Not Peru, in particular, but circumstantially, I do have some decent examplers. Most valuable is a Carlos III Proclamation medal.
I also have some nice mineral specimens, but those are quite OT!
Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis
Here is one of the key 8 reales from Peru from the short lived Arequipa mint. While minors were issued in some quantity, the 1838 Sunface, 1839-1841 Liberty 8 reales are rare to nearly unique (2 known of the 1841). I have been documenting these issues to see the relative rarities. I have seen the most of the 1838 Sunface, then the 1840, 1839 and finally the 1841.
This piece is from the Eric Newman sale. It was originally slated for sale in 2014 then pulled and sold in the final 2018 auction. The only better example that I believe exists was from the 1983 ANA sale of the Herz collection which had some amazing pieces. The Sellschop coin was inferior. Perhaps 5 exist?
I have a few Peruvian coins, both from the colonial era and the republic. Perhaps the most interesting is this 1/5 de Sol from Arequipa, minted in 1885. It was struck the year following the end of the Guerra del Pacifico (War of the Pacific), as Peru lay ravaged after the long struggle with Chile. Then President, Andres Avelino Caceres, who had been a distinguished General in the war with Chile ordered the striking of coinage at Arequipa to relieve the acute shortage of coinage following that disastrous war. Very few examples of the 1/5 de Sol are known, reportedly less than 8. It was struck at a makeshift mint in the city, with very crude dies and tools. This is my example, 'raw' as most of my coins.
@KingOfMorganDollar said:
Is it common with Peru coins to find some that neither NGC nor PCGS have ever graded?
I ask because I have a chance to buy one that Brad Yonaka mentioned is very rare and he has only viewed 5 pieces of that date in that series.
In my experience, Yonaka's survey results are a good indication of relative scarcity. However, I have seen some pillar dates elsewhere with few appearances in his results which I presume he did not identify. An example is the 1768 Peru 2R where I believe he identified four. I own a VG with either a planchet defect or slight rim damage. I have also seen this coin a few other times (also in very low quality), also presumably not in his results. NGC has graded one but neither NGC or PCGS have graded over half of the Charles III dates, outside of the 8R.
For pillar dates, many of the mintages are not low. (1767 1/2R purportedly about 1MM.) This likely means that most of the coins are not absolutely rare (depending upon someone's definition) but aren't available because of the low price and where it is, almost universally in (very) low or abysmal quality. The plate coins in both Yonaka and Gilboy indicate it.
@Zoins said:
I’ve been collecting trips to Machu Picchu and should check to see if I kept any coins.
I wanted to visit Potosi the last time I was in Bolivia but didn’t have time.
You should go to Tiwanaku if you get the chance. I have been there once (in 2005) though not Cuzco or Machu Picchu. The site was (and I believe still is) under excavation but I was surprised at the size of the structures.
@Zoins said:
I’ve been collecting trips to Machu Picchu and should check to see if I kept any coins.
I wanted to visit Potosi the last time I was in Bolivia but didn’t have time.
You should go to Tiwanaku if you get the chance. I have been there once (in 2005) though not Cuzco or Machu Picchu. The site was (and I believe still is) under excavation but I was surprised at the size of the structures.
I went to Tiwanaku on my last trip. It was nice and agree people should visit if they get the chance.
I want to go to Choquequirao. I hope it's like the Machu Picchu of the past. Machu Picchu has gotten very commercialized and crowded. The first time I went to Machu Picchu, we hiked the Inca Trail on our own but we couldn't sleep in the Machu Picchu which they previously allowed, but you could freely walk around the plaza with the llamas. The last time I went, guides were mandatory on the Inca Trail and you couldn't walk freely in the plaza anymore, you could only walk in designated walkways while the grass areas roped off and I didn't see any llamas, just a huge number of people.
@WCC said:
I was hoping Aureo & Calico had something from Peru or Bolivia for my collection in their March sales, Out of luck, again.
Same here but hoping for a nie Guatemalan 8R from a date that I dont have.
