20 Greatest Individual US Coins

Nominations are as follows. If you wish to participate, list 20 of them in order of greatest to merely great.
You are allowed to insert secondary specimens in order [ie: for example you can list Childs 1804 $1 as number 1 and king of Siam 1804$1 as number 10, etc].
I will assign declining points and determine our list of the greatest box of 20
Garrett brasher doubloon
Specimen chain cent S-1 PR65
Specimen chain cent PR67
MS68 RD wreath cent
Eliasberg MS64 1793 Liberty cap cent
MS67 RB 1794 cent
1943-D copper cent
Cardinal MS68 half disme
1870-S half dime
Eliasberg 1913 Liberty head nickel
1873-cc no arrows dime
PR66 1894-S dime
Garrett 1827 quarter
Eliasberg 1817/4 half
Norweb 1838-O half
Pogue 1797 MS66 half
1794 $1 SP66
Childs 1804$1 PR68
1866 no motto dollar PR65Cam
MS62 1870-S dollar
PR66[raw] 1885 trade dollar
1886-O DMPL Morgan
Vermuelle 1893-S dollar MS67
MS65 1808 $2.5
1870-S $3
Finest Coiled hair Stella pattern
Pogue 1822 $5
Pogue 1854-S $5
Garrett 1795 $10 MS66+
Simpson 1804 $10 PR65 DCAM
1920-S $10 MS67
1849 $20
Norweb paquet $20 MS67
Finest quality 1907 UHR
MS67 1927-D $20
1933 $20’s monetization certificate. Lol
Fell free to nominate others and if I feel they have a chance, I’ll edit the list
I nominate the only MS69 RD 1919 cent.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
Great thread idea. I’m not enough of a student of the coins at this level to meaningfully contribute, but I agree with many of those you posted.
Some fuller names:
Kevin Lipton on the 1849 DE on CF:
My personal ranking:
1794 $1 SP66 [yah, ownership adds a point. Lol]
Garrett Brasher doubloon
Childs 1804 $1
Eliasberg 1913 Liberty head nickel
Simpson 1804$10
Raw PR66 1885 trade dollar
Pogue 1822 $5
Garrett 1795$10
1870-S half dime
1870-S $3
Farouk 1933 $20
Pogue 1854-S $5
King of Siam 1804 $1
Eliasberg 1885 trade dollar
MS62 1870-S $1
Specimen chain cent S-1 PR65
Finest quality UHR
MS67 1927-D $20
Very neat list. I thought the Cardinal 1792 half disme was an awesome looking coin. Not sure who owns it now.
The 1838-O half would be very high on my list.
Would be interesting to know who has seen the most of these in person (which would of course depend on the final list).
"Look up, old boy, and see what you get." -William Bonney.
Any love for the 1880 proof $4 Stella? I don’t hear these mentioned much.

$50 gold Half Union?
Otherwise known as a list of coins I’ll never be able to own.
I think I would swap the 1849 $20 for the J-1776 (it is a pattern which I view as less significant than a regular issue) and move down the Simpson 1804 $10 by one position. Otherwise I agree.
As for the candidate list the 1893-S Morgan and 1920-s Eagle don’t seem to be in the same universe as most of the other coins. Otherwise, I think the candidate list TDN proposed is solid.
I would move up the J-1776 to the top spot and bump the 1849 $20 up while adding the 1877 Half Union
Latin American Collection
How would the list change if instead of greatest, you ranked it by value?
Latin American Collection
Somewhere in the top dozen coins or so...
1976 Ty 2 Proof Silver Eisenhower Dollar Struck In Philadelphia (No S) Unique
A side by side comparison (greatest - value) would be quite interesting. Both very subjective, but I'd like to see it none the less.
I think collectors of these don't generally post on these forums, like territorials and other coins.
As wide spread as the collector base is here, there are some areas that aren't well represented.
20 is a lot to ponder. He are my top 5:
1 1794 $1 SP66
2 Pogue 1792 half dime
3 Pogue $5 1822
4 1873 cc no arrows 10c
5 1870s half dime/ 1870s $3
Well, I added it to the nomination list but didn’t put it on my list for the following reasons:
Pattern [can be overcome with ultra greatness]
Somewhat common - when you add the two dates together especially
Variety involved to really be scarce
No one example is head and shoulders above the others
I don’t disagree but non collectible patterns really aren’t high on my personal list so I didn’t rank them as high
Great thread btw
Latin American Collection
TDN As I am not a student of the earlier coinage of our great nation so I cannot comment on what should or should not be ranked where. Having much respect for your knowledge I'll agree with your list. However sir, I do have a question. Some of the coins listed are attributed to certain well known collectors and some aren't. Is it because of the provenance the coin is listed ? Or were those particular coins the finest known examples of that particular coin ?
These are greatest individual specimens...so I identified the individual specimen by provenance when I knew it. Some are unique so I didn’t need to identify the actual specimen of the coin.
Since the list isn't limited to US Mint issues and also includes coins not available for sale, I'd include the Garrett proof $50 slug and the 1861 CSA half dollar.
My list or rank would not be based upon specific coins in a particular quality. No error (1943 copper cent) or die variety would make my list either.
My list or rank would not be based upon specific coins in a particular quality.
But that’s the entire point of the thread. Specific coins of specific quality. Shrug
Ok, I see it now. I still wouldn't include any errors or die varieties. I also agree a lot more with your personal list (though not the exact order) than the one in your original post.
I'd still add the 1861 CSA half dollar and Garrett proof $50 slug. I consider all four CSA halves "greater" than most of the coins noted by anyone here. I know it technically isn't a US coin but then neither is the Brasher doubloon which is in my top five.
The OP were my nominees. I encourage everyone to show their own ordered list!
How about the 1878 7TF Reverse of 1879 Proof Morgan Dollar ? Many times more rare than 1895 Proof.
"Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon
Morelan 1794 Flowing Hair Dollar
Eliasberg 1838-O Half Dollar
Eliasberg 1817/4 Capped Half Dollar
Childs 1804 Draped Bust Dollar
Partrick 1792 Wright Quarter Judd-13
Eliasberg 1822 Half Eagle
Partrick 1804 Gold Draped Bust Eagle
Anyone have pictures of the PF65 chain cent?
I know that coin would be on your list
I'm really curious what the rest of your list would look like.
"The Coin" 1c 1793 Chain Cent S-4 SP-67 BN is pretty amazing, even though some may view it as a condition rarity.
Unfortunately it seems difficult to find a modern color photo of it these days.
There is a nice black and white photo of it in Breen's Encyclopedia.
I like this approach using individual coins, instead of groups like "1804 dollar".
I think about greatness, history is very important, not just whether a coin is in top condition. The following is a list of coins that are desirable to me. I'd need to work on it to reach 20. At some point, I'd just buy coins that are eye appealing.
Who owns the J-1776 now? PCGS guide says it's worth 15M. Do you think the 1933 will be valued/sold for more than this piece? I agree it should be listed as one of the greats, despite being a pattern.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
From what I recall Laura saying, $15M was offered for the J-1776 and was rejected.
Latin American Collection
Here is the 1793 Chain 1C S-1 AMERI. PCGS SP-65 BN photo from PCGS CoinFacts.
There is also a PCGS SP-67 BN of the 1793 Chain 1C AMERICA, but with no recent photos. Below is also the famous 1990's photo showing both of these and some additional 1793 cent highlights from the R.E. “Ted” Naftzger Collection, that were sold and slabbed around 1992.

From here: https://pcgs.com/coinfacts/coin/1793-chain-1c-ameri-bn/91340

"To Be Esteemed Be Useful" - 1792 Birch Cent --- "I personally think we developed language because of our deep need to complain." - Lily Tomlin
There are numerous colonials and territorials that seemingly should be candidates for any "greatest" US list, whether top 20 or otherwise.
Seems the Brasher doubloon is close to a consensus pick. For colonials, I think the Partrick 1792 Washington Getz PCGS MS-63 is "greater" than any US Mint issued half dollar and it's my second half dollar after the 1861 CSA which is my #1 overall US coin. Since this isn't limited to coins that can be bought, the half doubloon also deserves consideration. Maybe also the Immune Columbia gold, though I recall it's origin is subject to dispute.
Not from me. I wouldn't put in the top 100. It's prominence since I have been a collector is due entirely due to inclusion in the Red Book. As an example, I'd rank every coin in the Amazonian set ahead of it.
WOW. How tf did they stay in such high grade? Did someone preserve them from the moment they were struck?
I have some 1793s that look like that, but mine has “copy” on the back.
My 20th Century Gold Major Design Type Set ---started : 11/17/1997 ---- completed : 1/21/2004
A few of those are notoriously over graded
One might say they are museum quality...
I won't weigh in on the complete list, but we do need more pics in this thread. Here is a nice one:

The 1849 $20 might well slot into being 1st measured by value. In any event agree with the OP that it has to be in the top ten.
In a way though for ranking it remains an enigma for two specific reasons. First, it has never gone to auction, and second there is the likely prospect that it is not unique since one more, although unaccounted for, is potentially out there.
That said coin appraiser.com states it is "Considered to be the most desirable and valuable of United States Coins." usacoinbook.com states it is worth $17,474,284.00 or more. A referenced auction range is referenced as up to 20 million dollars.
Responding to TDN's challenge I would put the 1849 $20 as number one. Otherwise OK with the other rankings.
That is honestly my fav set of coins. I wish I could own a early proof set in its entirety. The amount of care that went into preserving them for ~200 years!
I would assume so.. But how/why did PCGS slab them? I don't think its possible to have a MS/SP 67,68,69 or even a 66 tbh thats accuratly graded. I would be in shock if anything over a fairly graded 63 would exist...
The Ike dollar might be considered someday as a pattern and should possibly be included in the Judd book at some point. It does not appear to have been made to be distributed by the mint. Super cool coin.
Added backstory as to one of the OP's top coins:
That 1873-cc no arrows dime originated here on this press as seen in my photographs taken inside the Nevada State Museum in Carson City, Nevada. The museum is housed in the building that once was the Carson City Mint.