The Paramount Collection?
Heritage is holding a sale in March called "The Paramount Collection". I have no idea what's in there, or who the collector is. I could ask Heritage, but more fun to ask here. Who knows what???
The Heritage e-mail states:
"The Paramount Collection represents the single most important collection of world and ancient coins that Heritage has ever had the honor of handling, and will be the most significant collection to come onto the market in at least a generation. Including countries from around the world and spanning from ancient to modern times, nearly every piece is a highlight in its own right and is the culmination of the collector's life work to acquire as rare, interesting, and high grade pieces as possible."
"The most significant collection to come onto the market in at least a generation" is a pretty bold statement.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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8 Reales Madness Collection
I don’t know either but the auction sounds like it will be of paramount importance
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
It may be more fun to ask here, but how would you confirm the answer?
No need to confirm. I trust you guys.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
Look forward to it.
I want to buy something cool & historic!!
Well, what about the Millenia, the Rudman, or the Tyrant? If they are serious sounds like a crazy collection and I agree with @MrEureka , that's a very bold statement.
I know that some of the very best of the very best are NOT in that sale, not to say there are not memorable bits...
Well, just Love coins, period.
Sounds intriguing but it'd be nice to get a bit more tangible of a preview...
Would be interesting if Adolf Zukor was a coin collector and the so-called Paramount collection was his...
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
I see what you did there
8 Reales Madness Collection
No idea yet, but I hope they come in the red Paramount holders
While the Zukor connection is just a wild guess on my part, the other interesting component to this theory is that Zukor appeared on the Paramount 15 year anniversary which has an HK number and is considered a So-called dollar. The larger medal from 1937 which commemorates the 25th anniversary of Paramount Studios, was sort of done by Medalic Arts also features a portrait of Zukor-that medal is very cool and captures the look of a film reel. Seems someone at Paramount went out of their way to please the boss... so it at least this theory passes the straight face test given the current hype.
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
I heard back from a friend at Heritage: it will be under 100 ancients (but all are apparently fairly impressive), then a large number of European, Latin America, and some US coins, with the focus being on European world coins. The coins are currently being graded so they aren't sending around promotional materials just yet but hopefully they'll be together soon, considering the sales will be the last week in March.
Do you know who is the TPG ?
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Better have DEEP POCKETS. I'm sure "Tyrant" is making their list and checking it twice!
The collection is not as big as I would have guessed. Only 700+ coins, I’m told. But pretty good stuff, sort of like these. It will add up.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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And there are more than 100 multiple ducats larger than 5, which is pretty impressive.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
Interesting that they consider this collection more significant than, say Rudman or Jacobs.
I had the same thought
Latin American Collection
Rudman and Jacobs are masterful in-depth specialized collections. Paramount sounds like it will be more of a monumental non-specialized collection of trophy coins. You’ll have to decide for yourself which is the most “significant”.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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@MrEureka , are those the only pages from the flier or is there one showing ancients as well? I wouldn't mind seeing the ancients if available!
I haven’t seen the flyer yet. Just got these images as a sneak preview.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
So I just checked the NGC census. 1731 PF 5G, 100 perpera, 1662 crown, 1937 EVIII 5S etc are not in the Census as of today,
Mind blowing coins.
A german states 20 ducat? A trophy indeed.
Some of the coins are already on Instagram, with their custom NGC label.
Or visit Creamcoins and check their story, they published several of the coins.
What coinkat referenced:
Coquimbo in 55, 1732-Mo 8R in 62. Nice coins!
Latin American Collection
And this is the one from 1937
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
@MrEureka We will be posting the coins here shortly:
US Coins will also be included in Sale 1327 (Long Beach), including a Coiled Hair Stella and other great pieces!
The Coquimbo looked like a crude type from the video
Latin American Collection
Might make a nice set...
Nothing posted yet??? I think @Stella is toying with us. I mean, if this were a natural history auction, I could see using the word "shortly" differently, as in geological time. But these are not rocks and minerals!
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
A lot of Albania in that auction. Are we sure this isn’t @Stork ‘s collection?
Hmm, not mine
Looks like some provas there which as a rule I don't usually go after (there may or may not be one I could break that rule for). Will be interested when the photos post!
Descriptions are going up now for the US pieces. I got to write the 1880 Coiled Hair stella. Good fun!
Dealing in Canadian and American coins and historical medals.
So, when do the Albanians come up
Edited to add Nvm, I see them. Crap. I need to sell something.
Are you happier now, @MrEureka ? Lots more photos posted! And more details to come as the coins are cataloged.
Beautiful ancient gold in that auction!
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
Still waiting for the multiple Talers!
My current "Box of 20"