Not my coin: NGC white label Morgan for sale (without the mention of the rare label/slab)

For those looking for a scarce early NGC slab, this one might be it for you. Common Morgan yet the slab looks like it is in excellent condition. Nowhere is it mentioned it is an early insert either. I have no affiliation with the seller yet thought someone who is looking to pick one of these up may do so somewhat inexpensively.
... may do so somewhat inexpensively.
Not after posting it here ...
See for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
Exactly. Plus I’ve seen plenty of examples where something is not mentioned and it still goes for full price or more (multiple people think they are the only one to see it and end up sniping against each other).
Personally, I wouldn't want it, b/c it's a a common Morgan in 62.
That's not to say that I never buy 62s but I don't like this one.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
And certainly not at 3x+ current market value.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Price has doubled, since this thread was started. LOL
Still almost a week left....
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Something must be 'tongue in cheek here"?
Braddick is one of our most respected posters, and certainly knows the operations of the Boards better than many, if not most. By posting . . . it is an automatic that all the slab guys here are going to laser in on this with a razor focus, and what might have been a back-door purchase will now represent a true value of the NGC White slabs. All-in-all . . . I say 'well done' . . . as this will now direct every slab guy to this common coin and the slab itself will determine the true value of the NGC Whites.
This one appears to be a 2.1 (hotstamp INSIDE the shell) . . which is about 25% premium above the 2.0 (hotstamp OUTSIDE the shell). As a common coin in a low grade, this is tailor-made to determine the base value for the NGC whites.
This auction NOW will be a landmark event for slab values . . . . glad I can bookmark it for interest.
Action on this seems to be right in line with the publicity it now has received . . . . I have purchased most of mine for right around $200.
Deleted. Did not know how to edit . . . . just found it.
Glad I never got into collecting $167 and rising!
I'm sure the seller will be surprised at what this lower-grade common date Morgan Dollar sold for. He might think all of his fatty NGC holders are the cat's meow.
Twice in the last couple of years I've been tuned into a coin on eBay- a coin auction- for a LowBall that I definitely wanted. Had I not seen the the coin featured on a thread I'd have missed it as "Lowball" was not part of the title or auction description. I was grateful then for the chance to bid and win these coins. Now certainly, had it not been featured here I'd have missed out and of course someone else would have won the coin- yet not necessarily at a much lower cost as these forums probably represent about 10% of the eBay coin buying public. Even so, yes- I do slightly regret this thread if it means a true collector is now priced out of it and wouldn't have been otherwise.
Follow your instincts - and intent, because you can't win. For everyone who is thankful you tuned them into an auction they did not know about, there is someone who will express displeasure that you single-handedly increased the demand, and subsequently priced them out of being able to obtain the coin.
As long as your aims are altruistic, I'm on the no harm, no foul side of the fence. Plus, as a spectator not playing in this sandbox, I've enjoyed the thread.
If we were all the same, the world would be an incredibly boring place.
Which is “better”?
1 Those who wouldn’t have known about it get the word, have a chance to buy it and it ends up bringing fair market value?
2) Those who wouldn’t have known about it don’t get the word, don’t have a chance to buy it and it brings something less than in 1 above?
I realize that there are other possible outcomes, but of the two listed, I much prefer the first.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Thanks for pointing this out to collectors. Some may not like that things are pointed out due to the increase of traffic it will draw to an item, but like you said, it might prevent a collector from knowing about an item that is available.
No need to regret it. Some people might be upset at a lack of a deal but others will be happy to be alerted (and the seller will definitely be happier at the final result). My comment wasn't meant as a negative (just opining that I doubt it will go cheap as I've seen plenty of such items still get bid up even when not pointed out...and when it is pointed out, then it is even less likely to go for a low amount).
That coin is fugly IMO. That simply means that the coin is worth the slab premium minus melt.
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!
at 223+ now - what am I missing - is old plastic really worth it?
60 on apmex ...
