Yep... An interesting experience for him... So long an actor, totally removed from reality, to finally actually go into space. What a thrill... His response is not acting... Cheers, RickO
I wish we could actually hear what he had to say, instead of all the hoopla in the background. I was waiting for Bezos to turn around and start firing people
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
Nice to see we have a few Trekkies (and several comedians) on the forum. My "little" sister used to threaten my life if I tried to change the channel when James T Kirk was on the screen.
I told my wife today, if I'm still breathing at 90, sell my coin collection and shove me on board a space flight. I don't care if it is a one way trip. What a way to go out....
@291fifth said:
While China and other countries make major advancements in space we give thrill rides to celebrities and billionaires.
With all due respect, while China is to be congratulated on what they are currently doing in space, what China is actually doing is a well trodden path.
Unfortunately their most technically demanding flight, Tianwen-1, the flight that went to Mars that has an orbiter, lander and rover, is most likely possible because of a Chinese spy who worked at development in JPL, who got away just before he was caught, and went on to work for the Chinese Space Program, becoming a major force in their Martian lander program.
The Chinese space station is an in-house modified/upgraded Mir space station, which dates from the 1980's. In the 1990's -2000's when the Russian economy was flat on it's back the Chinese got the rights from the Russians to study the Mir.
The Chinese lunar sampling mission is something the Soviet Union did a couple times in the 1970's.
The Chinese manned spacecraft is an in-house modified/upgraded version of the Soyuz spacecraft, which the Chinese were also given access to. (FWIW, it is believed the up and coming Indian manned spacecraft is also an in-house modified/upgraded version of the Soyuz, to which the Indians were also given access to). Soyuz, while it has certainly been modified and updated by the Soviets and then the Russians, and is an extremely reliable spacecraft, was based on a mid-1960's design.
Sadly, but black humor amusingly enough, the Chinese call their newest missiles environmentally friendly because they burn liquid oxygen (LOX) and kerosene (RP-1). This is somewhat akin to saying coal is environmentally friendly because you don't have to chop down any forests to get the fuel. The Chinese call their new missiles environmentally friendly because their previous missiles (which were often in-house Chinese variants of Soviet rockets) were all based on HIGHLY TOXIC hypergolic fuels. Hypergolic fuels were/are for the most part military missile fuels, as they can be stored at room temperatures and last a long time. However, the combustion exhaust is also highly toxic.
While I will be the first to agree that NASA is hamstrung by Congress, the US private sector development of space is viewed with jealousy by other major spacefaring nations, such as Russia, where Rogozin, the head of Roscosmos (essentially Russia's NASA) last week stated that he wished that Russian billionaires would get into space development instead of building mega-yachts.
The USA giving thrill rides to space for celebrities and billionaires is ACTUALLY a symbol of how advanced the US space development field is. New Space, the small companies that have sprung up since roughly 2000, is completely changing the space field. New Space's poster child is SpaceX. Don't forget, SpaceX did NOT exist 20 years ago. It only launched it's first successful rocket (with 1 engine on the booster stage) in 2008. Like I said, NASA is hamstrung by Congress, but the US space field is alive and well, and is actually in it's most exciting period since the 1960's.
Thanks for the post and insight, @Skyman. Hard to forget the images of the Long March 3B booster plummeting into a village with the yellow smoke from the hypergolic fuel. I'm a big supporter of our private sector's space efforts. The first thing I did after the last Astra failed launch was to buy a small amount of stock as a show of support.
I truly believe this is another glimpse into what's to come with the future exponential scientific advancement in this country and perhaps the World
I was waiting for Shatners hairpiece to experience weightlessness and float around the capsule. I have to give him credit for attempting this stunt at age 90.
With all due respect, while China is to be congratulated on what they are currently doing in space, what China is actually doing is a well trodden path.
Yeah, like going to SPA and bringing back what is now the youngest Moon rock so far dated, transforming our knowledge of lunar evolution. And US gov sits on their UNO what while China forges ahead. Sure we could beat them in tech with every space problem, but we don't, we have 1000s of meetings of NASA folks instead of taking action................ We need to get our space program more commercial as the big 3 are doing and take congress out of the equation, then we might just catch up, and maybe, pass China on space exploration. We have lost our lead for now...............................
Kudo's to Capn' Kirk for finally making it out there, I only wish Spock was around to go along.
It's very cool to see that he got to go. If Patrick Stewart would have been on board, too, the story would have been complete. I'm hoping to be able to buy a ticket to space some day if the Fed keeps pumping the market
You know what would have made this mission even more special ?
