FedEx cheaper, Faster, more reliable & professional
Great Collections now “offering” FedEx 2 day delivery. FedEx is $1.00 cheaper, 2 days faster AND delivers to your door with mask on vs USPS priority mail. They knock / ring doorbell and step back (social distancing), ask your name, hands you your package and checks (?) off the delivery on their machine.
Why would anyone want to use the more expensive, slower and unreliable USPS alleged service anymore? And I am not “bad talking” about one service vs another; just repeating what Raeleen has posted to the website.
Seriously, if we start boycotting USPS we’ll receive our coins, better service, quicker service and save money. One has to ask themselves “what do we really need or get from USPS”? Besides grief, worry, stolen / lost mail and tons of junk mail. Let capitalism do its job; USPS is antiquated and their time has passed.
Edited to add I won two coins Sunday 25th, paid the 26th and received the coins on Wednesday the 28th.
BOTH of course registered to “other” members so I’ll have to wait three days before adding them to my sets.
FedEx is not perfect, either.
See Gerry Fortin's experience in his blog, where a FedEx driver left a package at the wrong address.
April 24 edition:
Since my humble purchases usually ship 1st class, FedEx is $9 MORE EXPENSIVE. I have ZERO interest in paying $16 to have my $100 coin delivered maybe one day sooner with a 1% lower chance of getting lost.
Contrary to popular belief, theft is quite rare at the Post Office. I worked there for 33 years and I know. Service recently, tho, has been a joke. Many of my items are mis-sent. I have an item sent from CA on the 21st that was sent to Jackson MS. It's been sitting there for three days with three processed thru scans. This destructive new PMG might be a factor, I don't know.
By "a GREAT DEAL better", I presume you mean the estimated delivery time.
% of packages not delivered is difficult to measure, of course.
You seem to have a problem with USPS, HashTag. For me, I will stick with them for delivery, both coming and going. I just hope service improves.
Sorry, I neglected to read your original post fully, and edited my post.
So I think I understand your basis for saying "a GREAT DEAL better".
For a statistical basis on error rate, you need not just a count of misdelivered packages,
but the denominator of number of packages sent.
Forum complaints are a measure of the numerator count, but not the denominator.
In other words, if you have 10x more packages going USPS, and the error rate is equal,
you will have a 10x higher count of misdeliveries, without being actual evidence on the error rate.
My guess is that you see more USPS complaints here because many more posters use it than FedEx.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Just don't leave a parked vehicle close to where the FedEx driver is backing to, you'll get hit! 😶
FEDEX and UPS will not insure precious metals. Dealers use third party insurance for such shipments.
Exit bunker, enter Matrix. LOL
Apparently you are NOT open to our help with our experiences offered in an attempt to help you and others.
We'll continue to make the same effort in the future.
Have you recovered any of the lost and/or stolen items? How were they sent?
Ugh. No thank you to FedEx. Give me the USPS every single day.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Gerry Fortin will strongly disagree with you! I will never use them.
The sender is responsible for getting it to you. Contact ebay. Or paypal if that was used for payment.
So, we're talking about one bad experience, most of which is the fault of the seller???
@Tomthemailcarrier Says this retired letter carrier approves your post.
@HashTag How would you feel if you came home from work and your restricted delivery signature required $25,000.00 Fed-Ex package was sitting on the hood of your car out in your driveway? This happened to me and Fed-Ex will not insure coins! Last time I used FedEx!
Fed Ex and UPS are still leaving packages on my front porch without getting signatures. As I mentioned in another post, UPS left two $5000 packages on my front stoop just this week.
Like any giant company, there will be some bad outcomes, often dependent on the actual person hand-delivering your package. Still, USPS dwarfs FedEx, and their success percentage is insanely high given the insane daily logistics involved.
That's why I have a PO Box. Not once since this Covid crap started have I not had to sign for a signature required package!
I’m thinking you meant to say “Not once since this Covid crap started have I had (instead of “not had”) to sign for a signature required”? Otherwise, you’re saying you’ve had to sign every time, which sounds most doubtful.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
The big advantage with FedEx, is that 99.9% of the time, if they say overnight by 10:30 a.m. or 2 day service, it will be just that. With USPS, their Express Mail is 1-2 days (can be either), and Priority Mail can be 2-6 days, with no consistency.
With regard to signatures - FedEx is meant to get a signature or view photo identification for all packages with "Adult Signature Required" selected. The vast majority of our shipments have this requirement.
FedEx is not for everyone - we have some clients that have PO Boxes, etc.
Owner/Founder GreatCollections
GreatCollections Coin Auctions - Certified Coin Auctions Every Week - Rare Coins & Coin Values
I was distracted...let's make it easy! I always have to sign for my packages at the PO. Even during the worst times of Covid!
FedEx is just awful. They’re in the same boat as Lowe’s. Poorly managed and unreliable companies.
I’ve had nothing but bad experiences with both.
I will not go to Lowe’s anymore because they are so bad. I’ll drive twice as far for a HD over Lowe’s.