I understand you have a good portion of the series now. It's going to be tougher to find the rest of the dates.
For mine from Peru, there are at least four (maybe five) 1/2R dates I know exist in the quality I want which I do not own. For the 1R, three more. For the 2R, seven more. For the 4R, not sure but it's more than those I own now. This includes some upgrades (where I want to upgrade) but not those in Sellshopp (limited pictures) or in collections I do not know.
I have a list of coins I am aware of and waiting to become available. Somewhere around 20 I have seen before (I would have to list them to be sure) that I either missed, skipped bidding altogether, or was an under bidder. Others which I know exist but have not been offered publicly to my knowledge, including from Sellshopp, plate coins, and Patterson..
@WCC said:
I was hoping Aureo & Calico had something from Peru or Bolivia for my collection in their March sales, Out of luck, again.
Same here but hoping for a nie Guatemalan 8R from a date that I dont have.
I understand you have a good portion of the series now. It's going to be tougher to find the rest of the dates.
For mine from Peru, there are at least four (maybe five) 1/2R dates I know exist in the quality I want which I do not own. For the 1R, three more. For the 2R, seven more. For the 4R, not sure but it's more than those I own now. This includes some upgrades (where I want to upgrade) but not those in Sellshopp (limited pictures) or in collections I do not know.
I have a list of coins I am aware of and waiting to become available. Somewhere around 20 I have seen before (I would have to list them to be sure) that I either missed, skipped bidding altogether, or was an under bidder. Others which I know exist but have not been offered publicly to my knowledge, including from Sellshopp, plate coins, and Patterson..
Finding the rest of the dates will for sure be tough. Thankfully I have the finest extant of the rarest and likely second rarest dates but any date in the quality I want is rare.
I have the 1762-LM 4R I posted before, raw with perhaps old minor cleaning but certainly passable in a problem free holder. I’m not convinced yet that it isn’t the Patterson plate coin.
I have the 1762-LM 4R I posted before, raw with perhaps old minor cleaning but certainly passable in a problem free holder. I’m not convinced yet that it isn’t the Patterson plate coin.
There are a few coins that I suspect or assume to be ex-Patterson but it's hard to tell as the catalog image quality (I do own it) is quite poor.
First example is the 1761 P62 4R we have discussed. (it's also the Gilboy plate coin.) I have not seen the coin in the PCGS holder but can't imagine it's a second one. Several of the PCGS 1/2R and 1R have the same or similar light toning, which leads me to believe at least some came from the same collection which could be Patterson. (It's an assumption the coins were stored in the same environment for a long time.) The catalog lists two 1760 1R as "UNC" and I infer the PCGS MS-63 might be one.
As for the 1762 4R, I agree. But then, most of my coins are in NGC holders and I find them annoyingly inconsistent.
Here are some of my pieces from Peru,
1838 South Peru 1 Escudo is Ex Lissner MS64
1838 South Peru 1/2 Escudo Ex Lissner MS66
1829 Peru 2 Escudo Ex Lissner MS63
I'm a collector of opportunity rather than chasing specific countries, but I do have some Peru in my collection. This is the example I chose as representative in my One from Every Country set.
Obverse: Manco Capac facing right
VERDAD I JUSTICIA / UNA LIBRA (Truth and Justice / One Pound)
Reverse: Arms of Peru
REPUBLICA PERUANA LIMA R.OZ.F / 1898 (R.OZ.F was the mint head assayer)
Peru struck these gold coins from 1898 to 1930 as part of a monetary gold standard. They didn't circulate much and some numismatists call them "bullion coins".
They are minted to the same specifications as the British gold Sovereign, which makes them close to the US five dollar gold piece.
Manco Capac was the legendary founder and first emperor of the Inca dynasty.
Most colonial seem pretty tough in all series.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I like the earliest post-colonial issues the most. I don't collect them, but I do have one coin.
There are a few hardcore Peru collectors on Instagram.
