Wow! This really makes my friend's Toned Ike seem like the bargain of the decade compared to what he's asking for his Toner. My friend only wants $4000. And it's NGC graded and established. Also a phenomenal Rainbow Ike to boot!
I showed this Monster many times before.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
@keets said: as the toning progresses further? Where do the colors go from here?
there is no reason to believe that the color will progress, that it is anything but stable. your statement pre-supposes that all tone eventually continues until it is black.
I have seen far too many coins encapsulated in holders which are dated to the early 1990's to believe that is even remotely true.
A holder will slow it down. A holder in a box with a nitrogen atmosphere may stop it. But nothing short of thick black is actually stable if there is any oxygen around.
@Steven59 said:
On Ebay - PR66DCAM - $980 - Not $20,000-$30,000. But how can they tell DCAM?
in-hand you can catch the reflection/depth of the fields. i've had a couple monster toned ikes dcam and with proof coins if you image them head-on just right, you can't event tell they are nicely toned. perhaps just a modicum.
No CAC sticker? I thought Laura was CAC only.
If it really was a 68+ as graded, it would have stickered. There is something CAC must not have liked (presumably the toning which could arguably be deemed QC).
@gtstang said:
My question is how does a coin toned that extreme on the obverse not have any signs of toning on the reverse?
Dansco toned coins often display different colorations on both sides. Felt lined displays often tone differently. Infinite number of variables might lead to this. Anyone who collects toners have seen this. One sided toned Morgans are common.
I'm no expert on toning but can decide what is acceptable. But yeah, I would need to see it up close. I do think the compaction/hardness varies within and around the devices on a coin and the toning would/should follow that pattern.
The following likely was more lustrous at one time but it still has nice eye appeal and brighter than the pic shows. Perhaps similar toning. A new acquisition for me.
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
@gtstang said:
My question is how does a coin toned that extreme on the obverse not have any signs of toning on the reverse?
Dansco toned coins often display different colorations on both sides. Felt lined displays often tone differently. Infinite number of variables might lead to this. Anyone who collects toners have seen this. One sided toned Morgans are common.
Ike's aren't Morgans and if you could find any other example of a 74 s toned in such way in a top tier holder then I would be more accepting of your answer.
@gtstang said:
My question is how does a coin toned that extreme on the obverse not have any signs of toning on the reverse?
Dansco toned coins often display different colorations on both sides. Felt lined displays often tone differently. Infinite number of variables might lead to this. Anyone who collects toners have seen this. One sided toned Morgans are common.
Ike's aren't Morgans and if you could find any other example of a 74 s toned in such way in a top tier holder then I would be more accepting of your answer.
What’s more it Legend and business strike Ikes are CAC eligible, suggesting it failed CAC.
@gtstang said:
My question is how does a coin toned that extreme on the obverse not have any signs of toning on the reverse?
Dansco toned coins often display different colorations on both sides. Felt lined displays often tone differently. Infinite number of variables might lead to this. Anyone who collects toners have seen this. One sided toned Morgans are common.
Ike's aren't Morgans and if you could find any other example of a 74 s toned in such way in a top tier holder then I would be more accepting of your answer.
What’s more it Legend and business strike Ikes are CAC eligible, suggesting it failed CAC.
It's a silver Ike. Minted for Collectors, not circulation.
@gtstang said:
My question is how does a coin toned that extreme on the obverse not have any signs of toning on the reverse?
Dansco toned coins often display different colorations on both sides. Felt lined displays often tone differently. Infinite number of variables might lead to this. Anyone who collects toners have seen this. One sided toned Morgans are common.
Ike's aren't Morgans and if you could find any other example of a 74 s toned in such way in a top tier holder then I would be more accepting of your answer.
What’s more it Legend and business strike Ikes are CAC eligible, suggesting it failed CAC.
It's a silver Ike. Minted for Collectors, not circulation.
CAC lists 56 CAC MS68 or MS68+ 1973-S Silver Ikes in its census online.
if this coin was a Morgan Dollar or a 1958 Franklin Half-Dollar you guys would be raving about it, but since it's a 45+ year old Eisenhower Dollar you simply can't grasp the notion that it toned like this. News Flash: they sometimes do.
Oh brother. I said a bit, as in, possibly the in-hand look isn’t quite as vibrant as the photos. I’m absolutely NOT saying they’re deliberately using a dishonest tactic.
I can’t count the number of times a lot reviewer has told me a certain coin looks more like one photo than another. Some photographers tend to “emphasize” the color more than others. That’s all I’m saying.
