Chasing West Point Quarters

Discussed here often, many of us have still yet to see a 2019 or 2020 West Point Quarter, at least not in circulation that is.
Today, we hear from a collector that estimates they have found around 1,000 in their two years of searching. The 2019-W River of No Return Quarters are where they really hit, finding over 250 in boxes.
Full article:
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Keep them coming!
Im playing the West Point golf course tomorrow. Ill look for some
I really doubt they were evenly distributed across the US. They probably were concentrated in 2-5 large metropolitan areas in anticipation that they would disperse from there.
For the 2019 W's they were randomly mixed into other P and D business strikes so I suspect the cities with a federal reserve got the majority of them. They claimed to have mixed 2020 W's into circulated backdate quarters as well but I'm not 100% sure.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
Well Colorado wasn’t one of those places. Been looking since day one and have never found one in the wild. I’ve got first week of discovery and several others. But nothing in the wild. With people looking. We are a world class resort area but the days of traveling with change is over. Used to see a variety.
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
The problem is that the economy is sluggish in some districts or some just tend to ship coins in rather than getting an inflow. If you live in one of these areas any W quarter you get will be well traveled. But other areas have a large inflow of new coins and in these areas you can find some. A check a few rolls each week and found one in them and I got one nice BU in my pocket change.
I expect to get a couple more before they're all gone from circulation in three or four years.
Calling @WQuarterFreddie!
I have yet to find a W here in Illinois. I’ve been checking my change, not searching rolls. Lots of new Washington crossing the Delaware’s, they have been everywhere here, almost proof like.
I have been searching an average of 20 sealed quarter boxes a week for the past two years. Have found and sold many thousands of W quarters, at one time supplying large dealers with hundreds at a time. I used part of the proceeds to pay cash for a new SUV to give me greater comfort during my weekly 3-days of "bank runs." So much for retirement.
Uncirculated new W quarters normally only appear in a sealed box that contains nothing but shiny new quarters that are all the same new, national park quarter. Upon opening a sealed box one can determine if it contains new W's simply by looking at the roll enders of the first row of quarters. If they are recycled quarters there is no need to open even one roll from the box unless one wants to look for Ws that got circulated and then re-rolled. I just close it up and trade it with the bank for a sealed box. They love the fact that they are still in carrier rolls and not customer "junk" rolls.
Here's how the supply chain for the W's works, at least in my local area:
While the mint no longer issues the W's, I continue to acquire sealed boxes of 2019 and 2020 quarters from my bank on rare occasion. I suspect these coins are just now showing up because they have been sitting in a FED branch awaiting a carrier to liberate them.
This second round of a coin "shortage" has limited my supply of sealed boxes to about eight a week. I do have a credit union that sells me six boxes a week, and what I don't search, I sell to the tellers who were so kind to me over the past two years. Many of them cannot currently get even one box from their carrier.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I was on the golf course all day today and just saw this thread. Great article! Happy to see this young man enjoys the hunt as much as me. The W quarters got me interested in coin collecting😎
I (still) don't think they circulated. I think that 99% of those "found" came out of rolls or bags. No one got one as change from Dunkin.
Here is a link to an article that lists the distribution locations for the W quarters:
Dude! Really? TLDR🤣😂
Unfortunately, the odds are not in your favor unless you search rolls from the bank. 😎
Have you seen the movie Candy Man? 😂🤣
Wait. What? I am not aware of the Mint making that claim🤔
Actually Denver Colorado was a distribution point. Link to article documenting this fact:
I agree that most were and are being found in rolls or bags. However, the "coin shortages" this year have greatly hindered the hunters so in my opinion the odds have tilted more in favor of getting one in change since banks have cut back on letting hunters search bank boxes😎
Too Long Didn't Read? LOL. shorter than your six consecutive posts. And we all know you actually read it.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
W quarters were mixed only with new quarters. When new quarters containing W's get dumped into the carrier rolling tub there are sometimes old quarters still in the tub. the result is a roll of new and old quarters sometimes with a new W or two. This is also the reason a roll of new coins will sometimes contain a couple of greasy old coins.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Had a roll searcher come in to the shop who wanted to trade W quarters he found, for Mercury dimes. 40 different date and mint mark silver dimes for 10 clad quarters. Some say it's crazy. They were his terms. We agreed.

Then I sent them in.
The other 8 graded 64 to 66+.
The first one sold raw on eBay for $52. The last one for over $150.
The price guide on the MS 67 is an astonishing $800.
I see why the search is on.
Congratulations on making a very good deal!😎
I still check my change... no luck so far. I did get a Washington Crossing the Delaware quarter yesterday. I do cash transactions almost daily (four/five days a week), so I do get quarters in change... One day... A nice W will show up. Cheers, RickO
I got only one, the "War in the Pacific" at the Chic Filet at LAX. No others...
Well, just Love coins, period.
I have been unable to to hunt down any W quarters in the wild.
I did find several "Crossing the Delaware" coins thou.
Kennedys are my quest...
I periodically spot check a carrier wrapped roll of recycled quarters and do find an occasional circulated W quarter.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Thanks for the post.
It usually takes about three years for every single new coin of a given date and mint to be issued. They can get in much faster if most of the mintage is being shipped to just a few areas. They are very rarely slower though it appears 1996-'98 quarters weren't all in circulation until about 2003.
Ever since 1972 the FED has used "FIFO accounting" which mandates the oldest stocks are released first. This has resulted in coins wearing very evenly and every coin of a given date being about the same grade.
Most if not all of the FED branches don't actually handle coin now days and contract all the work. Even 20 years ago the Chicago FED had only some 80,000,000 circulated quarters in stock. These have probably all been fed into the system by now.
It's hard to get brand new rolls at any of my banks so I've missed most of the fun. I have found a couple one of which is a nice Unc.
Have them order you a $500 sealed box.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I found only one so far 'in the wild'...

