I need some help please!

I have a 2006 p nickel that is half angel half demon.. the left eye is golden while the left is black.. so rad. Full stairs.. multiple errors .. I have no idea... what do you think? Emo jefferson...?
I have a 2006 p nickel that is half angel half demon.. the left eye is golden while the left is black.. so rad. Full stairs.. multiple errors .. I have no idea... what do you think? Emo jefferson...?
When you troll, can you at least make it a little less obvious?
Emo Jeffersons are worth a TON of money! Take it to a coin shop!!
Huh? I'm serious. I'm trying to get image links.
I can't post the links from my Google drive. How do I show yall this on here?
Drag and drop pics
Let me get on my PC 1 sec. Sorry. Craziest coin I've ever seen lmao natural erosion art.
So I cannot find this post on PC ><
I would bring it down to a local dealer or pawn shop and have them evaluate it in person that way you won't waste time here trying to upload etc. Plus it sounds like it would be a rare coin and just in time for Halloween with those features! Sell it while it is hot as come Easter time folks are looking more for Bugs Bunny Franklins and Rabbit Hole collections.
That's NOT an error. It's either accidental or intentional post mint color.
I wishi could show youuu uhggg
It’s just a drag and drop
You can always take it to a coin store
Thank you all so much for the help I'm really new to this and this thing is really gnarly looking : //
I think anything with two left eyes is not all right.
(this thing is really gnarly looking : //)
Well, that's all I have to read..........
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Unless it's a Halibut or a Dover Sole - or do they have 2 right eyes ????
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
My opinion won't change. An "error" coin is one in which a striking problem at the Mint creates a defect. The Mint does not color eyes. There is no striking problem at the Mint which would color the eyes. It is, therefore, NOT a Mint error.
Don’t forget flounder. Some double side eye going on there

Or is this the nickel ?

🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
]> My opinion won't change. An "error" coin is one in which a striking problem at the Mint creates a defect. The Mint does not color eyes. There is no striking problem at the Mint which would color the eyes. It is, therefore, NOT a Mint error.]
Me thinks ya got trolled - calm down J, Didn't the screwed up words ring a bell??????
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I'm not upset. Just making a point.
I think "troll" is over-used here. Trolling usually involves creating a dispute. There is no dispute here.
Eh, maybe - but I just think "Trolled" is when you fall for somebody's posted bullcrap.
A "Dispute" is somebody sticking their nose into a thread with their bad attitude that they really shouldn't - as opposed to a "Discussion" where civil people have different concepts of the same situation - WHEW,
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
It probably was a recent reject from our dear poster, Emerald.
Kennedys are my quest...
@anewhorizon69 ... Welcome aboard.... You do not have an error coin.... Even without pictures, your description precludes any possible mint process. Worth a nickel.... Cheers, RickO
got it
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
You should check out ATS. They get these by the dozens. It would be funny if it wasn't such a crying shame.