Can anyone help? Are these error coins and of what value?

I have a few 1800's and early 190-0 pennies that appear to be error coins, I would like to upload photos for you to see but don't know how. I also have a 1937 Buffalo nickel with no mint mark, does that mean anything?
Best Answer
Oldhoopster Posts: 2,930 ✭✭✭✭✭
Before you worry about value, you need to understand the difference between a true error/variety (very few in circulation) and damage (lots and lots and lots in circulation). If are lucky enough to find an error, it will likely be minor such as a die crack, die chip, or filled die which rarely add any extra value. Finding something that's worth more than a few dollars is a rare event.
Based on the coins you posted so far, which are all post mint damaged (PMD), I would recommend spending some time learning the minting and die making processes. The reason members can easily tell you that your coins are PMD is that they understand those processes.
Here are some links to get to get you started
Basic overview (both from the US mint)
Die making
It takes time to learn this stuff, but it will be worth it if you're interested in errors. Also remember that finding valuable errors isn't easy. If it was, most of the experienced members on this site would be sitting a Caribbean beach sipping rum drinks with tiny umbrellas in them. 😎
Hope this helps
Member of the ANA since 19823
You can drag and drop pics into the text box then hit post comment
Welcome to the forum, its very easy to upload pictures, you click the little mountain icon at the top right of the comment box and choose the files, or if you’re on a desktop you can simply drag and drop them in. But pictures are necessary for an inquiry such as this, there are many knowledgeable people on here that will be able to identify whatever it is you have.
Founder- Peak Rarities
When I click the mountain icon to upload it asks for a URL not link to my file to be able to upload. I'll keep working on it
There should be a “Choose Fiile” button above the url box
Anyway, drag and drop is easier
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I'm still figuring out how to upload my photos, thank you for your assistance, as soon as I figure this out, I'll post them Thanks
Ok Steven59, you got jokes.. lol.. I'm not computer stupid, or at least I thought, but for what ever reason this isn't as easy as I thought..MsMorrisine; I do not have that selection to choose, only URL
Apparently I do not have permission of some sort, I can't even change my profile pic
OHHH! - you may have to wait a bit for full access. Sit tight, don't let the.........well, you know
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
lol,, Thanks Steven59. I'll try back later or tomorrow night. Cheers
Try taking them to a coin store
Asking here is cool, but needs good pictures of fronts and reverses of the coins.
Other new members have also mentioned that. Must be a new thing. Hopefully full access will appear soon.
@dmm66... Welcome aboard.... Apparently there is a short waiting period for full access (i.e. posting pictures).... You could also send them to a member via message and they could post them for you. Cheers, RickO
Most 1937 Buffalo Nickels have no mint mark. They did not use a mint mark for Philadelphia until 50 years later. So that is NOT an error.
$5 says they are PMD
Good luck finding someone who will take that bet.
Hope springs eternal ... until it comes to time to sell such "errors".
No pictures again
Hang in there you will understand how to post them in time.
Try using the Testing Forum page ( last one on the category page) under Misc.
Good luck
Kennedys are my quest...
From the description, at least it sounds like they are Indian head pennies, which is more interesting than modern quarters which have been through a washing machine...
An Indian cent that went through a washing machine is no more interesting to me than a modern quarter that has gone through a washing machine.
I don't believe it! If you saw both in your change from Starbucks, I propose that the 100+ year old coin would be of more interest, at least momentarily. Assuming you could recognize it...
Nope. The quarter is worth more.
Neither are "interesting".
Ok everyone, I think I got it. Let's try this
This is 1883 Penny
My 1903 Error Penny
My 1957 error Penny
My 1907 Error Penny
It all looks like post-mint damage, so nothing of significant value. Sorry...
My 1906 Uncirculated Penny
Is this 1982 Quarter considered an error coin and if so, what is the estimated value?
Quarter - nothing out of the ordinary about it
that is not characteristic of a straight clip — the thing was cut. The cut comes with a gouge where a first attempt was made
when coined, the dies are flat, the coins are flat. Anything that makes it un-flat is damage and not a result during minting
Denticles are the “teeth” looking things sticking out from the rim into the flat field. Notice how the denticles are not fully curved at the straight parts. The edges have been flattened.
@MsMorrisine while the OPs coin is pmd. Its not true that anything that makes a coin "unflat" is not genuine. There are die cap errors and broadtrikes which aren't flat. I've seen a couple folded coins ( not sure the technical name) but they were struck so that they folded over like a taco shell.
Successful BST with ad4400, Kccoin, lablover, pointfivezero, koynekwest, jwitten, coin22lover, HalfDimeDude, erwindoc, jyzskowsi, COINS MAKE CENTS, AlanSki, BryceM
that's true.
those escaped me
but none of those are warped like that.
Ok, thank you all for your comments, I have more to share. This is a 1970 D penny (disregard gold mark, it's debris on the casing) with a floating roof on back. your thoughts please.
Any ideas on this penny???
Someone took out a lifetime of anger on it.
Looks like the ATS people are getting bored. Coming here now with their Walmart parking lot finds. Errors - sure.
The errors are all damage.
The 1883 is an 1888
The 1906 is nice but it's AU, not uncirculated
I don't know what following the floating roof varieties have.
Collector, occasional seller
AlexinPA.. I take your comment very offensively and if you think I just pick shit up and think it's worth money just because of scratches you're wrong and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. That particular penny was in a cup of coins my father (now deceased) was not able to work with me prior to his death. I can tell you, my father was an avid collector and his collection is well into five figures which I am sure you only dream of having. I didn't get the time to spend with my dad to learn more on coins, hence why I now have to come on portals like this to learn more. I can take jokes and not easily offended as from #steven59 from his comment when I first signed up to this forum, I laughed at. So for you to make comments without knowing, you can KMA!!!
Damage from some type of machine or device.
if these coins are any indication, your dad's collection was worth about 7 cents credit at your grocery store if you can jam them down the coinstar