Eagle eyes…If you come across this coin it was stolen from an envelope in the USPS

Coin was being mailed from Brewster, NY to Norwalk, Ohio. Removed from envelope. This coin was stolen, please advise your local police.
Coin was being mailed from Brewster, NY to Norwalk, Ohio. Removed from envelope. This coin was stolen, please advise your local police.
There should be a "sad" reaction button.
Young Numismatist • My Toned Coins
Life is roadblocks. Don't let nothing stop you, 'cause we ain't stopping. - DJ Khaled
What kind of envelope?
How was it packaged?
Oh Herb. Dang it. Ok we need as much info as you can provide. Packaging, tracking just anything may help. Hang in there. We can help walk you through some of this.
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
So you want me to go to my local police department and tell them that some guy on the internet (don't know his name) says that a coin was stolen while being shipped from NY to OH? If I walk into my random local PD to file that police report I'd be surprised if they didn't take me into custody for observation.
What do you expect them to do about it?
This is a matter for the Postal Inspectors. You need to contact them.
Was it properly packaged? Tracked? Insured?
It's a good looking coin and I hate to hear that it is missing, but efforts need to be directed in the appropriate direction.
I think he means to report it if anybody sees the actual coin somewhere
Nice looking coin... looks like a solid VF/XF with natural surfaces... but I'm not sure what a local PD is going to be able to do because of jurisdictional concerns. You might have a better outcome by using the USPS Tracking services and launching a mail fraud investigation.
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Well that would make more sense, but I think they'd need a copy of the police report or a direct claim from the injured party.
Sorry to hear of your loss.... It would help if you could include details as described above. Cheers, RickO
Sorry to hear about the theft.
We won't know if it's been stolen until more details about how it was packaged and what kind of packaging material was used.
I'm with the others. 1. You should immediately contact the USPS where you mailed the envelope. 2. If you want our help we need more information.
Based on the photo on the other thread I'd find out which mailing facility processed it at the sender's end and have them look in the machinery.
I lost two slabbed ones from an eBay package last year but received the rest of the coins. Contacted USPS and they reimbursed me for the same.
Do reach out to the post office and they will be able to guide you.
All the best.
I am sorry that this happened to you.
USPS - Domestic Claims
Note - "If a claim is filed because some or all of the contents are missing or damaged, the addressee must retain the mailing container, including any damaged articles, all packaging, and any contents received. Upon written request by the USPS®, the addressee must make this proof available to the local Post Office® for inspection, retention, and disposition in accordance with the claims decision. Failure to do so will result in denial of the claim."
The coins not stolen until you report it stolen to your police dept. You also file a claim with postal. Gather your paperwork and receipts, write up a narrative with all relevant details, give a copy to the police and postal cause they don't like to write reports. Good luck. Peace Roy
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That's probably some great advice to keep in mind. They do hate writing reports and who could blame them. If you type it all out for them and maybe even offer to email them the text so they can copy and paste, that might go a long way in getting a positive reaction from them.
Which Police Department between these two points, Brewster, NY to Norwalk, Ohio, should the OP report it to? The police will just tell the OP to contact the USPS Authorities that investigate Lost, Missing and Stolen items. Also, we do not know if it was, in fact, 'Stolen'.
"Each year, Americans trust the U.S. Postal Service® with billions of letters and packages, and the vast majority of those arrive safely at their intended destinations. But there are always thieves who will target the mail. Postal Inspectors investigate these crimes and arrest thousands of mail and package thieves each year. Still, there are extra steps you can take to ensure your mail arrives safely at its destination."
It is going to be hard to fence for any significant money as I doubt postal thieves know how to get top dollar. I would keep checking ebay; you could also contact Doug Davis of the numismatic crime center.
I called my local police, and a cop who I know said he was going to invite me out to lunch but that I already was.....
Agree with the suggestion to watch eBay although I don't know what you would do if it shows up there. I guess you could buy it using a nuclear bid and then reverse the charges once you get in your hands.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Wer'e you sending or receiving this coin?
How was it packaged?
so many questions but not many answers
Check out my coins for sale at the link below mid-priced (read carefully)
** https://photos.app.goo.gl/VLi1NBeJuE7UTkCE7**
Once again, there is an extremely good chance this was not theft, but that the coin got broken out in the mail processing machines.
Best bets are to:
1) alert the Postal Inspectors (in case of theft).
2) contact the processing center at the sending end and request an examination of the machine area (but you might not like what you find even if it does turn up).
A local police report might have value, but not sure of jurusdiction - could be sending or receiving town.
If that coin was sent loose and in an oversized padded envelope, it will likely end up being part of tuition costs.
dang, that is a nice circ bustie.
Local police and State Police have NO jurisdiction in matters concerning the USPS. The USPS is a Federal Agency.