What happened to this 2002-D Tennessee quarter? Mint error or PMD?

I found this strange coin in a roll search. It is not scraped or scratched. Seems to be a lot of little bubbles. The obverse is ok. Could this have happened at the mint? The scroll between the instruments is normal.

Not a mint error.... looks like a coin trapped in dryer for a few months (or some type of continuous abrasion). The scroll is super recessed, so the wear appears on all the raised devices. Cheers, RickO
Agree with @ricko
Kennedys are my quest...
That is PMD, if it were a weak strike you would still have more rim showing than that from the upsetting mill.
Sean Reynolds
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
Thanks for the opinions
I have never seen anything like it. The obverse seems to be totally unaffected. And it doesn't appear to have any scratches. I will keep it, just because it is some sort or an oddball.
Wouldn't it be just MD(mint damage) instead of PMD?
No. Your coin didn't look like that when it left the mint, so Post Mint Damage.
It looks like somebody used some fine grit abrasives on the reverse.