Looks like Gruden just resigned

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Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Jon Gruden has evidently hung himself, but I wonder "who" started out to get him and why?? from what I read there were over 650k e-mails that had to be read and this is what they've come up with. also, Gruden was never involved in anything from what I read, he's sort of like collateral damage.
if everything is true he'll probably never work in Sports again.
Yes. Gruden is out. I have learned at my work place that nothing should ever be said no matter how well you know a party. Years ago a few employees were fired for using company emails for explicit jokes and contents. It’s almost 20 years ago and I’ve never forgotten it.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
You'd think a guy supposedly as smart as Gruden would know that anything typed into an electronic medium can and probably will be saved.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
shouldnt type anything you wouldnt want printed in the morning paper.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
One would think - maybe a so called "friend" turned him in for the almighty dollar.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
“Chuckie” will never be associated with the NFL again.
Gruden's been cancelled.
Thank goodness but then again he did it to himself. No one to blame but himself
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I’m surprised it didn’t happen right away after the first email.
If I had to guess who leaked those emails, my money is on Roger Goodell. The emails were discovered during the investigation into Washington Football team workplace misconduct and the emails were presented to Roger Goodell. Jon Gruden said some nasty stuff about Goodell in those emails, I'll bet Roger Goodell wanted Gruden fired after reading what Gruden said about him, and Goodell leaked those emails.
When Goodell read what Gruden said about him he probably hit the roof and had the mails leaked.
Loose lips sink ships.
What the heck is going on with NFL coaches this year, first the dirty old man Meyer scandal, and now this.
LOL it’s not just the NFL it’s society as a whole, it’s not going to stop until every single person out there pays the maximum penalty for every skeleton in their closet, no matter how long ago any indiscretion was made. I think it’s funny, I’m just waiting for the day when nobody is left to fill all these positions.
“Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”
I'm certainly not without sin, I cringe when I think about the crazy stuff I did in my high school days. Ah the memories. 🤔
Same here except I don’t need to go all the way back to a high School 😐
Me neither, it was just a little more often back then.
Are you talking about that lady who hustled you in pool?
My best friend actually sat with Gruden back in 2011 at the Super Bowl, a friend of his worked for ESPN and was able to get him the in. He said Gruden was a great guy, fun to hang out with and his football smarts was off the charts.
I was just a teenage punk back then, she was an older woman who took advantage of me!
22-43. Or something like that since his return. You are what your record is. Not sure if the Raiders aren’t better off.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
And is son remains with the team. The apple rarely falls too far away from the tree.......
Its too bad he had to resign. Great guy and coach.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
in a weird bit of irony:
--- news of the resignation was broken to the NFL Sports World on ESPN by a woman during their broadcast of Monday Night Football. during the timeframe when many of the alleged e-mails were sent, Jon Gruden worked at ESPN as their lead Football/NFL analyst.
LOL please don’t tell me your suggesting that his Son should be shown the door over this?
@perkdog said:
LOL please don’t tell me your suggesting that his Son should be shown the door over this?
Absolutely not..... but I do think it may be looked at and the digging into anyone associated with Gruden isn't over. Sad day for Raider Nation.
If you dig into anyone’s past you are going to find something that is not PC.
“Let those who are innocent cast the first stone.”
This is crap, but it’s the way life is these days.
Ok glad we are on the same page with this.
Don’t get me wrong Gruden is an idiot for typing anything remotely offensive in an email, I mean really everyone should be aware that it can come back to haunt you. I will say though that during said timeframe of what 2010 -2018? The world was a different place “ Back then” but still.
I would be willing to bet Gruden got into it with Goodell recently and he started the headhunting process over it.
When your making 40 million a year and in charge of a billion dollar industry it’s probably not that hard to find some “Dirt” on anyone.
If I was Gruden I’m going to be well aware that I’m 100% done with the NFL in every way, no more coaching, no more talk show stuff so I would have saved the fake apology and stood by what I said. He is financially set regardless so that would have been a great way to exit by frosting Goodells rear end.
If his son has any “Dirt” on him I’m sure it will come out however taking it out on his son if he is innocent wouldn’t look good
Jon Gruden was working for ESPN MNF when he sent the emails. Here was one of Jon Gruden's quotes about when he sent the emails.
"I was in a bad frame of mind at the time [in 2011], and I called Roger Goodell a [expletive] in one of these emails too,” Gruden told ESPN. “They were keeping players and coaches from doing what they love with a lockout. There also were a lot of things being reported publicly about the safety of the sport that I love. I was on a mission with high school football [in the Tampa, Florida, area] during that time, and there were a lot of parents who were scared about letting their kids play football. It just didn’t sit well with me.”
