PCGS 2021 Set Registry Awards - Toned Coin Showcase Winners

We are pleased to announce and congratulate the winners of the PCGS 2021 Set Registry Awards for the Toned Coin Showcases.
U.S. Toned Coin Showcase Awards sponsored by Legend Rare Coin Auctions
1st: Aurora Borealis Collection set id: 9748 Aurora Borealis
2nd: THE OLD WAY set id: 9865 Seated Crazy
Finalist: J & L's COLORFUL COMMEMS set id: 10579 DODGERS267@AOL.COM
Finalist: BLACK CAT TONED COINS set id: 9936 Black Cat
Collectors Choice: THE PRISM OF COLOR COLLECTION OF LINCOLN CENTS (1909-1958) set id: 3717 Curry
World Toned Coin Showcase Awards sponsored by Stephen Album Rare Coins
1st: Asian Treasures set id: 10200 **Anonymous **
Finalist: THE WORLD'S RADIANT COLORS set id: 9775 Tylerj0106
Finalist: TAIPEI COLLECTION-CHINA EMPIRE set id: 10286 chiang
Finalist: RAREROUND ADDICTION TO OXIDATION set id: 9998 atom
Collectors Choice: 8 Reales Madness Collection set id: 9826 TwoKopeiki
Awards Breakdown:
1st place in each category will receive: $2,500 sponsor gift card, one of a kind coin art, pedigree for their Showcase winning set, and PCGS 1st place plaque
2nd place in each category will receive: $1,000 sponsor gift card and PCGS plaque
Next 3 places are designated as "Finalist" and will receive: PCGS plaque
Collectors Choice (based upon social "Likes") will receive: $500 PCGS grading credit and PCGS plaque
We sincerely hope that you enjoyed this unique contest that allowed for multiple winners, exciting prizes, fan engagement, and so much more.
The response was better than we could have imagined, and we appreciate all of the entries and effort you all put in. It was really challenging for our team of judges to come up with the winners, so we are also presenting plaques for the finalists in each category.
Special thanks to our sponsors, Legend Rare Coin Auctions and Stephen Album Rare Coins, as you were a pleasure to work with on this and your generous gifts for our winners are much appreciated. We hope this was a success for you, as well.
We look forward to doing something new and exciting like this again for the 2022 Set Registry Awards, so please stay tuned.
If you have any thoughts, questions, ideas, etc., please reach out to our team at: setregistry@collectors.com.
Thank you for your continued support of the PCGS Set Registry.
Again, congratulations to all of the winners.
Best regards,
Congrats @AuroraBorealis
and of course everyone else. It was a cool event.
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
Congrats to all the winners and thanks to our hosts and Legend / SARC for putting this together. Huge shout out to everyone who commented and liked my Showcase!
8 Reales Madness Collection
Congrats to all winners!
I would like to thank PCGS and our sponsors Legend Rare Coin Auctions and Stephen Album Rare Coins. There are amazing sets in the competitions and congratulations to all the other winners and entries for taking part with their beautiful collections. I am very honored to be a part of all of those... AB
This was a fun competition, and I encourage PCGS to continue to promote the hobby like this! Congrats to all the participants, because the coins were all spectacular.
This was a wonderful competition with some amazing coins!! Thank you to Legend Rare Coin Auctions and Stephen Album Rare Coins along with PCGS for sponsoring this. Congratulations to @AuroraBorealis! Enjoyed reading all the write-ups of the previous owners and where you acquired the coins.
Thank you was my pleasure! AB
Tremendous sets - lots of eye candy. Congrats to all. ⭐️
Lots of great coins from everyone!
Love this Merc from @AuroraBorealis !
Here's a coin from the World Coin Winner Asian Treasures:
Congrat's all!