Thoughts on this IHC, die crack? Lamination? Retained cud

Trying to figure out what is going on here. Also seems to misalign the dentils. Generally I find these features bring a coolness element but on this one I’m wondering if if boarders on damage.
I'm thinking more of a possible strike thru.
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Interesting how the dentist don't line up.
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
It's a retained cud.
That piece of the die has broken off from the rest, which is why the dentils are offset.
What is the date of the coin?
It may be a known die state.
Some folks collect cuds with a passion, and this has some good value. Not damage at all.
Many example photos here:
Definitely retained cud, as mentioned above. You can practically see where the cud piece has begun to shift out of place.
A fun coin to study, and while some collectors may find it distracting, it's not even in the same realm as PMD.
Retained cud was my first thought as well.
Please post the full obverse when you get a chance.
Damn auto correct....
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
What is the date of the Indian?
Very interesting coin... I agree with the diagnosis above.... Would like to see full pictures of obverse and reverse. Cheers, RickO
Also in the retained cud camp.
Here is the Trueview of the entire coin. Thanks yosclimber for the link! 1C-1863-03r and 13R look to be the closest, but not exact matches.

Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album
Thanks for the tip Yosclimber. I submitted the images to the site and my coin is now listed and recognized as pre-Cud PC-1C-1863-16R
Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album
They changed/updated the "Retained Cud" designation to "Pre Cud"
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
1863 had quite a few die cracks/cuds/shattered dies. Here are some examples
The Penny Lady®
When did the definitions change? 40 years ago at ANACS I would have written this up as a Retained Cud because there was displacement at the denticle.
I remember that being talked about a few years ago.
From "Cuds On Coins" website:
Pre Cuds on U.S. Coins
A “Pre Cud” is a precursor to most collectible of all die break errors called a Cud. The Pre Cud starts out as a Rim to Rim Die Crack. When the die break starts to show lateral spread and horizontal offset it now becomes a Retained Cud. If the break separates from the die the result is a fully-fledged Cud.
But then the OPs coin was designated as Pre Cud - so who knows exactly?
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I see that several of us called it a "Retained Cud," so obviously the change in terminology has not been universally accepted.