Ebay Sellers BEWARE ....................

I made a BIN sale and looked at the fees .
There was a 1.65% fee because the buyer is registered in a foreign country . Totally new info to me .
I have no shipping to foreign countries in my Ebay account preferences . But if the buyer has a forwarding address in U.S. even if registered in foreign country , they can still buy from you .
There is NO WAY around this .
In the days of PayPal i had PayPal block payments from people registered in foreign countries .Ebay Managed payments does not give you this option .
The buyer is Registered in Russia and just joined ebay a few days ago and ZERO feedback . I googled the forwarding address and there should be a Unit # associated with address . With my buyer he had NONE . Too many RED flags and i do not like the 1.65% fee.
I canceled the sale and blocked the buyer .
You cancelled the sale over a 1.65% extra fee?
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
I was going to let that slide . The red flags with buyer did it .
The fee is new to me since i signed up for Ebay managed payments .
Thought i would let other sellers who might not be aware of this "New Fee" know about it .
Good info.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
PayPal has always had a similar fee. This is NOT NEW and not exclusive to managed payments.
NOT NEW, just new to you.
It is new
Op I think you did right thing. The deal had at least 3 strikes against it. Zero FB buyers like that a serious red flag by themselves too!
Happy that you could cancel the transaction.
Kennedys are my quest...
That's been the case for managed payments at least since day 1 when I switched over, and beyond that, PayPal for years has had a higher fee for international buyers even if they pay in USD. I feel for sellers who only want to deal with domestic transactions since it's a fee you can't get around (you can ship only to the US, but not get buyers based only in the US), but it's always been a cost of doing business for me since I do a ton of international sales.
It is not, other than Managed Payments is new. PayPal has ALWAYS charged more for non-U.S. funds.
Managed Payments sucks ........
LOL. So you don't mind paying higher fees including a overseas surcharge to PayPal but you still resent paying a lower fee (even with the overseas surcharge) to Managed Payments?
Nope, Managed payments hostage situation was such a stupid move.
Managed payments is broke anyway.
Let's, see, I bought coin yesterday and went to pay with my cashback PayPal credit card.
Ebay dropped my card from the options so I had to reload it.
The Cashback card was there, I clicked the box, then clicked pay, and the charge went to a different debit card and I lost my 2%, thanks a lot effing eBay managed payments.
Managed payment sucks and they just cost me 2% more.
Managed payments is a joke.
Note in his original post he could block these transactions from registered accounts out of the US in PayPal but cannot in managed payments. It may not be "something new", but it is something you can't deal with the same way anymore.
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
When you make a listing you can check off what areas you will not ship to. Problem solved.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
On my PayPal settings for many years i had a block on bidders registered outside U.S.
I have never had this charge before on my PayPal account .
You are a very knowledgable , so i believe you .
That will not work .
You would have to cancel the transactions and then block each bidder registered outside U.S.
Ebay Managed payments does not give you the option to block bidders registered outside U.S.
Oh great, it will go to his head
My business grew dramatically in the last few years because I did the exact opposite of JM's Advice
Very good info. Thx!
Not completely, at least where the fee is concerned. It is where the payment is coming from, not where the shipment is going. Some overseas buyers have US shipping addresses or even US trans-shipment addresses.
Personally, unless your margins are VERY small, I'm not sure why I would turn down a sale over 1.6%
The only advice of mine that you don't like is the issue of inventory turnover. EVERYTHING ELSE I've ever suggested you are doing, either by choice or necessity - including managed payments.
I agree . In my case the buyer is Registered In Russia , joined ebay a few days ago , Zero feedback .His address had no Unit # on it .
I googled his forward address and a unit # is required which he did not have .
Too many red flags .
What would be the reason Ebay charges this 1.65% ?
I ship to forwarding addresses quite a bit. Just make sure you follow ebay's rules and if it's delivered you are covered.
The extra fee is for currency exhange.
I sell as a hobby (although I had to make it a business for tax purposes). I don’t care who pays what from where. I just hand a bunch of stuff to my accountant at the end of the year and he lets me know how I did. SixBit keeps me close on most things but I just don’t care too much to worry about any of it as I go.
I don’t ship internationally except through eBay’s program. Easy day
I would have most definitely handled it the same way.
Good job👌👍
The same reason PayPal does and probably Mastercard and Visa as well: it is more costly and the risk is higher to do currency transfers/conversions.
Na, he will just argue the opposite is true.
Let me hold up this mirror for you and EOC to look into.
Did the buyer leave a negative feedback because you cancelled? I think too many cancellations can also get your account locked.
I noticed that long time ago because sometime it cost me over $600 more in fee plus eBay AD fee so sometime I paid 3K in fee but what can I do about it.
No he did not . I highly suspect he is a fraudster and even if he did leave a neg , i would call Ebay and ask them to remove .
My reason for canceling is pretty solid .
I am actually not sure if you can leave a neg for a cancelation ? I think the option is not available after a transaction is canceled ?
I only cancel a transaction when a few days have passed and no $ despite several communication attempts , or if i suspect fraud .
This is only the 3rd or 4th i have canceled in the last year . The others were deadbeat bidders who never paid . Smh.
I stopped reading this post halfway through, but started to remember the good old days of cashing checks and money orders when selling on Ebay and more importantly, 99% of items being sold started at $1.00 instead of full retail.
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
Did EBay charge you a FVF? I cancelled an auction that was bid to $200 (lost the coin). Ebay charged me the full FVF.
Many successful BST transactions with dozens of board members, references on request.
Yes. I have left several negative feedbacks to sellers (mostly scalpers who try to sell items that they don't possess; they cancel when they don't an item to ship or they think they sold the item too low).
I only list using BIN these days since it requires immediate payment.
The only charge is see ( so far ) is a .30 cents cancellation fee .
I have had sellers ( non collectibles ) cancel items i have won ( usually out of stock ) after i paid and i have not seen the feedback option available for those transactions ?
The reason i stated for my cancelation was " problem with shipping address " in the option box . If he were to leave a neg i am confident ebay would remove it .
Retroactive karma?
I canceled my sale because of " problem with shipping address " . Corrected my statement so it is more clear .
Message me the buyer ebay ID, I'd like to block him as well.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Maybe a 2% return fee is in ebay future?
2% return fee or cancelation fee?
Either way, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over a 1.65% fee - A couple bucks on a hundred dollars?? Sheeesh
Wisdom has been chasing you but, you've always been faster
Not sure
The thing with this is sometime the buyer registered in outside US but the shipping address is in US. I still get hit by that 1.6% fee. Doing business on eBay is getting more and more expensive now.
It's gotten cheaper for me.
Then clearly, you're doing it wrong.
Isn't the government going to tax the total amount that we receive thru a payment processor, if it's greater than $600? No more $20k Ebay sales threshold. Will have to transact in cash via Craigslist/FB/OfferUp if you want to make any money.
No, they only tax PROFIT which is exactly what they do know. If you are currently (illegally) avoiding the tax, it will get harder. However there is no actual change in taxability.
When you click "create listing", among the many options is to create an excluded locations list. Your listing will be blocked to bidders in those countries, making shipping problems moot. See pic below.

RIP Mom- 1932-2012
FYI, you can select which countries you will ship to in your listing. I exclude countries I consider suspicious.
Also, there has always been an increased fee for international payment processing.
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