Grandkids and coin collecting

I have 2 of my grandkids that I just introduced to the Lincoln cents. I'm hoping they get hooked because i want to leave part or all of my collection to the grandkids. They get really excited looking through my penny rolls trying to find the missing dates for their folders. Kinda reminds me of years past when I was doing the same. I gave my grandaughter a holed indian head Cent that i put on a necklace for her birthday. She loves it , so I think i have my 1st coin collector hooked. Just 4 to go. Has any one else doing the same with their grandkids? Coin collecting is wonderful.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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Yep! I've given my grandson a bunch of Ikes and some new birthday sets from the mint. I think he's getting interested in coins, he's helped looking through rolls of quarters for W's too!
@Onastone It sure is great when they get into a hobby that is not connected with electronic games.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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Started our 8 year old on wheat pennies and a Whitman, he's 10 now and I pay his chores in 90% quarters, for Christmas and birthdays he is getting oz silver coins. He reads all the articles in the pcgs RCMR. He always asks to go look at the coin store. He also showed some of his coins to his friends at his birthday party and he always asks to go through my change (occasionally I slip in some proofs, and silver coins into pocket change before giving it to him). My niece and nephew I have given some early 1900 coins but I'm not sure if they were as interested. Given the declining use of physical money, I would guess many children today may not have as much interest.
I started collecting when I was 10 by going through my neighbors dad's wheat cent barrel with his son. We each had Whitman folders and would sit for hours looking through a 5 gal bucket of cents. Cheap babysitting for them, and hours of education and entertainment for us.
Mentoring children in numismatics is a real joy for me. I gift my grandkids various coins often. Peace Roy
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
First my children (ages 24, 26, 27) would have to produce grandchildren...
My granddaughter is going on 4 - I feel a bit too young to introduce to coin collecting as there is just so many other things for her to be learning right now. My daughter didn't really get into caring about my coin collection untill she was around 12. So I'll just let "Mom" teach her daughter about coins when and if the time arises. But I'll always be around to give help/info if needed, unfortunately won't be "first hand" as they live in NC and I'm in OH (IO - Go Bucs)
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I dont have any grandkids and looks like it will be that way for quite a while.

Gave an SLQ to my twelve year old nephew and though was initially disinterested, he sort of liked it when I explained a bit of it's history etc. but his ten year old younger brother was like "Okay. Whatever"
@Steven59 I agree with almost every thing you said. GOBLUE
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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@vulcanize I qet the same reaction quite often too. If it isn't electronic "I'm board". All we can do is try to plant the seed.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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My 8 year old grandson is a collector of cards, stamps,coins and is gaining an appreciation for art. Drawing all the time.
Gets distracted like all kids but after we talked about value and such made a connection. It’s great. He’s able to understand about changing hobbies and setting aside one for awhile and discovering a new one. Awesome times. I get him involved in my regular giveaways and explain why I give back to those sharing with me. It’s worth every second it takes to explain how things work and why. 😉
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@Jzyskowski1 It really sounds great, and having a connection with your grandson is even greater.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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I gave my 7 year old grandson slabbed 2019 American Innovation dollars and he seemed to be interested. When I gave him the 2020 ones he put hem at the corner of the sofa under the table and never looked at them again. Soo much for that. He is only interested in his Ipod or Switch games. He also very active in baseball, football and basketball. I had put away silver dollars for both grand kids but may end up selling them if they don't have any interest.
Kinda sad, but true. The computer games seem to be the main interest for all the grandkids. Lets just keep on trying and maybe we can get a few interested. Good luck and don't give up.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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I really thought my grandkids would have picked it up. I guess not.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
@Steven59 That might be on the left. The good old days.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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@jimnight My grandfather wanted me to be a shoe cobbler, but that didn't work out either.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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I wanted my wife to make me an apple cobbler, but that didn't work out either.
Then again, Apple pie, Apple cake, and apple crisp are better anyway.
I've given them coins with a footnote on what was going on in our country that year hoping to spur interest. They seem to only want to stare at their phones or talk about science fiction movies. It's frustrating and at the same time sad, but I'm thankful for the life I've had which was much more balanced. My boys collected at one time, but have since completely lost interest. The only one who seems somewhat interested is my one daughter-in-law, but as she said, "she's mostly interested in what I tell her about the coins or seeing the pretty toned ones".
Louis Armstrong
My grand daughters are grown, with no interest in coins, grandson the same....I have a nephew that had a mild interest...then girls, then married... May return to coins in a few years. Other than that... no family members or friends that collect. Cheers, RickO
@ricko Hopefully that will change. You never know,maybe the next generation will catch the coin collecting bug. We can only hope.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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@JWP.... I will have to hope for great grand children.... None on the horizon so far. Cheers, RickO
Trying to hook these four on Mercury Dimes. So far they like them.

