CLOSED: AUGUST coin swap, $20 minimum FMV - be generous, be creative, be surprised!

HI all,
I'm calling for an Olde Tyme Coin Swap, like we used to do 20 years ago on this forum.
If you are interested, reply to this post.
I hope to see a dozen or more "Deal me in" responses...
The Rules:
- To join the swap, your account must have been active for at least 1 month.
- U.S. shipping addresses only, please.
- Minimum value $20, valuation by FMVs.
- I'll post the list of who sends to who, A sends to B, who sends to C, who sends to ... X, who sends to A. So it's a circle.
- PM your victim/target to get their shipping address (and optionally find out if they have particular interests)
- The "main things" you send are to be desirable/collectable U.S. coin(s). Bonus items can be included as well, but please do not unload your junk.
- Once I post the list, let's try to get the packages shipped within a week.
- When you receive your package, you can post a description on this thread... especially if it is particularly generous/interesting/funny...
100th pint of blood donated 7/19/2022
. Transactions with WilliamF, Relaxn, LukeMarshal, jclovescoins, braddick, JWP, Weather11am, Fairlaneman, Dscoins, lordmarcovan, Collectorcoins, SurfinxHI, JimW. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

@lordmarcovan , @Modwriter , @bigtime36 , you all expressed interest in a $20 swap. Please post a "Deal me in" to this thread. @Dscoin also expressed some interest, after the ANA show. Let's see the buzzzzz...
OK, deal me in.
OK, deal me in.
So far:
moursund -> @lordmarcovan -> @Modwriter
I hope to see at least a few more before we close the circle.
But even now, moursund can contact lordmarcovan for shipping address and interests, and similarly lordmarcovan can contact Modwriter. Modwriter has to wait to know the next target...
I guess I’ll be needing @Modwriter ’s address and preferences, then, and a nudge on when it’s time to proceed.
(Edit- PM sent)
I am hoping to get at least a few more and the chain, but I suppose there is no reason not to start the shipments ASAPractical.
As for all of the people who are reading this thread and not yet jumping in, give it a try!
Deal me in!
Nice! Ok, @Modwriter sends to @DontTellTheWife ...
Modwriter, go ahead and make contact, get shipping address and etc.
Who's will be next in the chain?
PM sent!
I am shipping my outgoing package to @Modwriter today. Because I offered him some choices, the primary coin in his package is not a mystery. I figured I'd rather send him something he wanted, so the cat's out of the bag on this one. The OTHER coins in the package, however, remain a secret, and I'll let him post the rest when they arrive.
But this is the main piece. It currently trends $13 on Numismedia in VG8. I think the rest should easily be worth more than seven bucks. (One set in the other mystery coins is an item I usually sell for $10, and there's more besides that.)
nice looking coin, and slabbed no less.
I am very thankful to have drawn @lordmarcovan for the August coin swap! I am also shipping my outgoing package today to @DontTellTheWife. I have the same anxious feeling I get when submitting. lol Also, thanks to @moursund for putting the coin swap together.
Let's get a few more in the chain before we close the loop... sounds like the links are mailing out promptly. I'll try to get mine off to @lordmarcovan today or tomorrow.
And in the new tradition of showing the primary coin in the package, here is what will head toward @lordmarcovan
OMG it's an OGH!
Groovycool! More than just an OGH, it's a rattler holder!
Very Old School!
(I see what you did there with that "OMG, it's an OGH!", though. LOL)
Ok, the rattler and friends is on the way to @lordmarcovan
Hey, tell a few CU friends to join this swap. I'm too new to know anybody.
Except @bigtime36 said he/she would join. Where are you?
And how about my new pal @Dscoin ?
If we get 2 or 3 more, let's close the loop.
... and by new, I mean in a relative sense...
Want in on a $20 US coin swap?
Yeah, be one of the cool kids!
I’ll join the $20 swap
It's all about what the people want...
Maybe next time.
My YouTube Channel
Cool, don't tell the wife will send to you. We don't know yet who you will send to...
Great! We’ve actually done business in the past…
@DontTellTheWife Sent you a PM
It's all about what the people want...
Ok, if nobody else joins the swap by this afternoon, we'll close the loop.
I'm surprised there aren't more who care to join...
For we few who are in it, be sure to post when you receive your goodies...
