Tough to find a nice Bust Dime Type example but just picked this one up — thoughts?

Hey folks, I've been working on the 41 coin Basic U.S. Coin Design Registry Set for a little over a year now, which calls for an early dime (pre-1838). It has been tough going finding a nice one at a reasonable cost as the vast majority of these circulated heavily in commerce. Happy to say I finally jumped on one I liked at a grade that offers great value for this series — it's graded AU58 by PCGS.
What do you all think of this example? Would love to hear if you like it, but I'm also very open to feedback on things I may have missed or overlooked on this example, as I am always trying to improve my eye. Thanks for taking a look.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
You made an excellent choice.
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Pretty nice looking piece. I like it.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
I like it as well
Collector, occasional seller
That is a very nice coin.... Congratulations on a nice addition. Cheers, RickO
Nice example. I was going to say MS61 before I re-read the OP.
Nice! Perfect 58.
Would not kick it out of bed.
That's a good one.
That's a really nice example. Very close to mint state IMO. Well done.
Don't think you could have got a more attractive example in 58. Nice Coin!
First of all, that's a really nice looking coin! I think you chose wisely!
With all the Bust posts lately, I might have to look at these a little more closely, learn a little, and consider buying!
Second, I'm not a Bust collector (of any denomination), so I'm not familiar with the high points. And, it's hard for me to tell from this pic. Where is the wear that brings this to an AU? Eagle's beak/brow? Edge of wings? Just wondering, so I can learn more. Of course, I could just look at my grading guides I guess, but would like to hear input about this coin in particular.
Man, if you didn't give away the grade, I might have guessed MS-64!
Rocking my "shiny-object-syndrome"!!!
That's a very nice coin that I would love to have in my collection. Well done.
It looks like a nice, original coin. Good choice!
See for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
I like that coin!
I like that one!
My YouTube Channel
I'm glad you like it.
Sunshine Rare Coins
It has character.
Hola and holy cow, now that is one original type coin.
Very nice, I like it...
Love for Music / Collector of Dreck
My thought exactly.
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
Nice detail, a bit of even wear, nice skin. What’s not to like?
Your 1835 is very nice and without any suggestions that it has ever been messed with. But significantly, that coin probably only circulated for a very short period of time until someone set it aside about 185 years ago. And it has been preserved very well ever since then. And you are it's new preserver.
That is quite a handsome coin with good skin and original surfaces and a nice pleasing color. Additionally it is well struck throughout. Very nice pickup, for sure!
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
I love it! It's a tiny bit worn, but otherwise perfect in my opinion.
I really like it and I think you chose wisely. The stars appear well struck. A very nice reverse for the grade. Based on the photo I would have probably guessed 55 based on the obverse and what looks like a little wear. Good job!
Wholesome, if it came from UHR, you received quality and great value. It is a gorgeous dime.......
Best, SH
Wonderful coin. I’ll bet it’s really nice to view under a light.
Very nice coin and congrulations finding a perfect example.
Based on the responses you received so far you should feel very confident that you've acquired a great example. Thanks for posting because for me this has been educational.
A very nice looking AU50 or 53 by my standards. Too much wear is evident to merit a 58.
Using PCGS Photograde - no where near close to a 53 for this series, clearly a 58....... 53's show significant wear on the high areas of the design not observed on the OP's 58. OP's coin may have just the lightest rub giving luster breaks - which makes it a 58 - have to see in hand to be sure, but I trust the PCGS grading assessment as they did see it in hand and know what they are doing.
Best, SH
I like the overall look of the coin but is that a staple scratch at 2:30 on the obverse?
Looks like a pretty dang nice coin with terrific remaining mint frost and virtually no surface impairments. You chose a great set to work on as you will a stunning array of coinage to select and some wonderful designs to obtain.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Great pick, solid example for the grade, you need any further justification here not yet mentioned?
My comment is based on my standards for an AU 58. By my standard and AU58 must look mint state at first glance and cannot have more than a slight rub. The TPG standards for the grade are more generous. Regardless, back in the days when I was putting a type set together I would have loved to include that coin in the set.