If Kirk had one of @ErrorsOnCoins fantastic error coins with him....................imagine the value of that coin
With all due respect, while China is to be congratulated on what they are currently doing in space, what China is actually doing is a well trodden path.
Yeah, like going to SPA and bringing back what is now the youngest Moon rock so far dated, transforming our knowledge of lunar evolution. And US gov sits on their UNO what while China forges ahead. Sure we could beat them in tech with every space problem, but we don't, we have 1000s of meetings of NASA folks instead of taking action................ We need to get our space program more commercial as the big 3 are doing and take congress out of the equation, then we might just catch up, and maybe, pass China on space exploration. We have lost our lead for now...............................
Kudo's to Capn' Kirk for finally making it out there, I only wish Spock was around to go along.
Best, SH
So they brought back the youngest rock. So what? It's not like the Moon hasn't been sampled before. Undoubtedly the Moon will be sampled again, and new rocks and theories will abound. The technique to get there and extract the rock was all late 1960's and early 1970's technology, updated to the late 20 teens. If you are talking Chinese science, to me of more interest is their new radio telescope, which is the largest on Earth. Also, I'm interested to see what they can do with the "fly along" Hubble sized telescope that in theory will be resupplied by occasionally docking with their new space station. That actually is pushing the envelope.
With regards to lunar science, the US has a bunch of robotic Moon missions in the pipeline (using New Space rockets and New Space landers, rovers etc.) that will be launching over the next 5 years. Given the fast pace and operating mode of New Space I fully EXPECT that some of those missions will be failures, but they will be learning points on the experience curve, and will produce new and better technological innovation much quicker than NASA etc., not to mention producing more scientific knowledge to improve our understanding of the Moon. Even as screwed up as NASA is, I suspect we'll be putting humans back on the Moon by 2028 (four years beyond the current unrealistic timeline).
I'm not sure what you mean the we need to get our space program more commercial as the big 3 are doing. Who are the big 3?
There literally is NO other country that currently has functioning "New Space" rockets than the USA... much less the "new consumer" satellites like Starlink and OneWeb. OneWeb might be a British backed endeavor, but the satellites are produced in Florida. China, in theory, has some New Space companies developing rockets. Funny thing about those companies, and indeed ALL of China's space program. They are under military control. Given Xi's crackdown on the private sector I highly doubt they'll ever be true commercial endeavors.
As the saying goes, America's business is business. New Space, while it has the potential to produce some financial whales, is predominantly based on small and medium sized visions. I would far prefer to have a larger commercial space sector made up of small companies that pushes space ever more into everything we do, and that actually brings the cost of space down, than to have some big "Boots and Flag" sort of programs that are not sustainable. New Space as a whole will produce taxes FOR the US Government, and lower the bill for services rendered to the US Government.
As far as taking Congress out of the equation, that is NEVER going to happen, nor as an American citizen would I want it to happen. Much as I can't stand Congress, I'm a firm believer in what Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of Government there is, except for all the others".
Personally, I'm glad that China is starting to gear up for space. It should get the competitive juices, and the budget, flowing.
Finally, let's not forget, an engineer, Scotty, made it to space, before the Captain. Some of James Doohan's ashes were launched into space and smuggled aboard the ISS in 2008, where they have remained until today.
I thought it was really amazing to see that happen. I was moved by his words after he landed! Very inspirational especially for us young pups who grew up with the space race.
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
Saw his comments on the news last night without any background noise.
@DCW said:
I wish we could actually hear what he had to say, instead of all the hoopla in the background. I was waiting for Bezos to turn around and start firing people
@amwldcoin said:
Saw his comments on the news last night without any background noise.
@DCW said:
I wish we could actually hear what he had to say, instead of all the hoopla in the background. I was waiting for Bezos to turn around and start firing people
If you had watched it live, it wouldve been a different experience. People yelling and carrying on conversations directly behind him, popping champagne and basically drowning him out while on national television
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
In the early 1990's, I went to a Star Trek convention at the LAX Hilton and got caught in a stalled elevator going up like a canned sardine with Trekkies in full costume. The lady in front picked up the elevator phone and then announced that nobody answered. Just as I thought that I was going to pass out from claustrophobia, the elevator kicked in and continued up to convention floor. Overall it was a great convention.
@Modwriter said:
In the early 1990's, I went to a Star Trek convention at the LAX Hilton and got caught in a stalled elevator going up like a canned sardine with Trekkies in full costume. The lady in front picked up the elevator phone and then announced that nobody answered. Just as I thought that I was going to pass out from claustrophobia, the elevator kicked in and continued up to convention floor. Overall it was a great convention.