@BryceM said:
I kinda like it, but I don't like it at the price it will sell for.
I also imagine the photos are a bit juiced.
Juicing photos is a dishonest tactic in selling a coin.
Is Legend a dishonest firm?
You can def say tru views "juice the look of coins" because they are basically glamor shots and do not always reflect the genuine in hand look. You could send the same coin in three different times and get three very different looking tru views on a coin like this.
You can def say tru views "juice the look of coins" because they are basically glamor shots and do not always reflect the genuine in hand look.
do you just come up with this stuff or do you actually have evidence to support it?? the "glamour shot" reference is really insulting to Phil Arnold and the PCGS TrueView service.
I will say this much, anytime anyone takes a coin photograph they are most likely to be attempting to show the coin as they see it and to its most advantageous appearance. PA is very skilled, he doesn't need to enhance anything. also, many members, perhaps including you, overlook the fact that TrueView images are taken raw. yeah, that makes a difference.
it is probably more accurate to say that looking at a coin inside of a TPG capsule does "not always reflect the genuine in hand look" of the coin raw.
There are many examples of the fact that tru views of the same coin will look very different if resubmitted if you want to research on this site.
But here is an example of one coin I personally submitted twice that I no longer own that reflect a different look each time.
@gtstang said:
There are many examples of the fact that tru views of the same coin will look very different if resubmitted if you want to research on this site.
But here is an example of one coin I personally submitted twice that I no longer own that reflect a different look each time.
Those don’t look very different, one just has better lighting than the other. The look of a coin in a Trueview can usually be replicated in hand by simply placing a coin in the correct lighting. This is why calling them “juiced” is not usually accurate.
IMHO not appropriate to discuss the coin until AFTER the auction is completed. Then, by all means talk about the “most beautiful Ike dollar ever seen”. In fact, maybe a few of the folks talking about it (for better or for worse) here may have actually seen it by then. Ive seen far too many instances where board members intentionally spread inaccurate information on coins before an auction is complete for personal gain. And, I’m not suggesting this particular OP had any bad intent in posting this thread. I just feel it is premature and may influence the bidding on the coin (in either direction). For example, I have a fairly strong opinion on the coin and if I made it a point to talk about it now in great detail, I truly believe that discussion might very well affect the final hammer on the lot.
Just my 2 cents.
Please visit my website at and my ebay auctions under my user name
@wondercoin said:
IMHO not appropriate to discuss the coin until AFTER the auction is completed. Then, by all means talk about the “most beautiful Ike dollar ever seen”. In fact, maybe a few of the folks talking about it (for better or for worse) here may have actually seen it by then. Ive seen far too many instances where board members intentionally spread inaccurate information on coins before an auction is complete for personal gain. And, I’m not suggesting this particular OP had any bad intent in posting this thread. I just feel it is premature and may influence the bidding on the coin (in either direction). For example, I have a fairly strong opinion on the coin and if I made it a point to talk about it now in great detail, I truly believe that discussion might very well affect the final hammer on the lot.
Just my 2 cents.
Pre-auction coin talk is an interesting subject.
I've noticed that some coins seem to be okay to talk about, vote on price, or talk down the potential price, but others are not.
For example with the 1933 DE, there was a lot of pre-auction talk about how the 10 Langbord coins could become available (though the US Mint has given no such indication). For the 1804 Sultan of Muscat dollar, there was a lot pre-auction talk about how it had turned in a SDB.
@wondercoin said:
IMHO not appropriate to discuss the coin until AFTER the auction is completed. Then, by all means talk about the “most beautiful Ike dollar ever seen”. In fact, maybe a few of the folks talking about it (for better or for worse) here may have actually seen it by then. Ive seen far too many instances where board members intentionally spread inaccurate information on coins before an auction is complete for personal gain. And, I’m not suggesting this particular OP had any bad intent in posting this thread. I just feel it is premature and may influence the bidding on the coin (in either direction). For example, I have a fairly strong opinion on the coin and if I made it a point to talk about it now in great detail, I truly believe that discussion might very well affect the final hammer on the lot.
Just my 2 cents.
Pre-auction coin talk is an interesting subject.
I've noticed that some coins seem to be okay to talk about, vote on price, or talk down the potential price, but others are not.
For example with the 1933 DE, there was a lot of pre-auction talk about how the 10 Langbord coins could become available (though the US Mint has given no such indication). For the 1804 Sultan of Muscat dollar, there was a lot pre-auction talk about how it had turned in a SDB.
