Walker upgrade?

So I’m gonna be sending out an upgrade submission soon and am debating on this one. Figured I’d ask the experts here. Got this guy in an OGH MS66. A 45-D strong strike great luster. Only mark I really see is between the t and y on the obverse. Reverse strike is super strong IMO. Still learning guys be gentle. Think I could get to a 67?
Either the surfaces are cloudy/hazy or the images are making them look that way. If the former, I don’t think the coin’s an upgrade candidate. And if the latter, we don’t have a good clue what it really looks like.
That said, in addition to the mark you mentioned, I see some on Liberty’s arm, another (or spot(s)) to the right of the far right ray of the sun and one above the I in IN.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
nice bump in value to the next grade. Worth the chance, I say go for it.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Nice coin
Nice one. I'd also say ... go for it.
I also see a ding on the dress and a couple on the Eagle's wing.... will be a close call.... Lose the OGH (which some collectors value) and maybe hit a 67? Your choice. Good luck, Cheers, RickO
Unless you are in the registry, I would leave it in the OGH. Hard to tell from photos how good a chance it is for upgrade but you would need a full point rather than a + to make it worthwhile.
"Look up, old boy, and see what you get." -William Bonney.
A 67 can have marks/hits, but the luster doesn’t look all there. Looks hazy as mFeld pointed out.
PCGS is tough on Walkers. I see just enough reasons why the graders would pass. Otherwise, why not go for a CAC gold if you believe the coin is an upgrade candidate?
I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but the reality is we are looking at an image. The 45-D is usually well struck and this looks to be a nice coin. I don't see the image as helping the cause for an upgrade.
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The luster looks good directly adjacent to the L in LIBERTY. If the rest of the field has the type of luster I think is shown in the photo around L, it may have a good chance. Better pics would help.
I would preserve the OGH and just go ahead and buy a 67. It would be more worth it to me to do it that way.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Can’t afford to just buy a 67 lol. I can, however, afford a grading fee. A 67 is a hefty mark up.
If it does upgrade, you're 90% likely to get a 66+, and 10% likely to get a 67. You loose the OGH if you try it, so there is considerable downside. I'd try to get it in front of someone with some actual experience in the game to get a better feel for its potential.
Good luck. It is a very pretty coin. Hope for the best!
I think you will get a + lose the value of the OGH and lose money all the way around, but its your choice and your risk/reward.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
PERSONALLY, I don't think it will upgrade to 67 based on MY experience.
I don't think that the luster and strike are strong enough and it does have a tick or two.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
I'd leave it as is
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Agree with braddick 100%.
Plus the OGH is acquiring extra value with time.
I think the blotchy dark toning on the obverse and reverse would hold it back.
Update, I did end up sending it in with a bunch of other hopefuls. PCGS got them on 10/7 so I’m hoping for any day now. It’s going to be truviewed too!!
Leave it alone. Agree with mark re the surfaces. Need a bigger pic. I see a hit on one of the sun's rays, another on one of the skirt lines, plus a few small ones on the wing, per Ricko's comment. There's also a hit below the T on the obverse.
It's in an OGH. You might ask for a reconsideration; that way, you don't lose the OGH if it doesn't upgrade. But as Bryce pointed out, I don't know if a 66+ in a new holder is worth more than a 66 in an OGH. I'm inclined to think not.
Don't get me wrong, it appears to be a nice coin, and a keeper. I have a 36 S in 6, and it didn't upgrade to 7 because a hit on the wing. Luster was first rate on a well struck, mark free obverse. Your coin appears to have more issues than mine. The coin has to be all there to get into a 7 holder. Hence the big price jump between grades; few of them are (all there).
Unfortunately it’s already there. Truview will be nice and if it stays where it is that’s ok by me too, it’s in my registry and I plan to keep it even if I upgrade it eventually. Worth a try in my opinion
Good luck and hope you got the grade bump.
If that is indeed minor haze on the surfaces, careful conservation measures might be considered to remove such materials. This could increase your chances perhaps.
Might want to see if it’s too late to add that service?
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Good luck.
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