US Indian Nation Coins - High Relief American Buffalo Silver Dollar

Anyone follow or collect these?
I don't have any yet but they are starting to look nicer and nicer.
I'm a big fan of the bison on this one. I'd love to see the US Mint do modern silver buffalo dollar.
2021 Sitting Bull and American Buffalo Silver Dollar - by Oglala Lakota Souix Nation
They did in 2001 and it is one of the few that has done well.
That’s one of the nicer ones. The earlier ones seemed plain and not as skillfully engraved. It looks like the PM mint they use is improving.
Wow!! I like that one.... Will have to look for that one.... Thanks for the picture. Cheers, RickO
Not that this is the same coin but I notice their charging a lot for these but this outfit wanted $28.00 apiece probably not the safe finish. If it is that’s quiet a mark up.
$28 is a lot cheaper than $100 here:
Nice profile view!
YEAH! follow the cheap link, seller's post looks just the expensive ones, order one and get this !
They (these "COPY") are on there way back to California!
sometimes you get what you pay for... or you don't get what you don't pay for.
"This beautiful 1 Oz Silver coin is dedicated to the Lakota Sioux Chief Sitting Bull. The coin has a wonderful design with a special satin surface and a beautiful High Relief"
It's not a coin, its a "copy", there is no special satin surface, and there is "no" Relief!
Mailed to me in a envelope, only two coins in capsules, no invoice in a bubble mailer that had my address label on top of another label addressed to me "WITH CHINESE WRITING"?
When did the Chinese start marking their copies as "COPY"?
Sorry Edgar I guess I will be sending mine back too that is when ever they get here. Thanks for sharing.
I want a holder for this before I buy it.
I don't want it in a plastic sleeve (and that might contain pvc)
No problem, this will be my first "so dissatified I have to return it". Now I get to see how PAYPAL SNAD really works, I should have know with the other items listed and number sold info on their website.
The $99 ones, issued by GovMint, do come with a capsule:
"Each coin will arrive in a protective capsule and accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity. If you’re a fan of America’s Wild West or know someone who is, than this is the perfect coin."
I'd love to own one, but not at $99 per oz + shipping & state sales tax...
these cheapies came in capsules, no COA
PCGS will grade these; they’ve graded 5 so far. Coin #865646 on submission form.
He who knows he has enough is rich.
Thanks for posting these! I had no clue they existed. I’m going to look for one and happy pcgs grades them. I have several different super high profile coins. A few is ngc graded. Need to send in my Canada eagle in for trueviews
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
The cheapies are stamped "COPY" they are not authentic PCGS will (likely) reject those. I plan on getting the "real genuine coins". DO NOT ORDER FROM THE CHEAP SOURCE, says shipped from New Jersey, post marked California, and likely originating in "Asia"
Is that even silver as it says?
NGC MS70s are sold out at Modern Coin Mart:
I ordered one from them. I'll post when it comes in. Actually I'm going to send it in the PCGS
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
That’s quite impressive!
I have this 2017 coin set for the Crow Tribe, I do not have pictures of the reverse at this time, as soon as I received the set, I got these pictures and then put them in some 2 x 2 flips. I can certainly get some pictures of the Rev sometime later this week. i know I should have taken the rev pics right away but I was in a hurry to get them flipped in in the safe.
Well that coin I bought turned out to be a total scam NO SILVER as I tested it on the Verifier PRO. No silver it was a Pay Pal transaction. I sent the company 3 different emails all from their correspondence plus their Pay Pal email. Demanding a refund let you know how Pay Pal will back me when I escalate in a few days. A shame too.
What did I expect just what I got!!!!
Did yours say COPY like this one:
Since people are reporting receiving fakes, I wonder if anyone has received a real silver one?
It does I want to say from the same supplier. I see it’s stamped .999 Silver which I sort of knew it would not be. Why I bought 2 I will never know.
I wish they sold these at the Native American trading posts out west along with the jewelry. If they were there when I visited last week I would have probably bought one.
Where did you visit? Did you visit the Oglala Lakota Souix Nation?
Update looks like there on it! 😎
We have applied for the refund to you, there is delay of system updates, you can check it in 1-3 days, thanks for your understanding and patience.
Okay 24 hours later from PayPal that was a Good experience! Next I will crimp one down on the Vise and destructive test one in half. I weighed both of them they were both different weights no consistency. I will document the weights later before I destroy one. I am guess garbage metals certainly not silver.
Pay Pal
tra@@ing Co., Ltd. issued a $55.98 USD refund
The money has been refunded to your PayPal Credit. It may take a few days for it to appear in your account.
I think it was Navaho
My order arrived today. Looks very nice. For one ounce coin is a very high relief. Most others have to use 1.2 or 1.5 ounces to get the high relief. I like it.

CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Hmmmmm, interesting anomaly. I received my coins & grades back today but not the true views yet. At first I thought no way is this my coin.........becasue I gave it to them in the capsule it came from.But then I again to look and compare. Good thing I take images before I send them off. I submitted later part of November and received it today. And during this time it toned considerably. I'm not sure why of how other than it is .999 silver but It appears the toning may have knocked it down a point or two as its a PR67.

Then I can see the same spot on both the red circle so it must be mine. But unfortunate that it was exposed so long between grading that it may have suffered a point or so. Maybe I should crack it out and let it continue on its happy way to toneland????

CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
It's good to know that PCGS slabs these, but that's a crazy amount of toning since November!
I'm super curious what the TrueView looks like.
I'd crack it out to either tone more or dip.
Thats significant toning over 4 or so months. Maybe host should speed up turnaround times.
Love this history