Anyone with Expired/Closed cards on file for CC and O Morgans

I received an email from the mint this morning that my order couldn't process and I needed to call the mint within 48hrs.
They took a new CC # from me over the phone and my order will ship soon. I know this has been an issue for a few of us, but some good news for anyone that is still wondering!!!
Thanks, this is the post I've been waiting to see!
Man I tell you had the same problem. When I ordered the first two the card had an expiration date of july 21, when i got the new card, same number, but diff exire date of course and cvc number. I had called the mint way back then, but was basically told I was out of luck. I even posted about the issue on here months ago. Apparently, due to such a delay in shipping, several others were going to experience the same problem.
Later on, it was posted on here, that the mint was going to send out a notifcation that it was flagged and give you a brief response time to update the card in question. Well I never got it (the email), but i saw where my card had been hit, but declines on the two orders, so i tried calling, first time was on hold for like an hour, with no luck, never got to me in line, tried again later that day. Same thing, no luck "on hold for some un godly amount of time. The next day, was just about to say the he ll with it, when i tried one more time, and got thru, the customer rep on the phone fixed both orders while I was on the phone with her, so she ran them thru and were good, and is in process to ship. I couldnt thank her enough for taking the time to address my orders. A big thumbs up!.
Good to hear! I was worried about the wait time. But I had someone after 20 mins or so. Updating my marine insurance afterwards.... 1.5 hrs
Came here to post the same thing. Good deal I was able to update card info , I thought for sure I was going to lose my peace dollars 😫
Received notice this afternoon that my cc’s are shipping 😊
Hoard the keys.
I received an email last night saying my CC privy Morgan has shipped. Yippee.... Cheers, RickO
I just got my new debit card in the mail last week and this morning I see the mint charge went through for my 2021 CC Morgan I was worried but all is well
Kudos to the one who posted detailed instruction in a the other thread. I was able to "cure" my order status which was confirmed without payment information. I was told it would take 2 days to process payment information and a week or two to ship. The payment information populated instantly and the pending charge shows on my bank account. However, The order status itself indicates "BEING PROCESSED", while my other orders indicate "PROCESSING" (hopefully due to the manual order update?)
Good news for those who had worries when it came to their credit card expirations.
I seldom have something nice to say about the mint but nice job.
Hope this type of service continues.
Still waiting for some news on my peace dollar shipment.
No credit card issues here, I paid with a gift card.
Kennedys are my quest...