Cheers, RickO
Store card coins are so cool !!!
CoinsareFUN should issue up some, please ?
I would absolutely need any DC goodie with Artsy Levick obverse, & only that obverse with his happy pointy cheeks would do.
Who has this die ?
If no die, then Somebody, hint hint has got to let Dan and his pantograph do his coinage art with this, please ?
I must say that the smoking of cured freshly cut pure tobacco leaf is quite an experience, especially with a cup of phin filter coffee. The pause that refreshed in Nam. Peace Roy
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
I’ve actually been working on a coinsarefun token with Levick’s obverse for the last few years.
I’ve been talking to several people and don’t want to give any other clues out right now.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Spud is that silver? Really nice 👍🏼
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I love art:
in water colors or oils
it's all artistic & moving.
I was happily plugging holes in Whitman albums 4 decades ago. Though I must say, it was very satisfying seating a coin in it's specified hole...
I> @Jzyskowski1 said:
I’m not really sure. It says “1860 NEW YORK M-NY-429 J.N.T. LEVICK NY” on the NGC slab, if that helps. I’ve seen it described as “white metal” whatever that means.
Looks like pewter or silver gilt to me. But I am no expert
Appears to be white metal to me. And by the way I’ve been keeping somewhat track of these in all medals and I was the first one to post a silver one with the reverse showing the address scratched out. Theories were made. Since I’ve seen two more silver. Two copper and one each of white metal and brass damaged. So the mintages are much less of the non damaged ones. I’ve always theorized these were in the hands of the wives of the ones who owned them during the Temperance
movement. Since he sold cigars they were damaged…… two cents.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
One other thing as I never remember what I want to anymore....
Now I look at the prices and giggle......back then I thought honey cow. But they never sold that cheaply even then.
At one time I wanted to get as many examples in the book as I had most. Times have changed and have since sold a few but kept the majority of tokens and medals. This book really is awesome and I highly recommend it.
NOTE......I am certain its not even close to the mintages the book says

I would say between 25-30 in each metal type with silver being much, much less.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC

🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Wow. Those are more expensive then I thought.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
They are in demand!
It’s an iconic token design, like the Merriam Good for a Scent, Bolen baseball and Lovett witch tokens.
Not only $1700 obo but the one and only listed on eBay 🤨
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
That would be very exciting! Sign me up for some!
If you can get someone to change the text, yours could say:
I like that one very much!
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Coinsarefun. Put me down for a couple of each finish. Thanks buddy
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Sure, as long as you refer to me as buddy-ette

I know very few realize I’m a girl…
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
I stand corrected and guilty as charged. With 3 daughters you might think I would be aware of this and yet here we are. I , embarrassed but better off for it. Sorry.
I will note I avoided “dude “ so things are improving 😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Do any of your daughters collect?
No need for embarrassment.
It’s a bit fun to play around.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
I am a fan of " & " instead of AND
The girls are grown up now but while not active they understand,appreciate and know enough about my collection to handle coins properly and value them with help. They also have an older brother who is hands on and helps with the main collection daily. Then there’s that wonderful little guy who is learning at grandpas side my grandson. At gatherings we’ll break out the proof sets from everyone’s birth year and look at the new additions from current year. JZ
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Fun stuff!
U.S. Type Set
I saw this one on Stacks currently on auction. You can see how the address has been scratched out.
Most if not all look very similar to this one

CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
That makes me appreciate my undamaged one even more. 🌞
Why do so many have the address scratched out? Did he move locations?
@Zoins when I posted my first silver one like this years back here. There were theories
that the men used it to cut the cigar tips and many other theories.
I think it was during the Temperance movement and the wives got a hold of them and removed
the address. Quite a few are damaged this way in all metals..
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
This damage is so targeted.
As we're guessing my guess is next tenant at this address complained to Levick.
Instead of destroying them he tooled away the address and continued to pass them out.
Really great to know more about my favorite token !
Maybe one day I will own one in great shape.
Cost me a lot to buy this, but here's mine...
A So-Called Dollar and Slug Collector... Previously "Pioneer" on this site...