12% of the page 1 threads are sports card related

As of 10pm Sunday night, 6 of the 50 threads on page 1 of the US Coin forum are related to sports cards. ⚾ 🏀 🏈
More than 1 new poster has commented on having difficulty posting in the correct forum, so it may be that any recent upgrades and improvements have made the site less user friendly.
Maybe it would be best to not add comments once it's posted that this is the wrong forum. Then these off topic posts can quickly drift off onto page 2 instead of bouncing back to the top. Or better yet, report it to the mods and let them fix/move it.
Just my thoughts. Your mileage may vary
Member of the ANA since 1982
Did that include this thread? 😃
No, this thread is about the US coin forum, and clearly @oldhoopster is all about coins. I think it's avatar shows him picking cherries or something...
1% is bug related
0% bug
I just pass them by.... The situation will resolve itself shortly... Cheers, RickO
It's called, ' being punked'.
You never know. Stumbling across the coin forum may bring them back for some of our collectibles. Heck , d.Carr nicely responded to someone and I doubt that person knows who Mr.Carr is. Just saying 🤠
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I doubt it. If you read the posts they all sound like people who want to dump their sports collectibles while the market is still hot.
I guess it's a sign. Time to run all my coins thru the Coinstar and head down to the card store.
Maybe they are looking for a new place to put their money. I guess I am gullible but I would like to think that one random act of kindness would leave a lingering impression. Maybe
I guess I should get on board with the “get off my lawn” crowd. I have a hard time listening to “where are the new collectors “ and watch how some long time forum members stomp on newbies questions.
And don’t get me started on how some here view the younger generation.
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I just skip them.
Kennedys are my quest...