Places that aren't around anymore but you wish they were

in Sports Talk
What are some stores or places that you used to love to go to but they aren't around anymore?
For me, it's Blockbuster Video, I used to love going there on Friday and Saturday nights.
and to keep it nonpolitical about vax, i’ll just keep it there.
The one and only Orange Bowl!
I miss arcades, like they were in the 90s.
I hear you, I practically lived at arcades when I was younger!
I just went to Guns and Roses on 8/5 lol. Concerts are happening
I wonder if any other old timers remember stores like "Woolworth's" which was a five-and-dime store with a long food counter. they had the best french fries before McDonalds really got going.
Electronics Boutique
Although I have a modern arcade 5 minutes from my home, and an incredible retro one 15 minutes away, it's not the same. I miss the mall arcade with no redemptions and new games arriving constantly.
Speaking of malls, I miss:
Hot Sam's - the pretzel place. I loved being able to get pretzels at the mall.
Fun topic!
I miss Bennigan's and Cheers
Home made Bread.
Right out of the oven.
Record stores

Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
1/24th Slot Cars....

1/24th Slot Cars
we had one of those around in the late 1960's, it was a HillBilly NASCAR wanna-be hangout except on race day. then it was a desert except for dads and a few kids. some of the wanna-be's even wore NASCAR shirts and had a buddy along, I guess he was their pit crew. everyone had a NASCAR baseball hat, I think it was a pre-requisite to race.
And they had coins!!!
Bay Bombers, roller derby
Orange Julius
Candlestick *&?@# Park. I miss that joint
Fun House, Seacliff, Fleishacker Zoo on the Pacific ocean
I will second video rental stores. i spent sooooo much time just browsing the racks with no clue what i wanted to rent.
Music stores. we had record town, strawberries, music land and maybe a few others in my area in the 1990s. there is just something more satisfying about holding a physical album and the liner than just downloading files into my phone.
all my local childhood card shops. man do i miss them. all the proprietors are now sadly passed. good times though.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I'd say the places I miss the most were the two Movie CInemas that were literally a two minute ride from my house. Whenever there was a new movie we liked my kids & I would go see the 1st or 2nd show on Sundays at $5.50/ticket. The first cinema closed about 10 years ago,the second about 5 years later.
The one place I miss most of all was a place called Pizza King near me that closed a few years back. It was my preferred place for takeout that I'd been going to for close to 40 years. Their pizza marinara was on the spicy side and the owner cured his own pepperoni that was the best I've ever eaten. My heart broke the day they closed.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
How things have changed, circa 1962. I used to get a weekly allowance. 25 cents for taking the garbage out from under the sink everyday and emptying the waste baskets weekly as well as mowing the lawn once a week.
Saturday a bunch of us would head to the Garden Theater in Willow Glen(San Jose). Tickets were 15 cents. Candy bars were a nickel.
After the show, I would head down to the Art Gallery and get to pick 5 cents out of the cash register to exchange with my extra pennies.
Early 'S' mint cents were in change. One find of an xf 11-s brought a 3 silver dollar trade from a Coin World ad. Off to Mark's Coin shop to sell the dollars for $1.07 each. A coin dealer was born!!
That was 60 years ago. Fast forward to a show in San Francisco a few years ago. (I'm now in Orange county) Somebody asks me how I got started. So I'm recalling this story and a bystander who I hadn't noticed was apparently listening. A 75 year old retired tech exec. Says to me..." You knew Mark? "
"Great guy, I traded into my silver position with him for 20+ years". "Hold out you hands". " What year were you born"?
About half an hour later he shows up with a Franklin half ring in my birth year. He was making rings at the show. Wouldn't allow me to give him a half or pay him.
Old Cleveland Stadium when they would have 71,000 for opening day for the Indians. The place was rockin - rest of the season not so much though.......
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Fuddruckers and Quiznos.
Yes, that is correct.
Doodle Burgers in San Diego.
Chicago Stadium
Polo Grounds
Ebbets Field
Sportsman's Park
Brown Derby
Bullock's Wilshire- the downtown store in LA that is not what it was intended to be...
The Ambassador Hotel and Coconut Grove Night Club
County Stadium- Cleveland
Municipal Stadium
The real Yankee Stadium
Memorial Stadium- Baltimore
I will stop here mainly because progress should not include nor involve the destruction of the past.
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
The Far East Sauna. They used to sponsor our softball team with tons of perks
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
My 18 year old, 6"6", 190 lbs, 36" standing vertical leap, could run all day and never get tired body that could throw down some power dunks.
The only thing I can dunk today is an Oreo Cookie in a glass of milk.
I'd have to time warp way back in time, but...
The Commodore Ballroom in my hometown of Lowell, MA
The Totem Pole Ballroom in Newton, MA
Any disco!! Oh the ladies!!!
Music and dancing when life was beyond wonderful and a place to take your lady for a classy date, especially the Totem Pole.
The Frolics, Salisbury Beach, MA...saw some headliners there that went on to be huge stars, Paul Anka, The Everly Brothers, Johnny Mathis and several others. What a time it was!!
Shea Stadium
Seeing the Washington Redskins in their glory years at old RFK Stadium ...
My Coin Blog
My Toned Lincoln Registry Set
common sense
.........Very soon ( actually somewhat already happening) the unvaccinated will be fully ostracized (if they get their way) .
Edited to add: Boston Garden
right? quiznos was everywhere. primerib & peppercorn was my jam.
Drive-in movies
Pup n taco
The Twin Towers.
Pioneer chicken
Those back curtain rooms at convenient stores
Nunleys amusement park, Baldwin NY. Spent many evenings there as a kid. Small rides outside, arcade games and antique carousel inside. The carousel is now in a museum in Garden City and still operational

This Place ?
Action Park - though sometimes the action was drowning, but still.
Yankee Stadium - the new place is not the same
Giants Stadium - see above
Brendan Byrne Arena - saw so many Nets game there so cheaply…
Barnum and Bailey Circus
America for the first two weeks after 9/11 - remember when people were kind to each other because we all wanted to be? Only twenty years ago, seems like 1000
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sometimes you know before the rest. so like i said, concerts. at least around here…just announced. had the bowling lanes reserved prior & my boi coming to the hizzy afterwards. was getting @1951WheatiesPremium his shoes signed while here, but will fig something else out i guess…51 prolly thought i forgot. 😉
Incorrect. I have learned not to doubt you and have great respect for you.
I’d give you my shoes but they really smell like poo-POO-poo.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?