What are your thoughts on those discussions?
One of the first things newbies are told is pictures and we are glad to help. Mr.Wondercoin your confusing things with your response.
I have also noticed that more and more coins that are currently up for auction are being presented and discussed (often in a negative way). I would think this has a chance to change the outcome of the auction. I feel sorry for the person trying to sell the coin. They have the right to get as much as possible.
@BryceM said:
I kinda like it, but I don't like it at the price it will sell for.
I also imagine the photos are a bit juiced.
Juicing photos is a dishonest tactic in selling a coin.
Is Legend a dishonest firm?
You can def say tru views "juice the look of coins" because they are basically glamor shots and do not always reflect the genuine in hand look. You could send the same coin in three different times and get three very different looking tru views on a coin like this.
Obviously if you are a toner collector you want to see the colors that are present on the coin. It all depends on how light hits the coin. Different angles of light show different views of the coin. Just because you prefer the way the coin looks with one view doesn’t mean the others are wrong.
Photos are 2D so you can’t you don’t get the real sense of how the coin looks in 3D. When you have the coin in front of you and wiggle it back and forth all these different looks are there. Personally I want the view that shows the color or toning. It’s you prefer not to see this, that’s great. The color is there. The photo doesn’t need to be juiced to show it, the angle of the lighting brings it out.
{ I would think this has a chance to change the outcome of the auction. I feel sorry for the person trying to sell the coin. They have the right to get as much as possible.}
So a few people discussing a coin on a coin forum is going to influence auction results? Does anybody really think this action is going to influence the bidding by people who really like and want that coin for their collection? I think not. Now maybe if it was a BST coin on this forum was talked about badly, I could see that happening. But an auction that millions of people across the country can become a participant in?
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
@braddick said:
It must be sweet being so much smarter than the graders and finalizers of PCGS, along with the team of Spectrum Numismatics! I wish to be so gifted, yet alas, I am not—a mere mortal without the expertise to condemn via photos instead of notables viewing this coin in hand.
(Least I am accused of being too sarcastic, I state the above with love in my voice.)
yah PCGS has never gotten something wrong or had to adapt the nefarious intent of hucksters. Isn't it funny how it was mainly 2 dealers who found most of these spectacular Ikes? And to PCGS's credit that wouldn't be holdered today. Just like the buffalos that were a hit a few years ago before being exposed
The pool of potential buyers for a coin like this is small. Maybe 2 dozen people would be legitimate contenders for top-end toned Ikes at any given time??? It’s not so unlikely that several of them frequent this forum.
The flip-side is the concept that “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” I’m sure it goes both ways sometimes, but the consignor of the coin might have some strong feelings about it.
@braddick said:
It must be sweet being so much smarter than the graders and finalizers of PCGS, along with the team of Spectrum Numismatics! I wish to be so gifted, yet alas, I am not—a mere mortal without the expertise to condemn via photos instead of notables viewing this coin in hand.
(Least I am accused of being too sarcastic, I state the above with love in my voice.)
yah PCGS has never gotten something wrong or had to adapt the nefarious intent of hucksters. Isn't it funny how it was mainly 2 dealers who found most of these spectacular Ikes? And to PCGS's credit that wouldn't be holdered today. Just like the buffalos that were a hit a few years ago before being exposed
This is all old information we know- including Legend Numismatics. Legend is selling this coin. Is it suggested they are turning a blind eye on this Ike?
@BryceM said:
The pool of potential buyers for a coin like this is small. Maybe 2 dozen people would be legitimate contenders for top-end toned Ikes at any given time??? It’s not so unlikely that several of them frequent this forum.
The flip-side is the concept that “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” I’m sure it goes both ways sometimes, but the consignor of the coin might have some strong feelings about it.
I agree with you.
I am one of those prospective bidders and that’s why I didn’t discuss the coin other than to say I look forward to seeing it in hand. Also, I would absolutely take @wondercoin’s words very seriously, as I would a couple of others who are experts in this field.
There are some mildly unattractive coins being offered over on the BST board over the last few days. (I know as I am drawn to unattractive coins...).
Now, decorum and civility keep me and everyone else from mocking these coins and disparaging the offerings. It isn't censorship.
I suppose the comparison can be made those coins are from hobbyists and collectors, and Spectrum/Legend is a large conglomerate and thus worthy of disdain and condemnation (or, at least, the coins they sell and the method they do so).
Really though?
Kindness and observing civility: What separates us from the animal kingdom is the ability to choose what and how and when we freely express ourselves.
