Who belongs on the Mount Rushmore of quarterbacks?

in Sports Talk
As of this moment in time, who are really the four greatest quarterbacks ever, the four faces that truly belong on the Mount Rushmore of quarterbacks?
Here's mine, I struggled to come up with the 4th, so I guess I'll take Aaron Rodgers.
Tom Brady
Joe Montana
Peyton Manning
John Elway
Tom Brady, Joe Montana, Otto Graham, Johnny Unitas.
I wanted to include guys to cover the different eras pretty much
Who are we kidding here, we all know what the real Mount Rushmore of quarterbacks should look like.
DD, you beat me to it. My mount rushmore would look more like the statue of liberty. Just a single 300 foot tall statue of Tommy.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
In all reality, mine is exactly the same as yours. Graham doesnt get nearly the respect he deserves. I strongly considered trying to add Peyton Manning to my list, but who do I remove? I cant take Johnny U off. I dont believe Manning was better than Montana. Maybe there could be a little statue of Peyton at the beginning of the trail leading up to our QB mount rushmore.
this particular list has QB's who played in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70's 80s, 90s, 00s, teens and current decade.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Joe Montana
Tom Brady
John Elway
Johnny Unitas
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John Elway is up there and has to be; whether he was trying to do to much early in his career or was getting a mediocre team to over achieve, he went to many SuperBowls and won two, meaning he figured out how to win one way or the other and did plenty of it before his back to back title and exit…
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I like Elway and agree with what your saying but for my list I tried to include all eras and Montana was my choice. The game was pretty much the same for both of them
We’re all entitled to our opinions, Paul. Otto Graham’s a great choice. Just tossing a new name on the pile.
I don’t think there’s a set of sports stats more worthless than the NFL’s with all the pro-offense rule changes. It’s funny to think that a league leading total from 25 years ago could and would probably cost you your job today!
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I was a big fan of Elway. I believe his career numbers to be significantly less than they could have been due to Dan Reeves coaching. i dont think anyone in footballs history had as much raw talent as John did. he was a great scrambler and probably the best arm ever.
He may have been Montana like had he played for the 9ers, but I have to go with what actually happened for my list. I sure cant fault a list that has Elway on it.
I strongly considered Marino for mine as well. he was as good as anyone throwing the ball, he just didnt have all the intangibles. namely, winning.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Mine would have Favre, Young, Marino and McNair. All my childhood favorites
Ounce by ounce the stack grows .
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what i wouldnt pay for that 90 score uncle rico card.
Now that man had a rifle for an arm
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
There's someone selling stickers & greeting cards of that image in this link.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
thanks for the link. I think i will be needing to pick up a few of those.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
This would be the most common answer, in my opinion, if you polled a large group of sports writers.
Aaron Rodgers being up there on my Mount Rushmore is bothering me, it just doesn't sit well, maybe it's his beard, maybe it's our rocky history, but it just isn't sitting well!
All of the other quarterbacks on my Mount Rushmore are clean shaven, why does Rodgers insist on having a beard!
, > @doubledragon said:
I thought you hastily put him up there to be honest Double D 🤷♂️
Agreed. Elway is a solid choice
Yes, I think I did, I think I might have to call John Elway to see if he is available. 🤔
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Elway is going up there for sure!
Mount Rushmore is a big rock. So with that in mind.....Roman Gabriel would be a perfect fit. He had a few good years. Not a superstar. But he was solid as a rock. I can't think of any other QB that was as hard to sack as he was.
Roger Staubach.
Tom Brady.
Then the rest can fight it out for final two spots.
Brady, Manning, Montana, Elway for me and it wasn't that hard . This is based on 1970 to now. From Qbs Ive seen play.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I am a little surprised no one has added Marino to theirs. He was so good. not quite good enough for my top 4, but if i had 2 mount rushmores to make, he would be on the 2nd one.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
For ones I watched:
Marino Montana Brady Fouts
I could put Staubach in over Unitas actually
Ken Stabler. There's more to it than just looking through Rose Colored Glasses and picking the obvious or the guy from your favorite team. I like the tough guy QB's. Football was different way back when.
Terry Bradshaw. Prove me wrong.
John Elway.
Good choice. There’s been plenty of good defenses in NFL history and not many QBs win even one ring, let alone four.
