2000 P Sacagawea Dollar "Cheerios Dollar" Question !!!

Besides finding one in a box of Cheerios, were any released into circulation from the mint after the order was filled? Should collectors look for them in circulation? I guess they could make them into circulation if the party took it from the box and spent it, is a possibility..
No and yes.
Only in the boxes, but it was several years before they were identified as different so most were presumably spent.
Besides inclusion in the Cheerios packages, they were used at at least one press conference in October of 1999. What happened to those coins I don’t know.
Because there are some coins in Cheerios packaging that are not the pattern reverse, I suspect that some of the patterns were rejected, perhaps for spotting, perhaps not, and replaced. If so, I have no idea what happened to them.
General Mills had no records when I asked them circa 2005. The Mint denied that there was ever any change.
Many were probably spent. I get dollars from my bank and look at them.
Thanks Capt, That is what I wanted to know. I have a few hundred that I never looked at. I guess I will spend the time to give them a look see...
Definitely worth checking the circulating Sacs.... I am sure many were spent before the variety was identified. Cheers, RickO
Just a reminder in what to look for.

.................... Cheerios .......................................................... Regular strike
Kennedys are my quest...
I would like to know if this is a Sacagawea Cheerios Dollar. If so, I got it at a good price, if not, I can return it as this is the deal I made with the seller. I also checked with eBay prior to the sale.
Here's the front view!

Sorry, but not a Cheerios. See the photos in the post just above yours.
Not a Cheerios dollar. There should be more details in the tail feathers.
Not. There are many brass dollars offered on eBay as "Cheerios Dollars" because most sellers have no idea what they are talking about.
And everybody, don't forget to keep looking for the 2014 Sacagawea obverse/ Statue of Liberty reverse mules that could possibly be in circulation.
And the 2007-S Proof Jefferson Presidential Dollar with the edge description out of sequence. Described here at the bottom of the page:
I don't get many circulated Proofs from the bank, but I got a 2003-S Sackie the other day.
Return it as it is not a Cheerios coin
Kennedys are my quest...
The Sacs metal is 88.5% Copper, 6% Zinc, 3.5% Manganese, 2% Nickel. If the seller mentions the 88.5% Copper they may know what they are talking about.😉
Thanks that was my opinion also, but the seller kept saying that he got this from a coin dealer who said it was. I could see some faint lines but I was doubtful. It will be returned. I will post a closeup of the tail when i receive it just to double check with you guys and gals.
the current pictures are clear enough.
the dealer story is obviously just a sales story. the more popular one involves father or grandfather.
OK this guy is definitely a scammer. He has another "Cheerios" dollar up for sale, almost the same pictures says this one is from his grandfather. This is the one I got today, I will be sending it back. Here are the pics anyway!
Send it back!...Send it back!...Send it back!
The above is in conjunction with the stomping of the feet.
Kennedys are my quest...
What if one of these 1999 had a pattern matching the "Cheerios" dollar? Would it still be graded by PCGS as a Cheerios or just as a 1999 pattern. Would the value be different than on a cheerios?
One of my customers found one in circulation (in western NC) a couple years ago, but it had some crud on it, but he also looks at thousands of coins per day.
I always assumed it was a cheerios dollar that was spent from the cereal box.
On a side note: Over the years, I always have thought that possibly one day, somebody would come in with loads of stuff in a collection and low and behold a cheerios dollar still in pack, but that has not happened. Have seen tons of other stuff promotion coins, and stuff going back many years, but no cheerios one.
A good question. You should ask our host.
Remember, it's a COPPER CORE clad with two layers
https://www.congress.gov/105/plaws/publ124/PLAW-105publ124.pdf (Section 4)
The actual composition was left up to the mint:
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")