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1990 Pacific Coast Numismatic Society & San Fransisco Coin Club Joint Pan Pac silver medal

coinsarefuncoinsarefun Posts: 21,743 ✭✭✭✭✭

Many of you here might have seen my growing collection of Numismatic Club Medals including ANA, PCNS, CSNA and somewhat limited San Fransisco Coin Club Medals. Its taking a few years with Fresno toned silver club medal I acquired some 15 years ago.
It was in one of the dealers cases in Long Beach Convention. He really did not want to sell it but I guess he saw how enamored I was with the design and toning he sold it to me.
Ahead several years my collection is nearing the completion....at least as far as I want to take it and only missing a few key silver pieces. One @Zoins has. And a few other the Daniel Carr created, I was silly for not purchasing it when I was approached.
My newest piece is something I was not even aware of. I didn't find it mentioned anywhere in my limited research which is google and this forum. This piece shows up with an older typed 2x2 saying Joint medal modified obverse and reverse.
Original Designer Robert I. Aitken
Aitken even did work on the Fountain of Earth - Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915)


Panama Pacific Exposition seventy-fifth anniversary 1915-1990 by Masterpiece Medallions Mintage 132 Zoins does show a beautiful toned silver example. I only have found the brass version.
Zoin's Club Medal

So, I looked through my images of the medals I've collected a bell went off in my head saying.....ohhh. I see now. Why hasn't there been any information available on this wonderful creation! So below is the image of how the two clubs combined obverses and created a beautiful PanPac creation.
A huge and critical piece of putting this together was the 2x2 paper that came with the medal. These are so important. Not only to establish past ownership in this case since there are no marks indicating what, who and where this came from it would be looked upon as an ounce of nice silver! Below are images of each to show how the two clubs got together and created this.

This is the collection up to date. I need to fill in the dates and names to have a good reference.
But, they are grouped in date order and clubs


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