Early Gold GTG Crossover Follow Up
I posted this coin a few weeks back for GTG. I trusted my eye on what was a risky purchase at the price, but ultimately got the results I was after. I do believe the coin deserves a “+” and may try at a later time. I’m very pleased with the coin overall. Phil at PCGS did the coin more justice than I ever could with my phone images.
Collector of Original Early Gold with beginnings in Proof Morgan collecting.
Well, it appears JA wrote what I was thinking! Nice coin!
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I've never gotten a smiley face from John.
Cool coin!
Wow is what I was thinking as well, that's an amazing coin!
Did you try first to see if it would sticker at MS64 in the NGC holder before crossing to the lower grade? Have to think JA would have liked it in either holder.
That is one amazing coin. I hope to be able to purchase one for my type set.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
Based on the seller, I was almost certain it had been tried in the previous holder. That was a tough call for me. Maintaining the fresh factor vs. possibly getting a sticker at 64.
A lovely, unmolested early half eagle. The true view looks fantastic. You nailed it on this one, Justin!
Very, very nice gold coin....I could definitely see a + there.... Super detail.... Has been well preserved. Cheers, RickO
Awesome coin!
My YouTube Channel
Very nice coin. One of my favor old gold designs.
Wow, i think I'd get the note from JA encapsulated too!
He who knows he has enough is rich.
Way to go! Super coin and really glad it all worked out. Trust your eye, you have a good one!
Latin American Collection
Nice color and great coin.
Amazing coin! Great photos. Need one of these.
Perfect coin for your collection.
That’s a cool bonus when you opened that package!
Congrats, looks like a lovely coin. I take it at this price/grade, you crossed it to PCGS?
Stunning! Congrats on the cross and the sticker.
Very nice coin.
IG: jb_rarities
Great outcome!
Down-crossed it to PCGS.
“Almost certain”—was it a situation where you couldn’t ask the seller outright or something? It does have the look of a coin where JA may have beaned it as a NGC 64, too….which is in the ballpark of a 6k+ price bump over the down-cross-and-bean isn’t it? I’m just spit balling here. Seriously sweet piece regardless!
That is an all around fantastic coin! I love the color.
I hear you for sure.
I did contact the seller (large “investment” company”). Their response was “it probably has been tried”. Asking if a coin has been sent has always seemed like a taboo question and few dealers I know will outright tell you, as a “failed” CAC coin is not as attractive to a buyer. “I don’t know” always seems to be the safe answer. But there are some very honest dealers out there that’ll tell you if they’ve sent a coin and it didn’t pass.
The P63 CAC market value is about the same as a N64 non CAC….if not more, but with added liquidity. I personally didn’t think the coin was technically a 64, though it could have received a bump for how nice the eye appeal and originality is. The current Coinfacts 64 is inferior to this coin, but is not CAC. The hazy, scratched NGC holder was also likely a deterrent to a cross at grade by PCGS or approval by CAC.
There’s always the possibility of trying for an upgrade later and sending back to CAC. Note: JA is very tight on higher mint state early gold.
Great coin! Looks good to me as a 63; I might try for a + but I wouldn't try for a 64.
Hmmmmm. If you want the + then specify that on the minimum grade during crossover. If they refuse, then you have more information with which to make a decision spending more money on grading attempts.
Great advice. Never thought of that before.
You took a downgrade on this? How much did you lose? Wow unbelievable. Technically $10k loss (between 63-64).
So the seller probably tried cross at same grade (beep) then got rid of it. So lose money on holder game but try get some back with sticker game.
This example case in point - Big ticket numismatic material has its risks.
The end result yielded no money lost. I have 2 offers for more than I’m into it for, but not interested in selling at this time.
It’s important to look beyond the price guide and dig into the APRs and CAC values. For starters, the last APRs for an NGC 64 vs. PCGS 63 (2017 for both), yielded a higher price for the 63.
I bought the coin, not the holder. And I personally didn’t agree with the grade on the NGC holder.
I obtained a high end example in a far more liquid and appealing package. A win in my book.
Still, since JA thought so highly of it one has to wonder if he would have stickered in the NGC holder with the higher grade. Now that would have been a win-win.