Did the lady in front say into the phone "We need more power, Scottie!!"?
But it was a quickie, not unlike his method acting it didn’t last long.
Hope he goes up again!
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Yep... An interesting experience for him... So long an actor, totally removed from reality, to finally actually go into space. What a thrill... His response is not acting... Cheers, RickO
Just wait until he lands and everyone is wearing Gorn costumes.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Truly worth the watching. Ship returned to dead center landing and capsule not far away. Congrats Bezos and crew.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
I hope there weren't any Tribbles on board when they returned!
He shed tears. 🥲
He spoke sooo eloquently.
A new spokesperson for the Earth
Truly a moving description of the instant you zip through to space. 🤠😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
i hope a few more of us can do that one day
Kennedys are my quest...
How has the mint not announced some limited edition over priced coin for this. 😆
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
I wish we could actually hear what he had to say, instead of all the hoopla in the background. I was waiting for Bezos to turn around and start firing people
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
While China and other countries make major advancements in space we give thrill rides to celebrities and billionaires.
The billionaire could get more publicity with swamp boy.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
Live long and prosper, Jim...
mbogoman Lutho
What did Spock find in the Enterprise toilet? The captain’s log.
Nice to see we have a few Trekkies (and several comedians) on the forum. My "little" sister used to threaten my life if I tried to change the channel when James T Kirk was on the screen.
I told my wife today, if I'm still breathing at 90, sell my coin collection and shove me on board a space flight. I don't care if it is a one way trip. What a way to go out....
With all due respect, while China is to be congratulated on what they are currently doing in space, what China is actually doing is a well trodden path.
Unfortunately their most technically demanding flight, Tianwen-1, the flight that went to Mars that has an orbiter, lander and rover, is most likely possible because of a Chinese spy who worked at development in JPL, who got away just before he was caught, and went on to work for the Chinese Space Program, becoming a major force in their Martian lander program.
The Chinese space station is an in-house modified/upgraded Mir space station, which dates from the 1980's. In the 1990's -2000's when the Russian economy was flat on it's back the Chinese got the rights from the Russians to study the Mir.
The Chinese lunar sampling mission is something the Soviet Union did a couple times in the 1970's.
The Chinese manned spacecraft is an in-house modified/upgraded version of the Soyuz spacecraft, which the Chinese were also given access to. (FWIW, it is believed the up and coming Indian manned spacecraft is also an in-house modified/upgraded version of the Soyuz, to which the Indians were also given access to). Soyuz, while it has certainly been modified and updated by the Soviets and then the Russians, and is an extremely reliable spacecraft, was based on a mid-1960's design.
Sadly, but black humor amusingly enough, the Chinese call their newest missiles environmentally friendly because they burn liquid oxygen (LOX) and kerosene (RP-1). This is somewhat akin to saying coal is environmentally friendly because you don't have to chop down any forests to get the fuel. The Chinese call their new missiles environmentally friendly because their previous missiles (which were often in-house Chinese variants of Soviet rockets) were all based on HIGHLY TOXIC hypergolic fuels. Hypergolic fuels were/are for the most part military missile fuels, as they can be stored at room temperatures and last a long time. However, the combustion exhaust is also highly toxic.
While I will be the first to agree that NASA is hamstrung by Congress, the US private sector development of space is viewed with jealousy by other major spacefaring nations, such as Russia, where Rogozin, the head of Roscosmos (essentially Russia's NASA) last week stated that he wished that Russian billionaires would get into space development instead of building mega-yachts.
The USA giving thrill rides to space for celebrities and billionaires is ACTUALLY a symbol of how advanced the US space development field is. New Space, the small companies that have sprung up since roughly 2000, is completely changing the space field. New Space's poster child is SpaceX. Don't forget, SpaceX did NOT exist 20 years ago. It only launched it's first successful rocket (with 1 engine on the booster stage) in 2008. Like I said, NASA is hamstrung by Congress, but the US space field is alive and well, and is actually in it's most exciting period since the 1960's.
U.S. Type Set
Thanks for the post and insight, @Skyman. Hard to forget the images of the Long March 3B booster plummeting into a village with the yellow smoke from the hypergolic fuel. I'm a big supporter of our private sector's space efforts. The first thing I did after the last Astra failed launch was to buy a small amount of stock as a show of support.
@SkyMan said
With all due respect
Well said
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
I truly believe this is another glimpse into what's to come with the future exponential scientific advancement in this country and perhaps the World
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
I was waiting for Shatners hairpiece to experience weightlessness and float around the capsule. I have to give him credit for attempting this stunt at age 90.
My mom is 90 and there is no way in Hell she could have even climbed the stairs to the capsule. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I could either!