@braddick said:
It must be sweet being so much smarter than the graders and finalizers of PCGS, along with the team of Spectrum Numismatics! I wish to be so gifted, yet alas, I am not—a mere mortal without the expertise to condemn via photos instead of notables viewing this coin in hand.
(Least I am accused of being too sarcastic, I state the above with love in my voice.)
yah PCGS has never gotten something wrong or had to adapt the nefarious intent of hucksters. Isn't it funny how it was mainly 2 dealers who found most of these spectacular Ikes? And to PCGS's credit that wouldn't be holdered today. Just like the buffalos that were a hit a few years ago before being exposed
If you are talking about the OP's Ike, it has a cert beginning with 41 which is fairly recent. Just received coins last month with 42. FWIW, I would have to see it in hand before I could cast shade on the coin.
@coinbuf said:
So this is a coin forum where some coins are now off limits, you just got to love censorship.
Where is the censorship? Only the suggestion of limiting "trash talk" on currently offered coins.
It's good manners, not censorship.
"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient"."
You and at least one other do not want this discussed as you feel that the discussion is inconvenient and harmful. So yes a few here are indeed attempting to censor the discussions, rationalize it all you want so you can sleep at night but it is just plain old censorship.
This is a coin forum and the discussion of coins is the only thing that is allowed, that should not be restricted.
@coinbuf said:
So this is a coin forum where some coins are now off limits, you just got to love censorship.
Where is the censorship? Only the suggestion of limiting "trash talk" on currently offered coins.
It's good manners, not censorship.
"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient"."
You and at least one other do not want this discussed as you feel that the discussion is inconvenient and harmful. So yes a few here are indeed attempting to censor the discussions, rationalize it all you want so you can sleep at night but it is just plain old censorship.
This is a coin forum and the discussion of coins is the only thing that is allowed, that should not be restricted.
A number of the posted forum rules amount to “censorship”. And in saying that, I’m not complaining about them. I think the odds are strong that some of those criticizing the coin wouldn’t think it was OK to do so publicly, if they were the consignor.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
@coinbuf said:
So this is a coin forum where some coins are now off limits, you just got to love censorship.
Where is the censorship? Only the suggestion of limiting "trash talk" on currently offered coins.
It's good manners, not censorship.
"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient"."
You and at least one other do not want this discussed as you feel that the discussion is inconvenient and harmful. So yes a few here are indeed attempting to censor the discussions, rationalize it all you want so you can sleep at night but it is just plain old censorship.
This is a coin forum and the discussion of coins is the only thing that is allowed, that should not be restricted.
A number of the posted forum rules amount to “censorship”. And in saying that, I’m not complaining about them. I think the odds are strong that some of those criticizing the coin wouldn’t think it was OK to do so publicly, if they were the consignor.
Yes I would agree that many of the rules of this forum do qualify as censorship, however those rules are in place to restrict the conversation from subjects other than coin related discussions and to keep the interactions as civil as possible. The host has the right to censor what subjects are discussed on this forum as this forum is a reflection on them directly or indirectly, everyone here knows that.
There are many threads here, some on the front page now; that discuss some of the many items on platforms like ebay. Should those discussions also not be reserved until after the auction ends to protect the owners of those items? Just because this happens to be in a problem free top TPG slab (now) does not and should not make it untouchable.
My question is how does a coin toned that extreme on the obverse not have any signs of toning on the reverse?
Wow! This really makes my friend's Toned Ike seem like the bargain of the decade compared to what he's asking for his Toner. My friend only wants $4000. And it's NGC graded and established. Also a phenomenal Rainbow Ike to boot!

I showed this Monster many times before.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.A holder will slow it down. A holder in a box with a nitrogen atmosphere may stop it. But nothing short of thick black is actually stable if there is any oxygen around.
On Ebay - PR66DCAM - $980 - Not $20,000-$30,000. But how can they tell DCAM?
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
in-hand you can catch the reflection/depth of the fields. i've had a couple monster toned ikes dcam and with proof coins if you image them head-on just right, you can't event tell they are nicely toned. perhaps just a modicum.
No CAC sticker? I thought Laura was CAC only.
If it really was a 68+ as graded, it would have stickered. There is something CAC must not have liked (presumably the toning which could arguably be deemed QC).
Dansco toned coins often display different colorations on both sides. Felt lined displays often tone differently. Infinite number of variables might lead to this. Anyone who collects toners have seen this. One sided toned Morgans are common.
