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** Results Are In** GTG Giveaway: Toned 1941 Washington Quarter

Rob41281Rob41281 Posts: 2,401 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited April 26, 2021 7:32PM in U.S. Coin Forum

The grade has just posted and we may have a first here on these boards! Not one person guessed the new grade correctly or even got within 1 point! I am surprised to say after grading out at 64 the first time it has regraded at 62 this time! Guess it really goes to prove grading from a photo is sometimes impossible. The 2 other people who have seen it in hand other than myself (The original submitter and the one who submitted it for me this time) both thought 66-66+.

This is the original TV

This is the new TV

4-19-21 Update: Sub just entered encapsulation so grade should be available soon.

I started a GTG thread on this coin a few months ago because I didn't agree with the original grade it was given the first time through and wanted to see what others thought. Decided to crack it out and sub it again and the grade should be popping any day now. For full disclosure it was graded as a 64 on the first sub (which wasn't done by me).
So lets have a GTG on it this time and whoever gets it correct will receive some kind of prize.
Will lock the guesses as soon as I receive notice that the grade is ready.
If multiple people guess the correct grade I will throw all the names in a hat to draw the winner.



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