Yes it is a scarce holder generation. Pretty much any coin in that type of holder (regardless of grade) will bring over $200 in today's market.
wow - fascinating
I better check my old NGC slabs...Some I have had for a long time.... Might have some 'treasures' sleeping in my coin cabinet or safe.
Cheers, RickO
I appreciate the occasional posts that keep the collectible-slab threads near the top . . . . but honest? I look upon these posts with doubt. You guys REALLY are unaware of the basal value of a 2.0 or 2.1??? You can analyze the die state of a Bust Half to the nth degree . . . find some obscure VAM 63 (b) - (2.22) - Mid-Early-Early Die State Morgan . . . spot PMD on an Antonius Praeton Double Denarius that happened in 323 BC with a 2.1k hammer . . . .
and you don't know the value of an NGC white?
Awwwwww . . . gents! I don't quite believe it. Methinks post-count-itis is affecting the veracity of your words . . . . . . .
(+1 to my post count)
Now at $223 . . . . . . . . .
Great slab
Count me among the unaware, as it's not something I pay any attention to (other than briefly in threads such as this).
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
I'm with Mark on this. I appreciate these threads and love to learn more about these slabs but don't stay up to date on the values of various slab generations.
"Buy the Slab, not the coin".
While there are now more of us that follow slab generations, I still think it's a fairly small segment of the overall collecting base. Plus, considering how many times I've seen people claim a slab is fake just because they have not seen that generation before, I'm not surprised that people don't know that an NGC white carries a large premium.
@ricko one of these days we all expect a coin show style report of everything you rediscover in your collection.
@U1chicago .... So far, that will be a short report
I have a lot of coins, but in my searches so far, none of the 'special' items were there.... Maybe one of these old slabs will be there.
Cheers, RickO
$247.50 . . . . . Tuesday 10:15 Mountain Time.
When I originally saw this it was right at $67. give or take (after I threw a bid on it). I thought it might close out at $100.- $150. or so.
The market for some of these NGC first generation slabs are getting crazy! I suppose more and more collectors are seeking them out.
Yes, the NGC "white label" slabs have a pretty good following. As this is an NGC 2.1, I would not be surprised if it tops $300 ... for a $50 coin.
See for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
It had been $150-$200 several years back when I bought and sold two. Nowadays these are closer to $250-$350.
looking forward to returning the favor on the next coin you are hoping to cherrypick. lol.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Interesting they just bid it up to $247
See for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
common date, low MS grade and sort of an ugly coin. I cannot see any reason for someone to want this.
Somebody is willing to pay a big premium for a very ordinary Morgan Dollar just because of the plastic. It won't surprise me if this goes for stupid money (though, as far as I am concerned, it has already reached that level - $247.00).
I wasn't basing this on (perceived) worth rather on how it was poorly listed on eBay.
Keets . . . . .
Precisely. I could never have said it better. This will be a bellweather for (at least in a small sample size) what the going rate is for the NGC whites. No complicating factors of variety, coin grade, or Type . . . just a rather mundane Morgie.
All the premium will be in the slab. This will be quite revealing to some . . . . .
It might have stopped around $150 if not posted on here but I'm not certain. Like I mentioned previously, I've seen quite a few auctions (particularly for slabbed items) that were poorly listed and still brought a solid return. There seem to be plenty of people that look at all PCGS & NGC Morgans in slabs, so at least two bidders are very likely to see it.
That's not the same generation holder. And $60 for that one is too much.
Collector, occasional seller
Buy the slab, not the coin?
That's what the kids do these days. Throw a sticker on it and even better. Crazy world we live in. RGDS!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
aware of both of those points, just dumbfounded people pay such a premium for plastic - too divergent from coins for me, but to each their own 🤙
Ah I see. I can't bring myself to pay that much premium either but I think I understand the allure. It ticks a lot of "collectors check boxes"
-Old, at least as far as TPGS history goes.
-represents historic stepping stone
-Perceived quality(coin and/or holder)
Collector, occasional seller
I'd think this hammers close to $400.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
$277 now . . . . . . .