Just found the first coin I ever bought...post your 1808 bust halves!
Lurking in the junk drawer (some might say my whole collection belongs in the junk drawer but whatever..)
I remember I brought it to show off to
Jack Beymer (his shop was across from the skate shop I used to hang out at when I was a punk kid..)
I asked him if he wanted to take a look at a coin I had, he said he'd love to..
Out came his loupe and he proceeded to examine, with lots of comments like " ooh wow, an 1808... look how the bust is like this, or the eagles head is like that.." etc. until at last he said, take a look, here's something I want to show you.. look closely, you can see where an old hole was carefully filled in and made to look like it was never there!.
Class act! He spent easily 5 minutes looking at a completely insignificant coin with me and not once pointed out any of its other many flaws, or tried to make me feel like an idiot 😅
Eventually I put together a set of all the 1808 die marriages and die states. Most of them I picked raw and graded. There were a couple more duds along the way I'm sure, but there were more than a few champs...still love this date.
Cool story 👍🏻
That is a cool story. Thanks.
Jack is still a class act and has a shop in Santa Rosa, California.
Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association
This one was the best of my set.
I suspect she's still hanging around here somewhere..🙂
Bought it from Julian, another class act.
Anacs 40...😄
What the heck, if you have an 1808 bust half, post it up! (Story optional...)
Here’s a beautiful 1808 I bought from a forum member. I can’t remember who 🤔 but he definitely had good taste in picking out some winners! She’s in a PCGS AU50 CAC holder. 😉
Heh heh.. those are some very nice new images as well! ❤
It's like seeing and old friend you haven't seen in a while. Enjoy!
And one more….1808/7 PCGS AU58 CAC….a favorite!
Take a look at the tooling around the stem area.. kinda crude for sure, but kinda neat too.
The thing that got me hunting around to find this old frankencoin is that I'm slowly closing in on a date set of holed cbh as well as an accumulation of various types of carved pieces.
Just remembered that my first cbh kinda fits right in now..😂
Thanks for showing that 1808/7 Dave!
Have not seen that one before and its stunning!
The WOW coins we get to see on this forum... some of the best 💪
Although, (sadly) she no longer lives in my SDB I always liked this one...
I've never been able to make myself buy another 102; I'd love to have her back. Hint, Hint.
Very nice coins.... I do not have any of those.... but now I feel like I should
Cheers, RickO
Some nice 1808's here/.

This one is in old NGC 58 plastic
Did you say holed CBH's ?

NIce story! Here's my one example:

That looks way undergraded to me. Looks AU to me
I did!
And what do you know, there's one right there that's missing from my set 🤔
Check it out above...Drddm has posted updated pics (and grade..😄)
When I read "Capped Bust Halves"... this is what comes to my mind -
As it should...🤤
Sweet! Wholesome XF graydirt 😘
And finally, Habaraca you know I want this one... it might be about time for us do some of that business 😉
Sorry for no pic, I have one in PCGS OGH VF20 that I've had for 20+ years. Thanks to all for the great pics!
Successful BST Transactions: erwindoc, VTchaser, moursund, robkool, RelicKING, Herb_T, Meltdown, ElmerFusterpuck, airplanenut
Great thread!
Definitely not the same coin
Young Numismatist • My Toned Coins
Life is roadblocks. Don't let nothing stop you, 'cause we ain't stopping. - DJ Khaled
I picked up this O.106 AU55 CAC at last summer's ANA show. Ex-Gehring Prouty, Tim Osborne.
Cool thread, here is a 45.
Oh, thanks for posting!
The 08 106a would be a good one to add to my dramatic "die cracks and clashes" box I'm working on 👍
IIRC, that arcing crack can become even more dramatic later on?
Great story and turned into an awesome show and tell thread!
I'll contribute one, since I can ... I bought this one from Sheridan for my Birthday last year.
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
More for @jayPem, since he likes die cracks. The 1808/7 O.101 AU58 and an O.110a in VF35.
One heck of a 35 there Lance!
The 110a I had at one time was tough to find. I had to settle for one that was only decent... might be cool to go back on the hunt!
The little chunks in the crack reminded me of something that always struck me as odd...how come no dramatic cuds in the capped bust half series?
I don't see a 109a yet...

What you got to trade my friend?
All I collect is Bust Half Love Tokens, Errors, or C/S's, and Lords Prayers engraved on coins............
Here’s a O.108 PCGS 53 CAC
It’s got some chatter going on here and there and a small rim bump at about 4:30, but still quite a bit of eye appeal IMO and one heck of a strike!
Got that right...🤗
Another one of my white whales is the 1808 with fully struck hair details..
There was one that would get posted here now and again that used to blow my mind.
Okbustchaser? Stman?
Can't remember whose..
Not I...the closest I can come to a fully struck 08 are the 102 and 109 I posted above and they both show some weakness in the hair.