Wouldn't it be cool if the forum had a Hall of Fame?

in Sports Talk
A special section you could visit and see the names of the inducted members.
Double D, your working on a first ballet induction and the all time career “LOL” leader!!
Some notables for consideration
You're already a first ballot hall of famer! 🖒🍻
Good call Ralph! He was genuinely one of the nicest guys here, not sure if he still posts in the card forum but he rarely made any appearances over here. Too volatile for a guy like him lol
I agree about Stone. A genuinely nice guy. the only forum member i have met in person.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
before the vote, I need to know our stance on PED.
Is talk to text grounds to keep one off the ballot?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Yes, PED are acceptable, as long as commissioner Todd doesn't catch us.
So, the D stands for devices, maybe?
I can only imagine the headaches this suggestion would cause me.
Forum Hall of Shame would be easier
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I'm putting up ridiculous numbers, I've got a consecutive day LOL streak going that would make Joe DiMaggio jealous, he would be green with envy!
That's a streak that ended a couple weeks ago, though, if I recall correctly.
Oh, dang it, you're right, I forgot about that!
You win some. You lose some. And sometimes it rains.
Never again and this I vow!
I just added one to your record streak!
Thank you sir for the assist!
My pleasure!
Thank you all
It looks like I've got 4,655 hits and have left Pete Rose in my dust. First ballot for sure.
Wait a minute I've now been informed the number next to my name is my career strikeouts.
Okay so I've been here 16 years so I guess I average a phenomenal 290 K's per year.
So why does my dumb manager keep trotting me up to the plate just to watch me flail away?
Take me out of the ball game skipper I'm Chris Davis without the couple of good years!!
You were on injured reserve, it was a day to day thing lol
I’m curious who has the most overall posts on CU, I think some guy “Ricko” has over 60K in the coin forum..
You got 6.4 thousand “LOL’s” that has got to be a record, I bet I’m responsible for at least 1000 of them!!
And we'll get the record one day, coincidentally I think "Ricko" is the record holder for LOLs, I think he has over 12k, so it could be a while. 😔
Not if I can help it!! 🍻
We'll catch him! 🍻
Just like that your at 6.5K!
60k posts!!!!! holy cow. Guy must be on the forum 24/7!!!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
He's a legend on the Coin Forum. Been here since day 1. He actually is a really nice guy and I think is mostly just on in the mornings iirc. Very interesting and smart guy. I'll tag him here. He is not a sports guy but maybe he'll say hello. 🤣 @ricko
Thanks for the tag @thisistheshow .... Yep, I was on the forum before the 'Great Reset' in 2001... and ever since. Several other guys on the coin forum have been members as long or longer. So, twenty plus years of coin talk. I do not follow ball sports, so do not get over here. Just mornings (mainly) on the coin forum, the MD forum and Precious Metals. Cheers, RickO
It's Ricko, the man I hope to one day surpass, I knew this day would come.
@doubledragon Yes, it was really him. In all honesty I meant what I said about him. Just be careful, tread lightly, look at his avatar! (just kidding)
You have a long hill to climb. only about 60K or so posts...
He does have a head start on you though. It is possible we could use advanced analytics to boost your case though. maybe Posts/day% or a forum version of WAR or OPS+.
maybe we can get dallas on the case!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Someone could do the math and see how long it will take DD to lap RickO. And yes, you could get @dallasactuary on the case. But I would like to say that mere stastistics won't paint the full picture. I lurked here for a few years before joining in 2018. I only joined for the coin forum. I didn't even know about sports talk. So I have watched RickO for a long time, and watched him live for years. I have had time to understand his role and impact on "the game". I have also gone through and read a lot of old threads, as well as read the anecdotes about the old days of the forum on the coin side (as well as here). It could make for an interesting GOAT discussion for sure.🤣
OK, this is absolutely insane and i clearly am not getting much done today at work. here we go...
DD currently has 14,736 posts. from his join date till now he is averaging 15.2 posts per day. 5548/year.