Also will avoid FedEx whenever possible.
Their tracking is terrible, delivery is always late and their customer service and drivers are straight up rude!
I don't know what's happening at other POs but I have a PO box and have signed for every "signature required" package I've received, ever.
A few of my signature required packages at the post office just end up in a locked box and there is a key for the lock box in my post office box. No big deal, never lost anything, everr, I think the OP would’ve gotten a better response if they wouldn’t have super-complained about USPS.
End Systemic Elitism - It Takes All Of Us
I will not use FedEx unless it is the ONLY option.
agree totally
Who cares about timing, I care about getting it. With USPS it can be investigated and found 99.9% of the time, with Fed E it cannot, and that is what is important. I know its insured but the coin is the most important and not the insurance money imo
Agreed, completely - the coins are much more important than the insurance coverage that we have. We have direct contacts at FedEx that respond much faster than USPS. FedEx definitely investigates issues; it's not the postal police/inspectors, but they are definitely still investigated.
Owner/Founder GreatCollections
GreatCollections Coin Auctions - Certified Coin Auctions Every Week - Rare Coins & Coin Values
And this is why we offer both options. We do not plan on switching exclusively to one or another. And we're letting the customer choose for each invoice.
Owner/Founder GreatCollections
GreatCollections Coin Auctions - Certified Coin Auctions Every Week - Rare Coins & Coin Values
That's the way it should be.
My favorite part of FedEx is when they fly an MD-11 and 777 right by my house every day.
Since the mid-2000s I’ve had about as many problems with each USPS, FedEx, and ups. Thing is, I’ve sent/received a few thousand times as many USPS packages as the other companies.
I’d just have them deliver it to my post office box. I can use UPS or FedEx without them leaving it on the porch.
I see that I misunderstood the post.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
I do not send hundreds of packages. I do receive a significant amount of packages. I have no complaints about either service. An apparent 'lost package', USPS, last week, was tracked down and successfully delivered yesterday. Cheers, RickO
Anecdotal evidence or "I feel" <> solid math or science.
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My registry sets
One of the "missions" of the USPS is to assure that every American has access to its service, no matter how small the town or rural the location. For that they do an admirable job.
This has to be a joke. FedEx is the worst. I know if FedEx is the only shipping option I only have about a 50% chance of actually getting what I ordered.
I have to call FedEx and read them the riot act just to get the 50% of packages I do get.
And this is not a new thing. Their terrible service has been remarkably consistent for the past 25 years.
USPS is more than fine as long as they are not intentionally being crippled by leadership.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
Frequently an individual's opinion of a particular shipping will be mostly dictated by how good their individual driver(s) are that do deliveries. If you have a lazy/overworked/mistake prone person doing most of your deliveries, then you likely have a poor opinion of the entire company. Certainly that will color nearly all of your experiences, but says little about the company as a whole.
In my experience, all of the delivery services are pretty darn good. I do a good bit of non-coin order fulfillment using USPS and FedEx almost exclusively. Ian is correct that in general FedEx is much reliable in hitting their delivery timelines. USPS is all over the place. USPS shipments are also more likely to disappear into some black hole for a week with no update and then suddenly continue on. I find this very rarely happens with FedEx but it's less likely the package will be found. Overall we have more lost packages with USPS, but still very few.
The worst was when UPS lost an entire pallet of goods. We had multiple UPS agents tell us it is impossible for a pallet to simply vanish and they would find out what happened. None could. It just vanished.
FedEx is so bad around here that I got a PO Box in order to avoid them.
And yes, I have had to sign in person for every box that is signature required.
My post office crew is very professional & I know they would not jeopardize their federal pension with theft.
My Saint Set
I've spent my entire 41 year working life (excluding lawn mowing and paper routes) in Logistics and Distribution. I can remember when Fed Ex Ground was RPS (Roadway Package Service). When I compare USPS to Fed Ex, I use the measuring stick of consistency and convenience. There is no service more convenient than USPS. I have two Post Offices within walking distance. If I get a dreaded door tag, it's no big deal. Fed Ex door tags are a different story.
Consistency is the Achilles heel of the postal service. I was about to demonstrate with two recent inbound shipments from eBay purchases, both First Class Mail. One was delivered from the Midwest to my home in California in three days, the other is still floating around the postal network 11 days later. I was about to post the arduous route of this package but was greeted with this message from the USPS website. Fitting epithet:
I would imagine like any service business, quality depends on the individual location. I have had 3 bad instances with FedEx in the last year. Twice leaving my package in the driveway, once delivering damaged goods which I refused and then returned and left the package leaning against my front entry door and pulling out with me yelling at them. The FedEx manager at the depot took my package to return it to Lowes for refund and then never came back out to give me a receipt and did not answer my gate buzzes. I lost that package as their is not a reasonable way to contact these people. I left a complaint email with FedEx and never received a response. They may be the best in your area, but here I wouldn't let them ship cow manure.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain