Hope everyone here that's into crypto is familiar with that graph and just did their acquisition last week. I'd heard (read different groups and feeds) Elon was getting flak about his verbiage on the subject and I figured he'd set the stage again with resuming BTC as payment.
Crypto price volatility? This is what true price discovery looks like. “There really is no real market anymore when you have an unlimited non-economic actor (the FED) in the market distorting prices, and furthermore, that other investors perceive them to be there, whether or not they're there. That is not a functioning market at all.”
Investors are simply looking for ways to escape the US dollar and “what this crypto space does is it allows for 1 trillion or 2 trillion of that excess froth to be diverted away from stocks and from real estate and all that and to go into this very benign asset,” Nakamura told Farley.
There will be a day when the Fed, the Treasury and the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) will stick their long regulatory snouts into crypto. It may not mean the digital party is over, but the markets will lose the price discovery elasticity that currently works so well.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Another reminder from China that it is not going to tolerate crypto use or crypto mining. The wise understand that restricting mining affects supply. I'm buying the ETH dips.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
China has made that 'no crypto here' call a half dozen times. Every time the prices fall and smart (the whales) move in a buy more. After a while they recant and prices head back up. I noticed that signal a few months ago when my hosted miner wouldn't mine the top algo for that FPGA miner. So I told them to send it to me and I joined it with its brothers and tacked on another 25Ghs to the 0xbtc coin show.
Let the prices fall I say, I'll take what I have left of what I scraped off earlier and buy more. It's all gravy for me at this point.
It's inevitable that some of the free trillions of dollars will be used for speculation to get out of dollars. It seems that 80% of the public now understands that inflation isn't going to be transitory.
Those dollars you worked so hard for are up for grabs.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
Sold all my cryptos a few weeks ago. Not finding a useful way to transact. And why have an exercise in futility with volatility ? Held it for 4 years. Did two transactions last year buying and selling metals with cryptos. I'm just not a fan or proponent of this type of money. I have some friends who did very well. One cashed out at $52k. He says he did not hold long enough (8 years) but he had great timing. So it went up another 9 grand. It's dropped 30 grand since. ( a few short months). Enjoy yours.
I started to add just a little every week spread out on the btc, doggie coin, ltc, eth, etc. Just gutter money that used to go to gutter metal. Can't do any worse.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
@derryb said:
PP makes it easy to convert small ebay profits into cryptos. However best to wait and buy in lots greater than $1000, lower crypto purchase fees.
Yes, but with managed payment from eBay, it's not so easy to transfer the money. Now it doesn't go to PP. it goes direct to bank.
I see a correlation of free money being dumped out of the sky by our government in the form of PPP and EDD monies ( Est. 50- 70% Fraud ) and the rise of crypto. As soon as the free money dries up look for cashing out of gains. The problem is government hands out monies based on the honor system and then does a "random" 0.5% check of the handed out monies but the monies have already left the country or are in crypto. We are taking $100's of billions.
Enjoying the ride and waiting for the signs to convert to Tether. It's another rinse and repeat cycle, only the numbers are bigger. I hope others here are doing the same.
Here's a fun little ride anyone can do. I noticed a half dozen or so coin giveaways you can receive when you learn about crypto on Coinbase. I've been on it for a while but never really gave a rat's wrinkle about those little promo gimmicky things. But I was bored and started the lessons. Maybe 40 minutes later I had $35 across six different coins. (up to $38 now) I studied (scanned) each one's long chart and roadmap. Nothing really checked my list of boxes compared to the blue-chip coins I've been migrating into. That evening I'm watching a Youtuber named Everyday Astronaut and he's talking with Ellon Musk about the next big rocket, all while walking through the fabrication factory. They are up close and hands-on with these rocket parts. I spot this decal of a dog emoji and it's not the Dogecoin one. I freeze the vid, take a screenshot and crop the picture, then run it through Google image. It's the Shibe Inu coin, and Coinbase just listed it, that's why it caught my attention I guess. We know what happened to DOGE when Ellon had a picture of one on the rocket that put a Tesla into space. That next big rocket is right around the corner, which is bigger and more powerful than the Saturn V btw, will probably promote that meme coin. Now there is nothing real special about the coin except it has more secure transactions (good) and the total mintage is a quadtrillion (bad). So I just strolled on over to Coinbase and converted for free each of those promo coins into Shiba Inu. Came to over 3.2 million of them.($0.00001854 each). Fast forward a month and what was $35 (+$3 more) worth is now at $270. Kind of cool huh?
