Stats or rings?

in Sports Talk
Stats or rings, which is really more important on weighing whether a player should get into the Hall of Fame? I bring this up because I was reading an article about Bob Griese, and some people feel he shouldn't be in the Hall of Fame.
Stats + intangibles (leadership, affect on the game, etc.) for me. Championships are great, but would you really consider leaving out guys like Dan Marino, Tony Gwynn and Ernie Banks because they didn't win a championship?
I don’t know, I mean, Dan Marino was pretty terrible in Ace Ventura, Pet Detective …
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I think it can be a combination. While rings alone shouldnt get a player into a HOF, a borderline guy who played a significant role on championship teams would get extra consideration.
I also think that a great player can become transcendent with great post-season success. see Joe Montana, michael Jordan and Tom Brady
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I don't think rings are required, but ideally, you'd like your HOFers to at least make the playoffs occasionally instead of mostly 4th place finishes. Heck, I'd even let 'em slide into the Hall if they just came up with some sort of a big hit in some sort of a big situation in a game that even marginally mattered. If they're unable to check those boxes, then I guess we'll just make up a stat called W.A.R., and declare them an all-time great. If your team finishes fourth with you, and your team finishes fourth without you, how much winning is really being done with one guy replacing the other, and vice versa?

If I’m an athlete I want Money first, Championship second and stats third.
Yes in that order
I have to be honest man, I cant wait for this week to be over. This Mahomes avatar is just so wrong. Its like I dont even recognize you anymore.
Oh, and I agree. If I were a pro athlete, it would be money first for me as well.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Yea it’s extremely annoying, I won’t be making anymore avatar bets anytime soon 😩
Just know that had Aaron Rodgers played, Green Bay would have blown out KC and it wouldn't have been pretty.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
That was my thoughts exactly but unfortunately I ran my mouth first then found out about Rodgers and the line in the sand was drawn, I had to cross it 😂😂😂
Over the years, I have found it interesting to listen to some of the older players talk and see the differences versus modern players. I've said before that I've spent a lot of time living in the Dallas area. And I have heard countless discussions with and comments by players from the 90s Cowboys teams that won those three Super Bowls. They often talk about how, back then, there wasn't an outlet to build their brand like there is today for the players. And by that they mean the internet, and social media. As a result, their individual brands could only be built by team success. So they really bought in to the idea of winning as a team and that winning led to the real money. So for them, the championships gave them the money.
That being said, I thoroughly understand your point and realize it doesn't necessarily contradict what I am talking about. It's really two different ideas. I would sign with the team that could pay me the most money, especially if I didn't already have the money. Then I would pursue the rings. Whatever stats I achieved to give me the rings, the wins, etc. would be what they would be.
Stats prove how good you are/were. Rings prove how great you are/were. Except for Trent Dilfer - he don't count -
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
Stats for sure
Claude Provost: 4th most Stanley Cups at 9 (11X AS) for all NHL players.
Not in and could be due to his reputation of one very nasty guy.
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Mr Haley enjoys both stats and rings!