They look like coin collectors already.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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I got hooked at an early age from my Grandmother who would bring a huge bunch of mercury dimes, and always a few Walkers over and we would put them in the Whitman album....I wish she could see my collection now.
I am one who thinks maybe she does and is smiling that smile that only you remember but now you can pass on along with the love of the hobby. 🤠
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
My grand daughter Jenny collects coins. She is only 3 years old. The last coin she collected was a 1900 IHC. She collected it right off the table next to my recliner. I'm still looking for it. She also collects coin loupes. She recently collected my favorite 5x Eschenbach. I found that one in the waste basket.......I guess she already had one. She doesn't collect doubles.
Reminds me of wanting to get my grandson in to saving. Got a piggy bank and over a year of dropping odd amounts into it, well there was dang near $100. My mistake was overestimating how much was understood by the little guy 3 maybe. One day his friends were over and for some reason figured throwing in the trash was a good idea That’s when I learned to supervise such things and started teaching the lesson on value. We laugh about it now and it’s on me😂
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
When little ones are around and something valuable goes missing..... always check the trash can first!
Old white guys? Not really... 😉
Gee, that sounds familiar. I've been selliing some batches of coins for the past year or so.
Looks like time to make those batches HUGE.
Believe me. Becoming a guardian at 65(been 4years now) has been absolutely life changing. Last year we did second grade from home. I give thanks everyday for this opportunity to live and help raise my grandson. 😉
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Yes I’ve been sharing my hobby with all of my grandkids. They all love looking at old money . I’m hoping my granddaughter will also find them interesting. She’s only 3 but actually shows some interest. I have all of their birth sets too. My son is the one. He LOVES my collection and I’m hoping he’ll carry the torch for his dad.
@crazyhounddog I've done the same. Each grandkid has a birth set in my safe and I gave then an ASE or silder medal when they were born. I love this hobby.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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@Jzyskowski1 My wife and run a family before and after school program for our 5 grand kids. Getting up at 5;30 each morning is getting tough at 69. I know them better than I would have thought and the streaming animated shows are driving me mad LOL
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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If people are as grumpy around their grandkids as they are on this site I can see why the kids don't want to become collectors. The kids are probably afraid the coins make people grumpy.
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$5 Type Set
@pcgscacgold We love our grandkids and a laugh now and then helps.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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Dang it ! I’ve also started sounding like my dad and grandpa 😳
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This would make a great coloring book page. Hmmm?

I am the grandson that received my grandfather's collection - though he really wasn't a coin collector...
He was a Merchant Marine who would often go through the Panama Canal and when he was there (in the 1930s) they were using US money... so he would grab some Morgans and Peace $ and other coins that were still circulating and put them in cans...
Fast forward 40 years, and he hands the cans to me when I was 7 and that started what would be a lifelong passion.
I also owe it to my mom since she was my ride to the coin store when I was a kid. I think a Jefferson Nickels Dansco set was my first accomplishment.
Thanks for sharing this. I’m sure grandpas and grandmas on the forum hope for a similar outcome these days. JZ
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Coins don't make people grumpy. Kids make people grumpy. 😉
@JWP said:
So do we but only 2 grand kids and we don't have to get up until 6:30. At 68 we enjoy sleeping late on Saturday & Sunday.
At 8 my father gave me a Lincoln Penny Book and a few pennies and that got me started. I still have that collection today of all coins found in the wild. Only missing 15 key coins.
When I was 12 my aunt used to bring home bags filled with rolls of coins from the grocery store where her friend worked. I would search the rolls, replace the coins I took out and she would return them to the store. I had Whitman books of quarters, dimes and nickels. When I was 14 and 15 I emptied them for face value. 
I do not think it is a good idea to introduce kids to coin collecting. I would introduce them to investing in stock market.
That’s the spirit. It certainly will help the hobby 🤔
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Wow, You're that old dude? Lol.

I thought you were your kids age! Lol
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.@joeykoins Wishful thinking. If I turn the #'s around next year I'll be 7 again. I thought about it this year but 96 did not look good on this old salty dog.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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Stocks are investments. Coins are a hobby. Hobbies are meant for enjoyment. I already make yearly deposits into Roth IRA's for the heirs. That's the best way to teach them about stocks.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
@HATTRICK It reminds of when the family went to TX visit mom's parents and I brought back a bank made from a real large beer can. I saved all summer and I couldn't figure out why there was so little in it. Then 1 day i found a butter knife on the floor and realized my brothers had used it to widen the coin slot and were doing a slow drain on it.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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