Yeah, like going to SPA and bringing back what is now the youngest Moon rock so far dated, transforming our knowledge of lunar evolution. And US gov sits on their UNO what while China forges ahead. Sure we could beat them in tech with every space problem, but we don't, we have 1000s of meetings of NASA folks instead of taking action................ We need to get our space program more commercial as the big 3 are doing and take congress out of the equation, then we might just catch up, and maybe, pass China on space exploration. We have lost our lead for now...............................
Kudo's to Capn' Kirk for finally making it out there, I only wish Spock was around to go along.
Best, SH
There was - he was wearing it on his head -
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
It's very cool to see that he got to go. If Patrick Stewart would have been on board, too, the story would have been complete. I'm hoping to be able to buy a ticket to space some day if the Fed keeps pumping the market
Early American Copper, Bust and Seated.
You know what would have made this mission even more special ?

If Kirk had one of @ErrorsOnCoins fantastic error coins with him....................imagine the value of that coin
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
So they brought back the youngest rock. So what? It's not like the Moon hasn't been sampled before. Undoubtedly the Moon will be sampled again, and new rocks and theories will abound. The technique to get there and extract the rock was all late 1960's and early 1970's technology, updated to the late 20 teens. If you are talking Chinese science, to me of more interest is their new radio telescope, which is the largest on Earth. Also, I'm interested to see what they can do with the "fly along" Hubble sized telescope that in theory will be resupplied by occasionally docking with their new space station. That actually is pushing the envelope.
With regards to lunar science, the US has a bunch of robotic Moon missions in the pipeline (using New Space rockets and New Space landers, rovers etc.) that will be launching over the next 5 years. Given the fast pace and operating mode of New Space I fully EXPECT that some of those missions will be failures, but they will be learning points on the experience curve, and will produce new and better technological innovation much quicker than NASA etc., not to mention producing more scientific knowledge to improve our understanding of the Moon. Even as screwed up as NASA is, I suspect we'll be putting humans back on the Moon by 2028 (four years beyond the current unrealistic timeline).
I'm not sure what you mean the we need to get our space program more commercial as the big 3 are doing. Who are the big 3?
There literally is NO other country that currently has functioning "New Space" rockets than the USA... much less the "new consumer" satellites like Starlink and OneWeb. OneWeb might be a British backed endeavor, but the satellites are produced in Florida. China, in theory, has some New Space companies developing rockets. Funny thing about those companies, and indeed ALL of China's space program. They are under military control. Given Xi's crackdown on the private sector I highly doubt they'll ever be true commercial endeavors.
As the saying goes, America's business is business. New Space, while it has the potential to produce some financial whales, is predominantly based on small and medium sized visions. I would far prefer to have a larger commercial space sector made up of small companies that pushes space ever more into everything we do, and that actually brings the cost of space down, than to have some big "Boots and Flag" sort of programs that are not sustainable. New Space as a whole will produce taxes FOR the US Government, and lower the bill for services rendered to the US Government.
As far as taking Congress out of the equation, that is NEVER going to happen, nor as an American citizen would I want it to happen. Much as I can't stand Congress, I'm a firm believer in what Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of Government there is, except for all the others".
Personally, I'm glad that China is starting to gear up for space. It should get the competitive juices, and the budget, flowing.
Finally, let's not forget, an engineer, Scotty, made it to space, before the Captain. Some of James Doohan's ashes were launched into space and smuggled aboard the ISS in 2008, where they have remained until today.
U.S. Type Set
I thought it was really amazing to see that happen. I was moved by his words after he landed! Very inspirational especially for us young pups who grew up with the space race.
Odd looking rocket ........
Saw his comments on the news last night without any background noise.
Great experience for sure.
If you had watched it live, it wouldve been a different experience. People yelling and carrying on conversations directly behind him, popping champagne and basically drowning him out while on national television
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
In the early 1990's, I went to a Star Trek convention at the LAX Hilton and got caught in a stalled elevator going up like a canned sardine with Trekkies in full costume. The lady in front picked up the elevator phone and then announced that nobody answered. Just as I thought that I was going to pass out from claustrophobia, the elevator kicked in and continued up to convention floor. Overall it was a great convention.
Almost everything Robert A Heinlein wrote is coming true 👍
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Did the lady in front say into the phone "We need more power, Scottie!!"?
He's ninety years old and just got divorced for the third time.
I heard he took a roll of Anthony dollars (25) with him and a porto-dremmel and etched his signature on everyone.
This is gonna be great !!
They did not ask Bill Mumy to go because he would forever be Lost in Space.