I dont agree with what Gruden did, but not one of us is perfect. We have all done things that we are not proud of and no doubt regret now.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
This whole email scandal has reminded me that I have some emails that I need to erase. Some nasty messages I sent to Publishers Clearing House awhile back. No, you know what, I'm not erasing those emails, I meant every word I said, lousy scam, criminal fraud!
Real men don't need to make racist, anti-gay and misogynistic comments. Obviously not a great guy and obviously not an isolated event.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
The Bucs are removing Jon Gruden from their ring of honor.
Sorry but that’s ridiculous.
Let’s dig up the past of every HOF’er, every player and coach, every support staffs past history to every thing they have ever said or done and weed out all the bad stuff they did while we are at it then erase them from the books.
You guys can give me crap for saying this I really don’t care, this extreme “Hunt for justice” is out of control.
I'm with you on this, Jon Gruden brought them a Super Bowl, the man is not perfect, none of us are, I think taking him out of the ring of honor is ridiculous. Heck, let's just erase him from history all together, he doesn't even exist anymore!
I’ll never condone what Gruden said in PRIVATE emails.
NFL we don’t condone this type of conduct.
NFL We have a special halftime show for all you kids. We feature artists who sing about rape, murder, ho’s and pimps. Good for all ages. Don’t miss it kids.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
The Philadelphia Flyers did the same thing with a stature that was dedicated to singer, Kate Smith. She sang “God Bless American” before many of their games. It became a good luck charm for the team.
Eighty years before the “scandal “ broke, she sang two songs in the 1930s that would now be regarded as racist. Paul Robeson, the pioneer American Black activist, also sang one of the songs, and the Marx Brothers used it in one of their movies. It was regarded as a satire. It made no difference. The stature was taken down.
Keep supporting the cancel culture, and someday it might come for you. As I posted earlier, “He or she, who is perfectly innocent, is entitled to cast the first stone.” If you never done anything wrong in your life, then feel free to pick up the first rock.
If you never done anything wrong in your life, then feel free to pick up the first rock.
I really don't think this is about anyone being perfect or cancel culture, it's about a man in a position of authority who has been exposed as a hypocrite regarding what he truly thinks in his heart. some things cross the line, this is a good example.
to be honest, I like to read the comments here about things like this because of what they tell me about the member making them. there is an enormous difference between what is thought and what is done, Jon Gruden got that line blurred and stepped over it.
this BS about being perfect and cancel culture has another side of it in my mind: people feel as though they have a right to do whatever they choose with no regard to consequences. do what you want, say what you want, e-mail what you want, blog what you want. just don't be a POP TART when the piper needs to be paid. man up and suffer the consequences. I can have more respect for the person who "owns" their actions and is honest with me about who/what they are than the person who tries to hide or blame others for their actions.
I suspect Gruden's not the only one in a position of power in the league holding those same views. Makes sense the NFL decided to settle with Kaepernick and Reid in the collusion case! Can only imagine what was said in those emails.
I'll bet anything Kaepernick NEVER said anything offensive in private. Email or otherwise. Same with that NFL player representive who is at the center of this. I'm sure all of his private conversations and Emails are PURE AS THE WIND DRIVEN SNOW. It's all about..... Who/Whom.
not sure why he didnt just send an email calling one of his coworkers a saltine? then he coulda just said that hes not a racist or misogynist. he hates everyone equally. regardless of color or gender. problem solved.
I just watched a Dan Patrick interview with SI writer and former NFL Executive Andrew Brandt where they discussed GrudenGate and raised some interesting points. among them:
--- so far only e-mails from Jon Gruden have been released, no replies to him from the WFT.
--- what happens when e-mails surface with an Owner making similar comments ala Marge Schott??
--- how is it that a Law Firm which is investigating the WFT for being a "toxic workplace" has changed the perception of everything they're supposed to be investigating??
--- Brandt suggests that Gruden was "sacrificed" as a diversion to save the "greater good" which he admits he doesn't know.
the overall tone of the discussion between the two is that this story has quite a way to go.
The two things about Kap that make me dislike the guy regardless of his social justice warrior campaign
1- Pig Socks
2- Saying he would stand for flag if he was signed to a team, prostituting his beliefs for a roster spot after all of what he chose to bring to the table in the first place
Skeleton in the closet
Not really, the comment is fresh enough that it’s a rotting body in the closet.
Well......I think it's time to put this baby to bed. I do understand that there are conflicting opinions...... BUT......Since I was born perfect I've always known that mere mortals, those who comprise the entire human race, except me of course, make mistakes. People say things and do things that are not in their best interest and sometimes they even say and do hurty things. YIKES! But they just can't help it because, well, they're just flawed. Like everyone except me of course. I forgive them, " For They Know Not What They Do." Anyway......give it a rest. As for me?............................................................GOD ALMIGHTY!..... IT'S LONELY AT THE TOP!
I very much dislike selective enforcement.
You nailed it brother.........It's all about Who and Whom.