@66Tbird- sounds like you've been on a fun ride for the last several years as I have. SHIB has been on a tear as of late and it looks to be Musk's next golden child. Vitalik Buterin burned about half of the SHIB tokens to a wallet with no key because the creators sent them to him but he didn't want them, so the supply was cut down a good bit but there's still a bunch available.
Happy for you that you've stuck with cryptos and it has paid off.
@ Elite CNC Routing & Woodworks on Facebook. Check out my work. Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
Bitcoin has momentum and my target June 30, 2022 is 100,000. NY is the leading state in Bitcoin production. A guy has 15,000 computers on the east side of Seneca Lake. Cheap electricity and cool climate is the answer.
Congrats on the ADA dip buy. My 'more research' radar triggered on ADA after news of regulations tightening in India. Probably nothing I'm hoping because I'm a little deep in that one too.
I did a crazy thing with my pulled Tether (the gravy acc). Staking Eth/Sheesha at 45% APY (yes, really) and it's working so far. Watching very closely for any sign of trouble.
I am not an ADA fan, there no utility to the protocol and all Charles ever does is makes up excuses surrounding the delays. My current small spec is CRV, out of all the defi protocols it has the largest TVL.
I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it - Clint Eastwood
As to the actual thread title: you can only say it's a moving target. I think of a target price as a deal at the retailer. Does Target deal in Bitcoin ? And if retailers did, there might be more acceptance . Like gift cards valued in crypto. Where you could be short ten grand in one minute or have 10 grand extra by the time you get through checkout .
I have crypto but find few who wish to transact. So for me, it's like leaving a can of paint open to dry, vs. spreading it on a wall to watch it.
... an assessment Vijay Ayyar, head of Asia Pacific with crypto exchange Luno in Singapore agreed with, telling Bloomberg the action overnight was leveraged buyers of Bitcoin being flushed out.
"Markets have also been jittery with all the uncertainty around omicron, with cases now appearing in many countries," Ayyar said. "It's hard to say what that means for economies and markets and hence the uncertainty."
... an assessment Vijay Ayyar, head of Asia Pacific with crypto exchange Luno in Singapore agreed with, telling Bloomberg the action overnight was leveraged buyers of Bitcoin being flushed out.
"Markets have also been jittery with all the uncertainty around omicron, with cases now appearing in many countries," Ayyar said. "It's hard to say what that means for economies and markets and hence the uncertainty."
I thought cryptos were supposed to be a hedge against economic uncertainty.
Only if Russians and Asians were the only ones selling them for a profit. I suspect the crowd at the table is more encompassing.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Bitcoin price ignores latest crypto hit piece.
This is good for Hodlers.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
So we are now in the "return to normal" part of the chart?
Compare to 5 year bitcoin chart..
Looks like maybe.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Hope everyone here that's into crypto is familiar with that graph and just did their acquisition last week. I'd heard (read different groups and feeds) Elon was getting flak about his verbiage on the subject and I figured he'd set the stage again with resuming BTC as payment.
Note that I suggested "return to normal", not "return to the mean". BTC likely sub $15K later this yeat.
gutter crypto yet?
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Only my LTC, down double digits. Everything else still mostly up, ETC slightly in the red. Time to TODL HODL!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Crypto price volatility? This is what true price discovery looks like. “There really is no real market anymore when you have an unlimited non-economic actor (the FED) in the market distorting prices, and furthermore, that other investors perceive them to be there, whether or not they're there. That is not a functioning market at all.”
Investors are simply looking for ways to escape the US dollar and “what this crypto space does is it allows for 1 trillion or 2 trillion of that excess froth to be diverted away from stocks and from real estate and all that and to go into this very benign asset,” Nakamura told Farley.
There will be a day when the Fed, the Treasury and the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) will stick their long regulatory snouts into crypto. It may not mean the digital party is over, but the markets will lose the price discovery elasticity that currently works so well.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Holding the crypto new (margin) money into a meme
Is the ship sinking? Or... another buying opportunity.
Another reminder from China that it is not going to tolerate crypto use or crypto mining. The wise understand that restricting mining affects supply. I'm buying the ETH dips.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
China has made that 'no crypto here' call a half dozen times. Every time the prices fall and smart (the whales) move in a buy more. After a while they recant and prices head back up. I noticed that signal a few months ago when my hosted miner wouldn't mine the top algo for that FPGA miner. So I told them to send it to me and I joined it with its brothers and tacked on another 25Ghs to the 0xbtc coin show.
Let the prices fall I say, I'll take what I have left of what I scraped off earlier and buy more. It's all gravy for me at this point.
It's inevitable that some of the free trillions of dollars will be used for speculation to get out of dollars. It seems that 80% of the public now understands that inflation isn't going to be transitory.
Those dollars you worked so hard for are up for grabs.
I knew it would happen.
Sold all my cryptos a few weeks ago. Not finding a useful way to transact. And why have an exercise in futility with volatility ? Held it for 4 years. Did two transactions last year buying and selling metals with cryptos. I'm just not a fan or proponent of this type of money. I have some friends who did very well. One cashed out at $52k. He says he did not hold long enough (8 years) but he had great timing. So it went up another 9 grand. It's dropped 30 grand since. ( a few short months). Enjoy yours.
Move to cash accelerating in many asset classes.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
PayPal increases weekly cryptocurrency purchase limit fivefold to $100,000
And scraps $50,000 annual limit.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
The co-creator of dogecoin explains why he doesn't plan to return to crypto: It's 'controlled by a powerful cartel of wealthy figures'
https://www-cnbc-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/07/14/dogecoin-co-creator-jackson-palmer-criticizes-the-crypto-industry.html?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a6&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw==#amp_tf=From %1$s&aoh=16266132565659&referrer=https://www.google.com&ampshare=https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/14/dogecoin-co-creator-jackson-palmer-criticizes-the-crypto-industry.html
Bought in late at 17k in 2017. Cashed in at 37k after it dropped from $60k. Won't look back or forward. Free flowing electrons aren't free.
I started to add just a little every week spread out on the btc, doggie coin, ltc, eth, etc. Just gutter money that used to go to gutter metal. Can't do any worse.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
PP makes it easy to convert small ebay profits into cryptos. However best to wait and buy in lots greater than $1000, lower crypto purchase fees.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Ooops. Maybe I got out too soon. Looking back, makes me look forward.
My electric bill is up. Must be global warming from Bitcoin miners.
Yes, but with managed payment from eBay, it's not so easy to transfer the money. Now it doesn't go to PP. it goes direct to bank.
So much for simplicity.
transfer the profits to PP
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Don't check the price of ADA (Cardano)

Ahh, cute little Cardano, I remember stacking you at 12 cents. Keep on growing into a big coin.
I see a correlation of free money being dumped out of the sky by our government in the form of PPP and EDD monies ( Est. 50- 70% Fraud ) and the rise of crypto. As soon as the free money dries up look for cashing out of gains. The problem is government hands out monies based on the honor system and then does a "random" 0.5% check of the handed out monies but the monies have already left the country or are in crypto. We are taking $100's of billions.
100% Positive BST transactions
As soon as the free money dries up look for cashing out of gains.
A pause, or and end to free money. That would be your "buy" signal for a speculative crypto position, I suppose.
I knew it would happen.
Free money is like rust, it only spreads.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Enjoying the ride and waiting for the signs to convert to Tether. It's another rinse and repeat cycle, only the numbers are bigger. I hope others here are doing the same.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
True. But working money greases palms.
