China coin show photo

China coin price very hot in the last three years. Pretty much any good coin sold out on ebay. Greatcollection last week sold two au china coin over 14k each (first two photo). These two coin two year ago possibly would sell for 2 to 5k only. Look at the age of the collectors in the show you know there are great potential that price of China coin will move up a lot more in the coming years. I bet July 6 ha hk auction price will be very high.
If those two coin in ha next month auction it might go higher
Where is that show being held. It looks like a very lively event and the participants seem much younger that what would be seen at a US coin show.
This month in Shanghai China
This one is in Beijing China last month. It is never too late to start your china coin collection.
Any translated show reports? I mean are world crowns hot in China? How about gold and silver bullion? Be nice to know some of these things.
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
Well, I guess it depends on what kind of bullion. Bullion with history is hot. The one tael sold for 13k in April 2021 SB HK auction and the 5 tael sold for 36k in the same auction.
I was rather pleasantly surprised to see a number of coin dealers when I was visiting China. I picked up some nice modern commems and some gold coins but tended to avoid older stuff.
I guess coin collecting is alive and well at least in China seems to be
Glad I own some crowns that circulated there .
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
The prices for the China coins are getting higher and higher, at least for 1984 are getting out of my reach.
Coinsof1984@martinb6830 on twitter
The prices for the old Chinese cash coins have become obscene.
Really? I have 2 or 3 double row boxes full I've accumulated over the years waiting for me to learn how to attribute them!
Cash coins that you could pick up for under $5 or much less now seem to sell for at least 3x that much. The ones in nicer shape, maybe 10X as much. These coins generally are not difficult to attribute. An excellent beginner volume is David Jen's Chinese Cash Identification and Price Guide. The prices are 10 years out of date, but the ID guide is excellent.
Thanks! I bought several books years ago but just haven't taken or found the time to do anything. I might have that book!