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O.K. my Rushmore List....A Team
Roman Gabriel
Ken Stabler
Terry Bradshaw
John Elway
Second Team....B Team
My Favorite will always be Joe Montana
Johnny Unitas did so much for the game....... THE BOMB!
I have to admit... Aaron Rodgers is pretty damn good
AND.........hey.....Brady SAYS he will play when he's an old man. But....one guy did do it.......
I think my B team would beat my A team every time. Hype sucks. Get over it boys. Go with the tough guys. ...It's FOOTBALL!!!!!!!
I had to edit this post......too close to revealing "The Inside Source(s).". .......I like to eat my dinner out of the frying pan.....not have it smashed on my head!!!!!
@Hydrant > Terry Bradshaw. Prove me wrong.
Hold on.
Aside from the good defenses how many QB’s had HOF lineman, 2 HOF WR’s and a HOF RB to play with to go with said good defense?
He was better than Bob Waterfield and a few other HOF QB’s but to say he should be on a Mount Rushmore?
Prove that he belongs there please. Remember we are not allowed to say Super Bowls have anything to do with grading a QB
First overall pick of the draft. Tremendous arm and vision downfield. And it took a long time to be able to describe him as having two Hall of Fame WR. Recall that teammate Mel Blount manhandling opposition receivers led to one of the first rule changes and Bradshaw played in an era of the league where DBs hanging on WR after five yards was the norm: 50 % was actually pretty good for completing passes. The guy wasn’t less accurate but rather the WR were not untouchable so any catch was well earned.
It’s hard to use stats since they’re meaningless and made that why by absurd rule changes from 2000-Present; many of which were due to Patriot players manhandling Colts receivers.
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Edit: … and don’t misread that, Paul. That was a better game to me and those defenses were so good to watch. Colts dropping 40 on the league and not getting much past 20 vs the fierce Patriots D? Quality football.
The frustration for me is that so many people a) like the new game more and b) don’t seem to want to acknowledge that rule changes have destroyed the record book.
Virtually every passing record will be held by a current player until broken by the next class. I mean, 2500-3000 yards passing was a really great season at one time; now you’d probably have to look over your shoulder.
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Brady, Montana, Staubach, and Marino
Can't go wrong with that group!
Nobody gonna say Jack Kemp? 4 SBs in row deserves a little cred.
I’m not misreading you at all, I respect what your saying about the rules and what not I’m just not ever thinking Bradshaw as being a “Mount Rushmore” type QB is all, as difficult as WR’s had it they were still HOF’ers and there were many all over that team on both sides of the ball.
I think the stats are absolute inflated however I believe that having more top tier teams in the mix is better for the game than having a couple dynasties dominate the league.
Look at this year, we have multiple teams in the conversation as opposed to the 70’s when it was Pittsburg, Minnesota, Raiders and the Cowboys basically.
Nm> @perkdog said:
I see Tampa Bay and either KC or Buffalo; same as last year.
And let’s be real, it’s been Brady versus whoever for (Bucky Dent’s middle name) ever.
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I've heard it said that when Elway was in high school at Granada Hills, he could have started in the NFL.
He sure backed that up to us when he was at Furd.
This is just not true. The league leaders were all over 60% during Bradshaw's career, with the leader being over 66% four times during Bradshaw's career. Bradshaw was under 50% five times in his career, including once under 40%, and finished at just 51.9%. He threw a ton of interceptions (22 or more four times in a time when 24 led the league).
Bradshaw was not an accurate passer.
one name who i haven't heard yet is steve young. had his career began under different circumstances he could very well be on mount rushmore. he was about 30 or so when he finally got to be a starter on a good team. from then until retirement, he rewrote the QB rating record books. a truly elite passer, but only for about 7 seasons or so.
great accuracy, decision making and a great scrambler. i guess you could call Patrick mahomes the right handed steve young
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Steve Young is in my top 7 QB’s
Fair enough lol
Roger the Dodger! Just talking about him the other night. The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant said he retired because of head injuries. Is that correct? He broke many a Rams fans hearts way back when. He was GOOD!.....Real good.
I know I've said this before, but living in Cowboys country now for so many years, I've definitely come to appreciate some of the Cowboys players more than I would have. And this has happened mostly by taking in a lot of stories, anecdotes, etc on the radio. Staubach is one of those players. As is Michael Irvin.