Buffalo nickels .....lets see your herd...

One of my favorite coin series is the Buffalo nickel. To me between the Bald Eagle ,and the American Buffalo are the two symbols that are iconic symbols of the United States. As a YN in the 1960's these could be found in pocket change daily. I will confess that a many a Hershey bas as well ice cream cone I ate were paid with a buffalo ,and or a war nickel.
In the 1960s many of us older members were paper boys..... delivered the news daily and collected monthly for the daliy news.
Also durring this time peroid a TV game show hosted by a man by the name of Gary Moore. The show called "To Tell The Truth" the shows premises was a pannel of 4 Hollywood stars... and 3 guest.
The pannel would ask questions to the guest to the 3 guest in order to find out who was the real person whom the show was highlighting.
Now as a YN who loved the Buffalo nickel imagine my excitement when I learned that on tonights show the Native American chief who was the model for the buffalo nickel was going to be on the show.
Now remember in 1960 there were still people alive who fought in the Civil war, WW I ,and our dads the veterns whom fought in WW ll . So yeah the Native American chief who modeled for the coin was still very much alive.
Now the show begins seating the 3 guest...the pannel would ask a series of questions...to each they were numbered 1 2 & 3 .
From the questions the pannel would have to decided who was the person that the host described as to why they were famous.
After they asked the questions a short break ....where " Bucky Beaver would sell you some tooth paste" and back to the show....
Then the host would ask the pannel to vote... as to which of the 3 guest was telling the truth.... the vote written on a card placed in front of the somewhat notable Hollywood stars and then the moment of truth....
Gary would ask for the real person to stand...... to add a tad bit of drama....the guest's would usually each make a move like they were standing......and that they were the person in question.
Imagine the surprise of a 6 y/o Y/N when all 3 stood!!!
Yes you see 3 native american chiefs stood....from 3 different tribes . Each part of their profile used by the artist to design the obverse of the nickel.
The host explained the reasons why.... one needs to look at other American coinage that features the native American only the face is that of a white man or woman.
They wanted what an Native American looked like.... not a white model.
What else that really stands out about this series.... go anywhere in the world.... and no matter where you go if asked a person from that area about American coins..... they may not know a lot....but they know the buffalo nickel.
I've have traveled and seen in other countries people wearing one....ear rings, jacket snaps, etc...etc... as even a worn smooth coin has that iconic face of a great Chief.....and the majestic buffalo known here as " Black Diamond"
The dinosaurs here will appreciate this post, many recalling this time of our lives....where a paper boy could for face value fill his 5 & dime store cards, with coin he's picked from change.
He could witness on a black and white TV the very person's on the nickel he just purchased a Hershey bar.
And while he savored that sweet chocolate... he also glows not only from the sugar rush.....but seeing a REAL American Chief.....before an 8:30 bedtime....and brushing with new Ipana tooth paste!
I hope that you enjoyed this post... just a little insight as to 1960 America.... a time I for one feel blessed to have witnessed..... they were years of change in so many ways some good some not.....
Please lets see some of your herd..... post them below and tells us about your experience collecting them.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
Im going to start with a crusty circulated 1917 which has Laminination issues, as well alloy issues. Improperly mixed medal in the platchets.
Im sort of a fan of as I call it war paint when it falls across the obv. Face.
This is also refered to as the woodie effect....on IHC and Lincolns.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
Another nice mid grade coin, honest wear,and color as one would expect.
A sweet clashed rev. In EPU
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
Here's a nice example of an 1916 two feather variety. With rotation to the left.
Again notice the woodie like effects of the mis mixed medals.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
Cherrypicked this one from eBay. It was a BIN that was coming to an end. Hard to believe it sat that long without someone else buying it. I wouldn't have bought the coin for the price it was listed at, had it not been a variety. I am currently hunting for a 1935-D to finish off a short set.
1919 Two-Feather
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
Isnt that the 1919 ddo too? From the image im looking at the date.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
@snap I just finished my short set that each slot is filled with a variety. 37 D 3 legger, 35 ddr, as well other ddo,ddr's rpm's. And omm's. Was a fun set to build im guessing averaged set grade would be a xf 45 / low Au, housed in a white Capital holder.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
@ike126 man nice set of 13's love that fatty
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
@HalfDimeDude... I can relate to your history as a paper boy... I was a paper boy in the early to mid fifties...and would get IHC's, buffalo nickels, V nickels, merc dimes, even barber dimes, SLQ's, and WLH's. Even the occasional Columbian half. What a time for change collecting. Cheers, RickO
One that got away from me. I loved the coloration.
Old school herd, semi free range:
I was a paperboy in the 1970's. It was always my dream to find a Buffalo Nickel in the wild, but I never did. I've had to pay retail for all of mine.

Complete Set of Chopmarked Trade Dollars
Carson City Silver Dollars Complete 1870-1893http://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/showcase.aspx?sc=2722"
Latest project . . . a LOC Album with matched VG-F through 1931, then XF to BU after. Got a nice VF 3-legger . . .a F-35DD . . . just looking now for a decent 13-S T2 to finish off the set. They look wonderful . . . . .and I love the LOC album (I put a BU 1913 T1 and 1938-D at the end as well) . . . but maybe a Capitol Plastic in the future ???? Really a lot of fun . . . . .
I received a worn slick Buff in change from a coffee shop in the 1990's.
There are fakes out there just like any other coin.
Here's a gold fake:
...........................and the real thing:
Happy Easter
"Semi free range" ......love that term! And understand where your coming from...as yeah once and awhile you find a key or semi key,or just a date you need.
Back in the 60 's I had my Jefferson nickels from 38 to date almost complete.
All I needed was a 50 D , you could find 1 in pocket change , well I couldn't, my brother had better luck the sap! I was so mad.....as in 1965 a 50 D unc. Was $35 . So adjust for inflation in today money $35 @1965 = $292.25 @ 2021 rate of inflation 735 %.
So yeah ya went through your change....sometimes hit pay dirt.....other times nada.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
Came in the mail a couple days ago D /D

Wow....very nice great colors thanks for posting
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
Compared to the beauties posted here so far, mine is just a plain-Jane low-grade Buffalo. It does have something else in its favor, though.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
A buffalo from Buffalo
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
Right you are-that IS a special one!
More of the herd-
Nice bunch of bulls ya got there.... thanks for posting .
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
I find that the 1915 had really nice strikes.... they sort of remind me of the 1880 S Morgan dollars
As that you offten hear that 80 s morgans are graded on a curve. Because of their hammered strikes. My 15 and of course my memory fails me but believe a 63 kills in GTG as everyone thinks its a 65 or better....it matter not what was on the label the coin spoke for its self.
Question this 15 raw? Or graded.. as looking at the two 15's posted by you honesltly i like this one the best....now please understand not putting Down the other.....and again looking at these has been a real treat.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
The 1915 is usually a well produced coin. Of the earlier dates it's probably the best for type purposes. Many approach and some attain a full strike. For the best ones it can be difficult to differentiate a business strike and a proof. The distinctive rims and edges must be used to confirm a proof.
A doubled die obverse-DDO-006

And a doubled die reverse-DDR-002
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
Man, @koynekwest, that’s better than a visit to Angel Dee’s table!!
One heck of a stampede....wonderful collection of buffalos , I appreciate you taking the time to post and share.
Ive met some very nice people here, Lord M told me that I would like it here ...and I do!
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
Thanks! There's a few more yet to come.