That’s a hideous AT example most likely doctored by a former seller KPL on eBay. They were exposed and went away.
I'm no expert on toning but can decide what is acceptable. But yeah, I would need to see it up close. I do think the compaction/hardness varies within and around the devices on a coin and the toning would/should follow that pattern.

The following likely was more lustrous at one time but it still has nice eye appeal and brighter than the pic shows. Perhaps similar toning. A new acquisition for me.
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
Ike's aren't Morgans and if you could find any other example of a 74 s toned in such way in a top tier holder then I would be more accepting of your answer.
What’s more it Legend and business strike Ikes are CAC eligible, suggesting it failed CAC.
It's a silver Ike. Minted for Collectors, not circulation.
The only Ike I own. Color is deep in hand, not laying on the surface as the TV might indicate. It is a silver Ike as well.

CAC lists 56 CAC MS68 or MS68+ 1973-S Silver Ikes in its census online.
Don’t forget that TVs can some times be more intensely colored than the in-hand view.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
if this coin was a Morgan Dollar or a 1958 Franklin Half-Dollar you guys would be raving about it, but since it's a 45+ year old Eisenhower Dollar you simply can't grasp the notion that it toned like this. News Flash: they sometimes do.
I kinda like it, but I don't like it at the price it will sell for.
I also imagine the photos are a bit juiced.
I really liked this MS67 a forum member asked me to shoot. Felt very genuine.
Juicing photos is a dishonest tactic in selling a coin.
Is Legend a dishonest firm?
Oh brother. I said a bit, as in, possibly the in-hand look isn’t quite as vibrant as the photos. I’m absolutely NOT saying they’re deliberately using a dishonest tactic.
I can’t count the number of times a lot reviewer has told me a certain coin looks more like one photo than another. Some photographers tend to “emphasize” the color more than others. That’s all I’m saying.
You can def say tru views "juice the look of coins" because they are basically glamor shots and do not always reflect the genuine in hand look. You could send the same coin in three different times and get three very different looking tru views on a coin like this.
Nice colors but interesting pattern.
You can def say tru views "juice the look of coins" because they are basically glamor shots and do not always reflect the genuine in hand look.
do you just come up with this stuff or do you actually have evidence to support it?? the "glamour shot" reference is really insulting to Phil Arnold and the PCGS TrueView service.
I will say this much, anytime anyone takes a coin photograph they are most likely to be attempting to show the coin as they see it and to its most advantageous appearance. PA is very skilled, he doesn't need to enhance anything. also, many members, perhaps including you, overlook the fact that TrueView images are taken raw. yeah, that makes a difference.
it is probably more accurate to say that looking at a coin inside of a TPG capsule does "not always reflect the genuine in hand look" of the coin raw.
There are many examples of the fact that tru views of the same coin will look very different if resubmitted if you want to research on this site.

But here is an example of one coin I personally submitted twice that I no longer own that reflect a different look each time.
Those don’t look very different, one just has better lighting than the other. The look of a coin in a Trueview can usually be replicated in hand by simply placing a coin in the correct lighting. This is why calling them “juiced” is not usually accurate.
Gobrecht's Engraved Mature Head Large Cent Model
EDM was my first thought on that one.
Collector, occasional seller
Beautiful colors! I wonder what kept the reverse from toning. Here's the prettiest Ike I've seen. Toning similar to a 57-D Franklin.
Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
IMHO not appropriate to discuss the coin until AFTER the auction is completed. Then, by all means talk about the “most beautiful Ike dollar ever seen”. In fact, maybe a few of the folks talking about it (for better or for worse) here may have actually seen it by then. Ive seen far too many instances where board members intentionally spread inaccurate information on coins before an auction is complete for personal gain. And, I’m not suggesting this particular OP had any bad intent in posting this thread. I just feel it is premature and may influence the bidding on the coin (in either direction). For example, I have a fairly strong opinion on the coin and if I made it a point to talk about it now in great detail, I truly believe that discussion might very well affect the final hammer on the lot.
Just my 2 cents.
Pre-auction coin talk is an interesting subject.
I've noticed that some coins seem to be okay to talk about, vote on price, or talk down the potential price, but others are not.
For example with the 1933 DE, there was a lot of pre-auction talk about how the 10 Langbord coins could become available (though the US Mint has given no such indication). For the 1804 Sultan of Muscat dollar, there was a lot pre-auction talk about how it had turned in a SDB.
What are your thoughts on those discussions?