RickO has 85,854 posts. from his join date till now he is averaging 11.34 posts/day and 4139/year.
So...to make up the difference of 71,118 posts, DD will be equal with RickO's post total in 50.47 years. the next day he will pull ahead by 4 posts.
now, keep in mind, these numbers are extrapolated out for their entire forum careers. I do not know if RickO for instance posted at a higher or lower rate early in his career.
oh boy... DD, I dont know how old you are, but you need to kick it up a notch to become number one before we all croak!!!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
WOW impressive dissertation!!!
Ok I was a little off, he has 85K posts!
50 years, wow, I think I'll just shoot for the LOL record!
In all seriousness, I just enjoy being here every day, and I've heard only great things about Ricko and he's a great guy, and a legend, and I'm honored to be mentioned in the same breath as him. 🍻
There have been so many posters that have come and gone over the years but without a doubt the late 2000’s in the card forum was a hopping place to be on the internet, there were so many regulars that would post every day, after awhile it literally got out of control and caused the mods fits! The piling on certain people was brutal, the sleuths that were able to diagnose BS from posters was unreal.
We had this one poster “Felicia” that was posting as a woman and would post pics of Mantle Rookies and other crazy cards, it ended badly one way or another.
In the metals forum I believe there was a fella who would post ridiculous piles of silver bullion and claiming he was just “Stacking” and he ended up being a fraud in some way or another.
This place has quite the history behind it
methinks CU needs to do something special for ricko when he hits 100k. you post that many times and you're practically buoying this place single-handedly. a special 1/1 icon or badge or something of that nature
but the most astounding thing to me is his ability to reach 86k without ever crossing the line of demarcation. tell me to post that many times and I can guarantee you I'll be punted into the mesosphere before I can even sniff that figure
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Yes, I've heard stories about the card forum in it's early days, the wild wild west!
One thing about these forums is a LOT of people in the card community lurk and don’t post but they are there.
Late 2000’s I had a zero post guy PM me about a lot of cards I had for sale in the BST forum and the guy simply said “I will take them, send PayPal gift address”. I was sort of taken back and asked the guy if he wanted to talk on the phone before sending funds since it was close to a thousand dollars he was sending as “Gift” and he responded “No I know your a stand up guy, I been reading the forums for a few years now”. It was pretty cool
I got to know RickO a little over the years. Not as well as many, but just through the forum and a couple of private messages. Your use of the word "buoying" is spot-on..in my opinion.
Edited to add: if anyone ever wants to message him, he is very nice. Extremely knowledgeable. Likes to talk guns...and knives....
Amazing feat of posting by Ricko!
There used to be a poster on the card forum named Winpitcher and I believe he had many, many posts.
Think he quit posting several years ago but if he were still around he would probably be giving Ricko a run for his money.
Okay as usual my memory is incorrect.
Winpitcher has a little less than 28,000 posts, I was thinking it was closer to 50K.
Ok Craig, I have been here for 2 years and this is my 57th comment, can you do the math on how long it will take me to catch RickoO? I really think I have a shot!
I've been a member for just 4 and a half years. I check the box on the sign in page to keep me logged in, and I mostly use my smart phone to access this forum throughout the day , along with the card forum and the registry forum, using shortcut icons on my phone's home screen. I don't know how the CU tallies "VISITS", and even though I've missed considerable time over stretches, I've yet to see anyone, including Ricko or any of you other 5 digit posters come within shouting distance of me and my 18,000+ visits. I'm like Jerry Rice and receiving yards/touchdowns or Nolan Ryan and strikeouts or Cy Young and wins, etc. Everyone else is just striving for second place. You're never catching me, especially since I'm still active and in the prime of my career. I'll let Craig do the math, but I think 20,000 visits is certainly attainable for me by the end of this year. I'm just looking at all y'all in my rearview!
Steve was his name, he was a combination of smart, nice, yet a cranky old man at times. He had a great collection of 1963 Mars Attacks if I remember correctly, he was one of the only collectors I knew that had that set for some reason