I hate...

When I forget to bid on something I was tracking
Then snooze not remembering it until after it ended glancing at the hammer price knowing I would have bid more
To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
When I forget to bid on something I was tracking
Then snooze not remembering it until after it ended glancing at the hammer price knowing I would have bid more
That does suck. Or losing a bid by a sniper at the last second and thinking "damn, i would have paid that!"
Oh yeah... Been there too!
It's happened too many times. I'm haunted by coins I let get away because I didn't use a snipe program or an alarm clock to bid at closing. A gorgeous 1841 and 1879 half as well as a Pan Pac that got away have bugged me for years.
Here's one that got away because I was new to this series, didn't appreciate its scarcity and value as an original coin with nice surfaces, and didn't bid high enough because of a planchet defect. Not an expensive coin but I'd have doubled my bid if I had known better.

Worst is you been tracking something for a week.
You have it up and ready and 5 minutes to go.
Take a quick walk around the yard and get distracted .......
This has happened to me way too many times.
I have lost power just as an auction ended. That’s a real pisser.
An auction I wanted to bid on closed while I was at work. With a minute to go, my assistant came into my office and I didn't want them to see me bidding on eBay. They wondered why I was acting strange and I couldn't get them out of my office in time.
You can avoid this problem. Wait 5 minutes before taking a walk around the yard. LOL!!
Forgot to put a snipe on a holed Wisconsin commem. And then forgot to bid.
Lafayette Grading Set
Yup always. Usually have reminder texts sent, but they usually hit at the most inconvenient time.
When I used to buy on ebay, I loved the last few seconds snipes.... However, that meant I had to remember when they were closing..... Yep, forgot several times.
Cheers, RickO
EOC might not have interior plumbing...
So that's his way of mentioning making a old guy weak bladder outhouse run?

You have no idea how close to the mark you are
I, as many other hobbyists, have done this a few times. It occurs more for midday auction ending coins than other time ending coins. Hard to stay focused for several hours during the day, when other distracting events occur. Regardless of when it occurs, it sucks.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
people who are intolerant of others & the Dutch
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
A trusted sniping program that has never failed in 10+ years alleviates a lot of body function concerns and memory lapses.
It's all still better than trying to snipe the old 2AM auction closings with a dial up connection that was more than a bit inconsistent -- one of the reasons that I dove into a DSL connection as soon as they were available in my city.
This happened to me just a couple of weeks ago. I was even waiting at my computer to put up a last minute bid, but alas, I was distracted by an email...By the time I remembered, the auction had ended a minute ago and went for much less than the snipe bid I was planning on putting in. That ruined my whole night!
Let’s see the coin/token … just in case I bought it.
USAF Retired — 34 years of active military service! 🇺🇸
And people wonder why sellers seem to prefer listing fixed price over running auctions...
You can console yourself in that you don't actually know the winning bidders max bid (unless less than a full bid increment above the previous bid). So for all you know, the winner might have gone up well beyond your max bid.
Easily solvable: use a sniper program. Some of them are free I believe. I have used eSnipe for over 15 years and have never missed one single bid. I am approaching 70 and forget stuff quickly. Just put in your snipe bid and forget it.
I hate it when I search completed listings and see all the bargains that I missed, or something that I was searching a long time for, sold for a lot less than I would have paid. Darn, where was I when that auction was going on?
I hate flippers. And I don't mean the king of the ocean.
Why do you hate coin dealers?
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I'm convinced that most successful snipe bids on ebay are shill bids.Seems like the sellers these days expect bids well above retail for the relatively common material they are offering. I use Buy It Now only.I caught a seller red-handed who was gaming me. He ended up buying his own coins ( a group of IHC's). He tells me the winning bidder could not complete the transaction so I get a second chance to make the purchase.Oops.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Now you made me think... I hate that!
How about this: I love coin dealers who apply professional standards, help promote the hobby, and make an honest living. I hate opportunists who buy, hype, and resell whatever they think will make a quick buck. Especially the thing I wanted to buy.
There's a fine line there somewhere...
That happened to me recently.
I thought the auction was a day later. Imagine my surprise when I logged and and everything was sold at fire sale prices!
I hate when I'm outbid, and Stacks makes my bid button disappear.
(Probably protecting me from...myself!)
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
Me too!
Seems to happen to me with great regularity.
I really should get a snipe program…..
Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014
A few months ago the US Mint was selling one of those coins that would sell out in a minute or less because of a ridiculously low mintage. At 11:50 I was at my computer ready to pounce on it when it went on sale at high noon. Five minutes before it went on sale I lost internet service since a contractor excavating nearby cut the fiber optic cable.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I hate it when someone shows up at the front door wanting to chat. I hate being rude like that when I don't answer the door
I hate junk robo calls. I'm on the "do not call list," but it doesn't matter.
It's so bad that I have become hard to contact by phone. If the message on the call screen is from someone I don't recognize, I don't pick up. I refuse to buy anything from these people. If you are selling 1804 dollars at 14 cents apiece, I'll just have to miss out.
the petty little elevator doesn’t go to the top know it alls who quote me then attack me with their lame bs.
I always say, we always forget the higher price we paid for nicer coins, but we almost never forget the ones we let getaway because of price.