Which do you believe will inrease in price more percentage wise in 2021. Gold or Silver ?

Which do you believe will inrease in price more percentage wise in 2021. Gold or Silver ?
This is a public poll: others will see what you voted for.
Which do you believe could go up more percentage wise in the next year. Gold or silver?
All of us stackers are voting with our wallets.
I am hopeful for both to hold gains in 2021 from this previous year - but at this point, who the hell knows? If silver takes off, even briefly this time around like it did a few years back, I'm swapping all mine for gold.
Click on this link to see my ebay listings.
Me to.
When talking percentage, it likely will be silver....Gold will, however, make some significant gains in the first half of 2021. Cheers, RickO
And the correct answer is . . .
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I will share my opinion that the increases will be mostly from two factors:
1. The USD is trending down in relative value
2. A portion of silver is a byproduct of mining for copper. The amount of copper in ore has trended down, making copper more expensive to mine. I'm going with the theory that the same trend will influence silver ore and getting silver out of mines will take more effort. This will drive up the price of silver.
I plan to put a tiny amount of my portfolio into copper miners and let time tell me if I am right or not.
True , copper is more important in civilization than Gold or Silver. And that Silver is a big byproduct in Copper mining.
Copper and Lumber big gainers in 2020. Silver and Gold should do VERY well in 2021.
100% Positive BST transactions
All the experts seem to be picking silver so why not follow the herd
Interesting. Not in the poll, but still glad you posted this.
And the winner for 2020? Continues to be Rhodium
Jan 3 2020 Price....$5,850
Jan 1 2021 Bid ....$14,500
Which one of you PM "experts" took the chance?
And the ultimate anti-fiat winner for 2020? Bitcoin.
Jan 1 2020 Price.....$7,174
Jan 1 2021 Price.....$29,301
Jan 2, 2020 Price....32,570
Who else took the chance?
Will it top PMs in 2021? I believe so.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I'm sure there are numerous stocks that did a lot better than bc.
Just look at the 2020 Investment Contest. Personally, I would not even investing in bc.
Going green gives the edge to silver for the foreseeable future, as "percentages" get tweaked; in accordance with agendas.