Need help identifying coin

Hey everyone, my friend has this coin that seems to be some sort of gambling token but I am not fully sure. It’s in pretty rough shape but it seems it was stamped. Any input would be appreciated thanks for your time
Hey everyone, my friend has this coin that seems to be some sort of gambling token but I am not fully sure. It’s in pretty rough shape but it seems it was stamped. Any input would be appreciated thanks for your time
It's not a gambling token. It's a counterstamped coin. I believe a 20 Reis from Brazil
Thanks so much. Sorry for posting in the wrong section. Had no idea what it was.
No problem
Welcome to the forum
@Fangz .... Welcome aboard....You have your answer above. Cheers, RickO
Welcome aboard @Fangz.
Don't be a stranger.
Kennedys are my quest...
Welcome to the board. Interesting coin regardless.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Thanks everyone!
Your welcome!
To add, I think the coin started life as a 10 Reis and then in the 1830s or 1840s they did a currency revaluation and the denominations were doubled by means of the counterstamp.
You also see coins stamped 40.
Costa Rica did the same thing in 1923.
Actually, the "20" counterstamps are on 40 reis coins, the "40" counterstamps are on 80 reis coins and there are "10" counterstamps on 20 reis coins.
Thx for the clarification.
So they redenominated downward....
These coins circulated in the US in the early 1800's. My grandfather dug up a counterstamped 40-Reis Brazilian copper (larger than a silver dollar) dated 1829 from his garden on Long Island.