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Something didn't sound right

ifthevamzarockinifthevamzarockin Posts: 8,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

A couple of weeks ago I managed to pick up a box of halves at the bank. As I was going through them I could tell there was one that didn't sound right but it didn't sound like silver. I checked all the dates and nothing jumped out at me. I narrowed it down by sound and found a 1971 D half. The reverse had a seam around the rim much like how a magic coin with 2 heads is made so I could tell it was an alteration. At the time I thought it was a little strange that someone would go to the effort just to reinsert the tails side and it was heavy enough I could tell it wasn't hollow. I set it aside until tonight, it started talking to me, it was saying "open me"...."open me" and I was saying "what?!?" It was a tight fit and didn't want to open easy, a few little drops on the table got it to pop open. Look what I found inside! :)


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