1932-D Washington quarter condition?

I'm curious what the wavy lines to the left of Washington indicate? Is that from it being cleaned? Fingerprints? Sorry I'm not experienced but going through a collection to see what is worth grading.
I have 10 of these 1932-d quarters in 2x2s that all look pretty good which just makes me suspicious that they have been cleaned
I'd be more concerned that they are fake. Cleaned or not. That is a coin that needs to be authenticated just because of the sheer number of added mintmarks.
Looks like maybe a fingerprint. Also looks like might have been cleaned.
Thanks for the reply. I'll definitely have someone take a closer look at it. I did get a better picture of the mint mark FWIW
OP has been a member since March 2010. And today is his first postings ever!

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Unfortunately, it looks to be the remnants of a fingerprint but this piece has been cleaned.
...I'll defer to the Wash Quarter experts in the crowd for the MM, but it doesn't look quite right to me...
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It's real. The D's on these are always funky and in a depression. The fakes are usually nice clear D's on a flat plane.
@Sjsharkies... Welcome aboard.... Yes... it looks cleaned, and that could well be the etched remnants of a finger print. Have your coins checked closely for added MM's. Cheers, RickO
Mechanical doubling on the mm
Strike doubling on the mint mark which, oddly enough, is a vote in favor of authenticity. However, it does look to be cleaned.
My opinions are genuine, AU sharpness, and cleaned to the point where it won’t get a straight grade with extensive remains of a fingerprint on the obverse. It is almost a nice coin, but the fingerprint, probably put there long ago, started it down the “cleaned” road. It’s a great example of why you must hold coins by their edges.
It looks real, appears to be AU and may or may not have been dipped or cleaned, though I would lean toward at least a dip.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Haha I was shocked myself when I tried to register and it said I was already a member. I inherited a coin collection years ago but just recently took more interest in it and want to add to it.
I would like to see your others!
I’m going to guess all real, all cleaned, might get a straight grade or two (hard for me to tell using my phone). Others will be more specific and have better answers. Even if they’re all cleaned and destined for details holders they’re cool and have value. There are probably a ton of folders out there with that spot missing that would love to have one of those snapped into them.
The first coin in the second group of photos may not have been cleaned. It would have to be seen in hand in order to be sure. All of the other coins appear to have been cleaned in one manner or another.