Maybe leave the loop open until the end of August?
Could... or maybe we'd like to be done and dusted by end of August...
Doesn't seem to be much interest anyway.
Yeah, sorry. Swaps like this, as you have discovered, seem to be something of a bygone thing.
I received my package from @moursund yesterday, and was going to bring it to work with me to open it, but forgot and left it at home. When I get off, I’ll open it and post a proper “unboxing”, whenever I’ve suitably recovered from the rigors of another graveyard shift.
Sorry for no response lately, I've been sick and trying to get better. Again, sorry.
Collect raw morgans, walkers, mercs, SLQ, barber q. Looking at getting into earlier date coins pre 1900s.
Yikes, hope you are better!
I think we will go ahead and close the loop for this Moursund August coin swap.
Anybody who feels bad because they didn't join.... Please start another in a short while, and see if you can drum up a few participants.
For this one, closing the loop means @LukeMarshall sends to me!
@LukeMarshall please PM me for my address, and if you want to know what kind of coins I like.
Belated update: @moursund was more than generous with me and sent me LOTS of bang for the twenty bucks!
There was that 1945 Merc in the old PCGS rattler holder, plus a proof Mt. Rushmore commem half, an 1896 French 5-centimes, and a handful of really cool exonumia pieces! I particularly like the neutron irradiated 1946 dime in a 1950s encasement. I haven’t had one of those in about a decade.
So there was plenty of “icing on the cake”, so to speak. Thank you, @moursund! I only hope that @Modwriter will enjoy what he got from me as much as I enjoyed what I got from you. Hope everyone ends up enjoying what they got.
Glad you liked it.
fun putting it together...
Don't forget to join my two random-drawing giveaways, y'all, if you haven't already.
Drawing on or after August 17th:
Drawing on or after September 1st:
Too many rules on the second one
That was quick and those coins are really cool! @moursund and @lordmarcovan must be in the same postal zone. Am I the only west coaster? @lordmarcovan Im sure I will enjoy your coins soon. By planes, trains and automobiles!
Too many words on the second one, I’ll admit. The rules themselves should not be terribly difficult to people who take the time to read them. (Many won’t. I confess I’m much the same way myself when reading other people’s contest rules.)
@lordmarcovan I needed to Google exonumia. lol I have tried many times to register with CT but errors out everytime I can still read threads but can not post. I'm fine with that.
I am here in (way too) sunny Corvallis, Oregon...
And I am in (way too) humid SE coastal Georgia, (near Florida), so @moursund and I are on the opposite ends of the continent.
I’d like to see the Pacific NW someday. My daughter just returned from a trip to Portland, Oregon.
Unfortunately for her, the (nonrefundable) accommodations she booked were in Portland, Maine!
Ouch! (Speaking of opposite ends of the continent.)
I wonder how many others have made that same mistake. Reminds me of a coworker whose mother went to send money to her here in Georgia via Western Union, and sent it to Georgia (the country in Asia) instead.
My daughter liked Portland (OR), however.
Good, because you will also be receiving some rather rare and very special exonumia in your package.
And so there’s another cat out of the bag, but no matter- there’s still yet more stuff in there that has not been mentioned.
PS- @moursund - if you want a set of the exonumia pieces mentioned above, just say the word!
Hmm... come to think of it, I have your address on the envelope you sent inside my package, so hypothetically, there’s nothing to stop me...
Thank you! I always have used the term "token" in place of exonumia. I do have a few exonumia that I have put away and will have to take a look at them now.
“Exonumia” is a more general sort of umbrella term. Tokens are the major category of Exonumia, or course, but that also includes medals, love tokens, and elongated coins, etc.
@lordmarcovan in Georgia, are Denver Mint coins hard to find? I find Philadelphia Mint coins very rarely here on the west coast.
I wouldn’t say D-mint coins are hard to find, necessarily, but they’re certainly a lot scarcer on this side of the country than P-mint coins are.
Surprise coin package is always nice...
As long as it isn't "too valuable to throw away, to ugly to like, too bulky to store..."
@lordmarcovan Got your package today! I really like the coins and exonumia a lot! Thank you so much!
What is that brown thing in the lower left? Indian Cent?
Nah, just a humble 1928-S Lincoln in Littleton plastic. It was there mixed in, so off it went.