Tom Brady trades 1 bitcoin for his 600th touchdown ball
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Guess I'd trade one the boys for a bitcoin or two. Crazy World! RGDS!!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Come on ADA drop some more as I'm in a buying mood
Here's a fun little ride anyone can do. I noticed a half dozen or so coin giveaways you can receive when you learn about crypto on Coinbase. I've been on it for a while but never really gave a rat's wrinkle about those little promo gimmicky things. But I was bored and started the lessons. Maybe 40 minutes later I had $35 across six different coins. (up to $38 now) I studied (scanned) each one's long chart and roadmap. Nothing really checked my list of boxes compared to the blue-chip coins I've been migrating into. That evening I'm watching a Youtuber named Everyday Astronaut and he's talking with Ellon Musk about the next big rocket, all while walking through the fabrication factory. They are up close and hands-on with these rocket parts. I spot this decal of a dog emoji and it's not the Dogecoin one. I freeze the vid, take a screenshot and crop the picture, then run it through Google image. It's the Shibe Inu coin, and Coinbase just listed it, that's why it caught my attention I guess. We know what happened to DOGE when Ellon had a picture of one on the rocket that put a Tesla into space. That next big rocket is right around the corner, which is bigger and more powerful than the Saturn V btw, will probably promote that meme coin. Now there is nothing real special about the coin except it has more secure transactions (good) and the total mintage is a quadtrillion (bad). So I just strolled on over to Coinbase and converted for free each of those promo coins into Shiba Inu. Came to over 3.2 million of them.($0.00001854 each). Fast forward a month and what was $35 (+$3 more) worth is now at $270. Kind of cool huh?
@66Tbird- sounds like you've been on a fun ride for the last several years as I have. SHIB has been on a tear as of late and it looks to be Musk's next golden child. Vitalik Buterin burned about half of the SHIB tokens to a wallet with no key because the creators sent them to him but he didn't want them, so the supply was cut down a good bit but there's still a bunch available.
Happy for you that you've stuck with cryptos and it has paid off.
Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
Bitcoin has momentum and my target June 30, 2022 is 100,000. NY is the leading state in Bitcoin production. A guy has 15,000 computers on the east side of Seneca Lake. Cheap electricity and cool climate is the answer.
I figured that the infrastructure bill would cause a dip, so I bailed into Tether this morning. Looks like I got lucky again. Let it fall, I'm ready.
Picked some more ADA up a $1.49 today
Congrats on the ADA dip buy. My 'more research' radar triggered on ADA after news of regulations tightening in India. Probably nothing I'm hoping because I'm a little deep in that one too.
I did a crazy thing with my pulled Tether (the gravy acc). Staking Eth/Sheesha at 45% APY (yes, really) and it's working so far. Watching very closely for any sign of trouble.
I am not an ADA fan, there no utility to the protocol and all Charles ever does is makes up excuses surrounding the delays. My current small spec is CRV, out of all the defi protocols it has the largest TVL.
I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it - Clint Eastwood
As to the actual thread title: you can only say it's a moving target. I think of a target price as a deal at the retailer. Does Target deal in Bitcoin ? And if retailers did, there might be more acceptance . Like gift cards valued in crypto. Where you could be short ten grand in one minute or have 10 grand extra by the time you get through checkout .
I have crypto but find few who wish to transact. So for me, it's like leaving a can of paint open to dry, vs. spreading it on a wall to watch it.
As money goes.
The bottom is getting knocked out of crypto.
Not just crypto, stocks took a beat down this week.
I'm set for a big dip buy. Yanked my Sheesha staking after a 23% gain in 7 days and I'll slowly buy back into the big five. Let crypto fall, again.
... an assessment Vijay Ayyar, head of Asia Pacific with crypto exchange Luno in Singapore agreed with, telling Bloomberg the action overnight was leveraged buyers of Bitcoin being flushed out.
"Markets have also been jittery with all the uncertainty around omicron, with cases now appearing in many countries," Ayyar said. "It's hard to say what that means for economies and markets and hence the uncertainty."
I thought cryptos were supposed to be a hedge against economic uncertainty.