Any winners yet for the Toned Showcase awards?

I thought I saw they would announce a winner on 07/15, but I haven't seen anything yet. There were lots of great sets out there for the US and world coins, so just wondering...
My registry sets
I've been out of town, so they could be delaying the announcement until they reach me. I'll give them a call on Monday...
Just saw a thread on this get closed down on the main forum. Any updates?
My Instagram picturesErik
My registry sets
Thank you for your patience while we reach out to all of the Gold winners for the 2021 Set Registry Awards before we make announcements. This year, we are awarding nearly 472 Platinum and Gold winners, which is nearly 100 more than last year. That being stated, we anticipate official announcements going live on Friday 8/20. Best regards, Jamie
Thanks for the update.
Kennedys are my quest...
Please see the U.S. Coin Forum. Thank you!