8 Reales Madness Collection
8 Reales Madness Collection
I am just curious I have no intentions of branching towards Peru. I am going to stick with Mexico.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
All good guys
Latin American Collection
Not Peru, in particular, but circumstantially, I do have some decent examplers. Most valuable is a Carlos III Proclamation medal.
I also have some nice mineral specimens, but those are quite OT!
The last one has a nice 1755 and 1758. Peru pillars are mostly what I buy now, along with Bolivia but it's a much shorter series and
I have some here and there... the one worth owning is the 1838 Cuzco 8 Reales... truly a work of art- love the design
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
I have a few circulated silver Sols, and this:
--Severian the Lame
Here is one of the key 8 reales from Peru from the short lived Arequipa mint. While minors were issued in some quantity, the 1838 Sunface, 1839-1841 Liberty 8 reales are rare to nearly unique (2 known of the 1841). I have been documenting these issues to see the relative rarities. I have seen the most of the 1838 Sunface, then the 1840, 1839 and finally the 1841.
This piece is from the Eric Newman sale. It was originally slated for sale in 2014 then pulled and sold in the final 2018 auction. The only better example that I believe exists was from the 1983 ANA sale of the Herz collection which had some amazing pieces. The Sellschop coin was inferior. Perhaps 5 exist?
Latin American Collection
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I love the Peruvian coinage, but particularly South Peru.
Potosi mint only from Peru in addition to Mexico City. Had to draw the line somewhere.
A: The year they spend more on their library than their coin collection.
A numismatist is judged more on the content of their library than the content of their cabinet.
@KingOfMorganDollar, you may find type collecting across the Spanish colonial mints easier than focusing on Mexico. Many of us do that.

I have a few Peruvian coins, both from the colonial era and the republic. Perhaps the most interesting is this 1/5 de Sol from Arequipa, minted in 1885. It was struck the year following the end of the Guerra del Pacifico (War of the Pacific), as Peru lay ravaged after the long struggle with Chile. Then President, Andres Avelino Caceres, who had been a distinguished General in the war with Chile ordered the striking of coinage at Arequipa to relieve the acute shortage of coinage following that disastrous war. Very few examples of the 1/5 de Sol are known, reportedly less than 8. It was struck at a makeshift mint in the city, with very crude dies and tools. This is my example, 'raw' as most of my coins.
I would branch over but I can only afford Mexico just curious to see them.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Latin American Collection
Don't deliberately collect coins from Peru but do have a few Spanish colonial pieces.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I have a couple raw 8 reales not worth slabbing
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
I have a set of 1 Dinero 1893 - 1916. No 1907 JF.
Is it common with Peru coins to find some that neither NGC nor PCGS have ever graded?
I ask because I have a chance to buy one that Brad Yonaka mentioned is very rare and he has only viewed 5 pieces of that date in that series.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I’ve been collecting trips to Machu Picchu and should check to see if I kept any coins.
I wanted to visit Potosi the last time I was in Bolivia but didn’t have time.
Yes, just check the Spanish auction houses.
In my experience, Yonaka's survey results are a good indication of relative scarcity. However, I have seen some pillar dates elsewhere with few appearances in his results which I presume he did not identify. An example is the 1768 Peru 2R where I believe he identified four. I own a VG with either a planchet defect or slight rim damage. I have also seen this coin a few other times (also in very low quality), also presumably not in his results. NGC has graded one but neither NGC or PCGS have graded over half of the Charles III dates, outside of the 8R.
For pillar dates, many of the mintages are not low. (1767 1/2R purportedly about 1MM.) This likely means that most of the coins are not absolutely rare (depending upon someone's definition) but aren't available because of the low price and where it is, almost universally in (very) low or abysmal quality. The plate coins in both Yonaka and Gilboy indicate it.
You should go to Tiwanaku if you get the chance. I have been there once (in 2005) though not Cuzco or Machu Picchu. The site was (and I believe still is) under excavation but I was surprised at the size of the structures.
I went to Tiwanaku on my last trip. It was nice and agree people should visit if they get the chance.