Love for Music / Collector of Dreck
Congratulations! That is one of the harder ones to find!😎
All of the boxes in my area are circulated. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a new box of quarters. Pennies and nickels yes, but never quarters.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
Boxes of new coins are the result of a carrier dumping it's latest pickup from the FED branch (new coins) into it's rolling machine tub. Supply of existing circulated coins determines the need for them to go see the FED.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Congratulations. Another of us scores in the wild.
I’m still without that feeling of accomplishment Someday 😉
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
I've been searching through a box a week, lately with this 2nd coin shortage it's been much more difficult. I've found about 50 W's so far, much higher percentage if the box is brand new (only had 3 of those boxes) but the funniest part is my wife found a beautiful W in change from the grocery store! Keep looking, they do end up in the wild~
My banks are still claiming "coin shortage" so you are fortunate to get the one box per week. Happy hunting and good luck!😎
I asked one bank about this coin shortage and was told there were plenty of everything except quarters!!! "You wanna buy a box of nickels? C'mon, you sure?" Why would they put W's in the mix and then hold them back? How does that help circulation at all? When I search through a box, it gets right back into circulation... are there that many businesses that are shut down and change is no longer cycling through?? Perhaps the W on these quarters stands for What...Where?
Take off the tin foil hat😂🤣
There is no conspiracy on the Mint holding back on quarters.
In my opinion part of the problem are the W quarter hunters who went crazy like the guy on here who tells us how he spent all day every day driving from bank to bank scooping up quarter boxes and then boasts how he found so many W's he was able to buy a new vehicle. 🙄
At one point he admitted on this forum that he had so many quarter boxes hoarded in his garage because he wasn't exchanging them each time just accumulating them.
Well, when the banks closed their lobbies last year people like him couldn't return the searched boxes they had accumulated and thus helped to create the quarter shortage we have experienced this summer.😎
That was one of the strangest comment I've ever read on this forum. If that was too long to read, one has to wonder how they ever got through high school. I'm not a quarter chaser but never knew much of what has been added here.
I DID read it, thanks.
Did you score this coin at night? lol
Kennedys are my quest...
@WQuarterFreddie Well that makes sense. I did also experience a bout of backed up quarters where the lobbies were closed, I couldn't return change. I had to roll them back up and cycle them through a grocery store. I guess a better line of questions would be how many W's have been found, how many are left, and when will the system return back to a regular flow? I thought of giving up the search until I found another W, then I wanted to keep looking for awhile more.
Thanks, that hat was uncomfortable.
Wow, they even have these for cats!!
You failed to mention that he did say he exchanges the opened boxes for sealed ones. No need to hoard. You do realize that acquiring and exchanging up to 20 boxes a week means that I have a few on hand at any given time, right? I mentioned the car to give reference to how many W's I was finding and how readily available they were for those who took the time and effort to find them.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I love it! Enjoy your weekend and the thrill of the hunt! Definitely keep looking as you are one of the lucky ones who can still get quarter boxes. Please post your success when you find your next one😎
My Stats:
Lowell = 10
AMP = 13
WitP = 107
SAM = 57
RoNR = 43
Bat = 45
Weir = 17
SRB = 33
Vermont = 28
TallGrass = 93
Total = 446
I still have 5 rolls with W enders also: Sold ~ 6 rolls with W enders. I was searching only new boxes until ~March when I started with circulated rolls...
Have made a few trades with W Quarter Freddie (a good guy) - to date sold 307, gave away 29, keeping 70 (7 full sets) and traded 40
Impressive stats and thank you for your kind words! Enjoy the thrill of the hunt!😎
Is it just me or are the moderators starting another brawl. Good gosh. 58 or. 59 or 60. That thread was screwy to say the least. Now this is headed to heck in a hand basket.
It’s your forum but dang. Talk about bad luck. These wonderful people are not just arguing but it’s getting nasty.
I can guarantee one thing. Most any newbie who happened upon this thread or the do we need a AU 59? Probably read the posts of some of our elder members and said good bye. Shameful
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Where is joeykoins? I expected to hear from him by now! Maybe he is giving Snoopy a rest from all of his happy dancing!😎
Another Marsh-Billings...

Shhh....🤫 others are starting to realize the W quarters are still out there to be found!🤣😂
Congratulations on the find! Happy hunting!😎
@derryb and @WQuarterFreddie - what is the average grade of W quarters you find and what is the rough distribution of grades? Have you discovered or found any varieties?