Washing Machine, tide variety. I washed a 1995 cent recently and it came out with a similar tone. I'll try it with an Ike and post it.
A single lesson I've learned over the years having participated in these boards:
You can't bring a wet mule around a hot corn oven.
One of the first things newbies are told is pictures and we are glad to help. Mr.Wondercoin your confusing things with your response.
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I have also noticed that more and more coins that are currently up for auction are being presented and discussed (often in a negative way). I would think this has a chance to change the outcome of the auction. I feel sorry for the person trying to sell the coin. They have the right to get as much as possible.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set
Obviously if you are a toner collector you want to see the colors that are present on the coin. It all depends on how light hits the coin. Different angles of light show different views of the coin. Just because you prefer the way the coin looks with one view doesn’t mean the others are wrong.
Photos are 2D so you can’t you don’t get the real sense of how the coin looks in 3D. When you have the coin in front of you and wiggle it back and forth all these different looks are there. Personally I want the view that shows the color or toning. It’s you prefer not to see this, that’s great. The color is there. The photo doesn’t need to be juiced to show it, the angle of the lighting brings it out.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
{ I would think this has a chance to change the outcome of the auction. I feel sorry for the person trying to sell the coin. They have the right to get as much as possible.}
So a few people discussing a coin on a coin forum is going to influence auction results? Does anybody really think this action is going to influence the bidding by people who really like and want that coin for their collection? I think not. Now maybe if it was a BST coin on this forum was talked about badly, I could see that happening. But an auction that millions of people across the country can become a participant in?
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
yah PCGS has never gotten something wrong or had to adapt the nefarious intent of hucksters. Isn't it funny how it was mainly 2 dealers who found most of these spectacular Ikes? And to PCGS's credit that wouldn't be holdered today. Just like the buffalos that were a hit a few years ago before being exposed
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
The pool of potential buyers for a coin like this is small. Maybe 2 dozen people would be legitimate contenders for top-end toned Ikes at any given time??? It’s not so unlikely that several of them frequent this forum.
The flip-side is the concept that “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” I’m sure it goes both ways sometimes, but the consignor of the coin might have some strong feelings about it.
This is all old information we know- including Legend Numismatics. Legend is selling this coin. Is it suggested they are turning a blind eye on this Ike?
I agree with you.
I am one of those prospective bidders and that’s why I didn’t discuss the coin other than to say I look forward to seeing it in hand. Also, I would absolutely take @wondercoin’s words very seriously, as I would a couple of others who are experts in this field.
So this is a coin forum where some coins are now off limits, you just got to love censorship.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Where is the censorship? Only the suggestion of limiting "trash talk" on currently offered coins.
It's good manners, not censorship.
There are some mildly unattractive coins being offered over on the BST board over the last few days. (I know as I am drawn to unattractive coins...).
Now, decorum and civility keep me and everyone else from mocking these coins and disparaging the offerings. It isn't censorship.
I suppose the comparison can be made those coins are from hobbyists and collectors, and Spectrum/Legend is a large conglomerate and thus worthy of disdain and condemnation (or, at least, the coins they sell and the method they do so).
Really though?
Kindness and observing civility: What separates us from the animal kingdom is the ability to choose what and how and when we freely express ourselves.
Being straight graded in a holder does not make a coin NT
Just saying
If you are talking about the OP's Ike, it has a cert beginning with 41 which is fairly recent. Just received coins last month with 42. FWIW, I would have to see it in hand before I could cast shade on the coin.
"Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient"."
You and at least one other do not want this discussed as you feel that the discussion is inconvenient and harmful. So yes a few here are indeed attempting to censor the discussions, rationalize it all you want so you can sleep at night but it is just plain old censorship.
This is a coin forum and the discussion of coins is the only thing that is allowed, that should not be restricted.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
A number of the posted forum rules amount to “censorship”. And in saying that, I’m not complaining about them. I think the odds are strong that some of those criticizing the coin wouldn’t think it was OK to do so publicly, if they were the consignor.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Yes I would agree that many of the rules of this forum do qualify as censorship, however those rules are in place to restrict the conversation from subjects other than coin related discussions and to keep the interactions as civil as possible. The host has the right to censor what subjects are discussed on this forum as this forum is a reflection on them directly or indirectly, everyone here knows that.
There are many threads here, some on the front page now; that discuss some of the many items on platforms like ebay. Should those discussions also not be reserved until after the auction ends to protect the owners of those items? Just because this happens to be in a problem free top TPG slab (now) does not and should not make it untouchable.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Who the heck is Spectrum/Legend?