Man getting close to the Holidays seems to be bringing out the worse of the worse.
This has the wrong designers initials, of course there is other issues with it, but this one point is alone enough for a phony marker.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
did you see their 14 D ?
Nope, not before now. That being said I'm farther ahead in spotting the 09SVDB phonies than I am with the 14-D's. But this one will be a good one for me to closely look over, Thanks
"MsMorrisine" let me ask you this, Its fair to say that sense I've been looking for these 09SVDB phonies and as many that that's led to getting removed is it possible that some of those, most of those, maybe all of them would have been actually SOLD if the forum's members here didn't work together to get them taken down?
I'm blown away at the actual number of these that we've caught, and I'm thinking that there is still a good number of them that's skating by that I'm missing.
Its still amazing to me the vast numbers of just counterfeit or altered 09SVDB's there are and what's worse is to think how many coin collections that people have with the absolute belief they own a genuine 09SVDB, and its really a DUD
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
they would have sold and few would have been returned.
That calls for me to offer a SUPER HUGE THANK YOU to everyone here who has helped keep these off the market.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
You've focused on stopping 1909S VDBs and have undoubtedly protected dozens of people from being ripped off. I see a lot of counterfeit silver dollars and classic commemoratives and report every one I see, sometimes several times, yet many will still sell. Then I send a terse, sarcastic note to eBay. Sometimes, I contact the sellers and have to go a few rounds with them. They say the usual stuff: "I took it to my dealer, he said it was OK." or "I've been selling coins for two decades, I know what I'm doing." (I'll reply: 'No, you don't OR you're a crook', and then send photos of real coins for comparison. My sense is that the large majority are crooks)
It might be useful to have a separate board where people report fakes, and others can follow up with additional reports until they're removed. It sucks to see people getting ripped off in this hobby.
Excellent stop on the fake - I was surprised they got the N close to right but blew it on all the other marks
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Took another look at that 14-D and I'm going to call it a counterfeit, The "D" used in the mint mark is the wrong font, its open center is to wide instead of vertically long and narrow.
The strike for the date doesn't hit me has correct for a genuine one of these either?
Was it ever determined if something can be done after the auction has ended?
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
WoW! it sounds like you've been at this for awhile now.
Many of the 09SVDB's that I'm finding (the phonies) are seller with either very little feedback, or no feedback at all. What I can't tell is if its a CON that's just back under a different user name, or if its really a new to ebay person.
I've gotten two others 09's taken down today, but they wasn't actually phonies, they were ones that the sellers were claiming to be SVDB's when they wasn't, it took several pictures, a good bit of explaining, but in the end I got a Thank You for taking the time to help them.
For the time I'm in on keeping the pressure on keeping these phony 09SVDB's off the market.
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
Well, the wind just blew and POOF! another one GONE!
You folks here are on a ROLL!
Great Job!
THANK YOU, Thank you,,,thank you!
"I Prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"
Thomas Jefferson!
This is great work by all who are contributing to this effort. Capturing screen shots - and identifying PUP's - for posting here is also an educational tool for new collectors. Combining education with action (getting it removed) is a great contribution to the hobby. Cheers, RickO
No thank you and all the others that find and report the fakes.
Kennedys are my quest...