Lebron: "no way I'll ever stick to sports"

in Sports Talk
please, please, please just shut up and dribble.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
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Aww, somebody misses Geordie.
If he ever gets into politics he will quickly realize that it is a much tougher game than basketball.
Good for him.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
And nobody gives a crap what he has to say once he is done shooting hoops. For some crazy reason he thinks he is like a messiah or a leader of the people when really if he wasn’t 6’8 and such a gifted athlete he would be a Fed Ex driver somewhere
LeBron James has a massive global following and there are probably many followers who see him as a leader of people. Same with many others persons in different fields of endeavor including athletics, the performing arts, business, royalty, etc.
However, even those with a global following in the millions of people (i.e. 100 million) are faced with the fact that the remaining 7 billion plus people on the planet do not know who they are or alternatively know who they are and simply "Do Not Care" what they say or do.
For example I suspect that the # of people who care anything about what the former Duke and Duchess Of Sussex have to say now that their separation from all official duties of the members of the British Royal Family are insignificant compared to the number of people who simply "Do Not Care".
I understand he has a following but it’s his opinions that he is throwing out there just like an actor or politician, it’s their beliefs and it’s their god given right to have them. People can chose to follow and be brainwashed into being on board with their beliefs or they can be strong enough to have their own beliefs and convictions. For example Tom Brady is my hero of heroes in the sports world but I don’t care even a little bit about what his opinions are or his beliefs for that matter. Mixing sports figures and the way you chose to live your life based on their beliefs is not something I can get behind. Don’t get me wrong I admire and respect people at Lebrons level who do good things for people and help with good causes ect.. but at the end of the day he is just another Man like you and Me. That’s my point
Athletes, actors, and other celebrities have a following. That gives them a head start against an unknown or a "known" who is unpopular. Many athletes have been in Congress. We have had an actor in the White House. LeBron would easily win any office he may seek in his hometown.
Perk, I couldnt agree more.
Just because you have a megaphone doesn't mean anyone wants to hear what you have to say. For me, Sports is a getaway. a time when I don't have to think about politics or taxes or the next political scandal. I hate it when athletes try to take on the role of social justice warrior.
I just don't care what Lebron, Barkley, Schilling or even Tommy have to say about anything really off the court/field.
please, just shut up and dribble.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I give LeBron more credit than most as he has put him money where his mouth is in his home state of Ohio and the cities where he’s played.
If you have a legitimate passion for a cause, I don’t see anything wrong with advocating for it, regardless of who they are. It is up to the listeners to consider or tune out.
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The problem I have is when I’m watching Sports or Sports news I want Sports and Sports news. I don’t want to listen to politics or Social issues. Just play the game and just report on the game.
^^^^^ 1000%
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I agree, put your time and money behind it. The whole world doesn't have to hear about it though. when I give to charity or volunteer my time I do not get a megaphone, go downtown and start telling everyone about it.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
You need to make adjustments, then, and can’t expect the league and its coverage to adjust to your needs. Not being a wise guy, just being real.
Skip ESPN and go local or online for your sports coverage.
Muted Sports on TV + AC/DC on radio also works. When the game ends, turn it off. Go get a snack at halftime. Go to more games.
Different reasons for me but I can’t even tell you how often I’ve paused TV to sync up John and Susan with the Yankees when Michael Kay is in the booth.
I don’t waste time trying to change the world; I just make my own world better. 😉
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Raising money for fighting cancer and raising money to promote racial equality requires different levels of advocacy.
And that’s it (for me) on this topic before we both become what we both don’t want - to be political in a place that is supposed to be reserved for sports.
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Oh believe me I have the clicker in hand full time when I’m watching NFL. The thing is I actually miss watching pre game, ESPN, and Sports Talk. I turned it all off except the action.
I think the issue has blown up as of late. years ago, I don't remember hearing about politics on baseball tonight, Monday night countdown or Tuesday night NBA coverage. It seems this has really come to the forefront in the last 5 or 6 years.
I know that when the NBA actively put slogans on warm ups and jerseys that was it for me. I have not watched an NBA game since before March of last year
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
haters gonna hate.
This pretty much sums it up.
All of us, even without fame and fortune, have platforms from which we can speak. We find them in our own lives. This is where it is most important. For example, you might be a parent, a brother, a role-model, etc. And it is of the utmost importance to choose where we take guidance from and how we guide those who look to us. I find it also very important to let my kids know that celebrities are not role models and to explain to them exactly what is going on in the world so that they are not tricked.
Let's get out of the politics. I will be amending some of the comments here. I dare say that many athletes have done terrible things and yet they are still admired and collected. And those things weren't even done under the guise of trying to improve anything, political or otherwise.
Everyone has a right to speak out, one doesn't have to agree. Same as politicians they have a right to speak you can agree or disagree.
Lebron James is one of the most philanthropic players in all of Sports, how much do you here about that?? the trouble isn't him or something he said, the trouble is the Media attention given to drive ratings and people who get all worked up about it.
here's what I find amusing --- people who admit they don't like Lebron, who think he is irrelevant about anything besides Sports, yet they get all worked up into a frothy frenzy when he says something. maybe you should turn inwards and figure out what's wrong with yourself.
Very true, I just find it humorous that weak minded and socially inept people that jump on board with what an athlete thinks because said sports figure opens his mouth and think that others who decide to follow their own beliefs and convictions instead have problems with themselves? It’s lunacy lol
it is fantastic that we don't hear about all of James philanthropy. that means it's real. If you give time/money away and then shout from the rooftops about all you did, then it doesn't count. it was not done with altruism, but for selfish emotional gain. I give James huge props for his quiet philanthropy.
the frothy frenzy is not because of what he is saying, its because he is saying anything at all. I personally, and anecdotally I know many more, who only want to hear about the games when they are on or being reported about. its not just Lebron for me, its any player. I don't care AT ALL what any of them have to say about politics/social issues.
that is why my mantra is "shut up and dribble"
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
“Athletes unite the world, politics divide it. Our role is to unite the world by doing what we do best. Athletes should be athletes and politicians should do politics.”
Next time someone is bored, read this.
The farewell address of the greatest American to ever live. He risked everything unnecessarily for an ideal.
His wisdom is that of experience, sacrifice, selflessness and service.
And his words were never more impactful and important.
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I really like this quote. do you know who said it?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic (AC Milan/soccer) in his Twitter spat with LBJ.
"If everyone collected cards and coins, there would be no more wars. Except of course for bidding battles with a minute to go on an Ebay auction."
Famous quote once stated by a stevek from the internet.
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Maybe I’m in the minority here but I just don’t let it bother me when athletes do this type of stuff. You can’t hear it if you’re not listening or watching it. I felt the same with the players & National Anthem and all of the drama that caused. The Anthem has no business playing at any sporting event other than the Olympics/World Games or something similar to those where different countries are competing.
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