I want to go to Choquequirao. I hope it's like the Machu Picchu of the past. Machu Picchu has gotten very commercialized and crowded. The first time I went to Machu Picchu, we hiked the Inca Trail on our own but we couldn't sleep in the Machu Picchu which they previously allowed, but you could freely walk around the plaza with the llamas. The last time I went, guides were mandatory on the Inca Trail and you couldn't walk freely in the plaza anymore, you could only walk in designated walkways while the grass areas roped off and I didn't see any llamas, just a huge number of people.
I have shown these before:

I also have a bunch of the dos centavos, too
Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association
I have every country that minted something in 1984, so here is Peru:
Coinsof1984@martinb6830 on twitter
I was hoping Aureo & Calico had something from Peru or Bolivia for my collection in their March sales, Out of luck, again.
Same here but hoping for a nie Guatemalan 8R from a date that I dont have.
Latin American Collection
I understand you have a good portion of the series now. It's going to be tougher to find the rest of the dates.
For mine from Peru, there are at least four (maybe five) 1/2R dates I know exist in the quality I want which I do not own. For the 1R, three more. For the 2R, seven more. For the 4R, not sure but it's more than those I own now. This includes some upgrades (where I want to upgrade) but not those in Sellshopp (limited pictures) or in collections I do not know.
I have a list of coins I am aware of and waiting to become available. Somewhere around 20 I have seen before (I would have to list them to be sure) that I either missed, skipped bidding altogether, or was an under bidder. Others which I know exist but have not been offered publicly to my knowledge, including from Sellshopp, plate coins, and Patterson..
My World Coin Type Set
Finding the rest of the dates will for sure be tough. Thankfully I have the finest extant of the rarest and likely second rarest dates but any date in the quality I want is rare.
I have the 1762-LM 4R I posted before, raw with perhaps old minor cleaning but certainly passable in a problem free holder. I’m not convinced yet that it isn’t the Patterson plate coin.
Latin American Collection
There are a few coins that I suspect or assume to be ex-Patterson but it's hard to tell as the catalog image quality (I do own it) is quite poor.
First example is the 1761 P62 4R we have discussed. (it's also the Gilboy plate coin.) I have not seen the coin in the PCGS holder but can't imagine it's a second one. Several of the PCGS 1/2R and 1R have the same or similar light toning, which leads me to believe at least some came from the same collection which could be Patterson. (It's an assumption the coins were stored in the same environment for a long time.) The catalog lists two 1760 1R as "UNC" and I infer the PCGS MS-63 might be one.
As for the 1762 4R, I agree. But then, most of my coins are in NGC holders and I find them annoyingly inconsistent.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Here are some of my pieces from Peru,
1838 South Peru 1 Escudo is Ex Lissner MS64
1838 South Peru 1/2 Escudo Ex Lissner MS66
1829 Peru 2 Escudo Ex Lissner MS63
I'm a collector of opportunity rather than chasing specific countries, but I do have some Peru in my collection. This is the example I chose as representative in my One from Every Country set.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
Is that the Millennia piece?
Latin American Collection
If i remember correctly, it's unique. Last time i saw it was in Millennia.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Until now
Latin American Collection
8 Reales Madness Collection
Not fair. You don't own it anymore! Unfortunately, I don't own it either....
Maybe not fair, but I didn't have pics of the other thing handy.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
Anyone else want to share some?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
This is probably my favorite Peru coin:
Peru Libra 1898
Gold, 22 mm, 7.98 gm
Obverse: Manco Capac facing right
VERDAD I JUSTICIA / UNA LIBRA (Truth and Justice / One Pound)
Reverse: Arms of Peru
REPUBLICA PERUANA LIMA R.OZ.F / 1898 (R.OZ.F was the mint head assayer)
Peru struck these gold coins from 1898 to 1930 as part of a monetary gold standard. They didn't circulate much and some numismatists call them "bullion coins".
They are minted to the same specifications as the British gold Sovereign, which makes them close to the US five dollar gold piece.
Manco Capac was the legendary founder and first emperor of the Inca dynasty.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers