I picked up a few hundred more dies yesterday and will be sorting and inventorying they in the next several days. If you have a specific die you are looking for I will check for them as I do the inventory
Here are a couple pics of some examples. Lots of nicely engraved stuff that I will post later and a lot of smaller token dies. Prices to be determined.
Back to the $20 dies. $4 shipping if you buy one and free shipping with 2 or more. Once I finish this first batch I will be going thru a couple hundred horseshoe encased cent dies.
Weekend special, 5 dies for $50 incl shipping:
Saturday bump
Do you still have the Boothbay, Maine die? Any other Maine dies? If so, I will take them. Let me know…regards, Herb
I think there were a few Maine dies.
No one really makes encased coins in the USA anymore, so these are a part of numismatic history.
Responded via PM to Herb. Thanks Herb.
Just a bump this morning
JBK, found 3 more of the smaller dies
I'll post a group tomorrow
This weekends special is 5 bank related dies for $65 obo, including shipping
Still available
I picked up a few hundred more dies yesterday and will be sorting and inventorying they in the next several days. If you have a specific die you are looking for I will check for them as I do the inventory
Here are a couple pics of some examples. Lots of nicely engraved stuff that I will post later and a lot of smaller token dies. Prices to be determined.
These are bout 1uarter size

And these are silver dollar size

Here is the first of the new batch to sell.


I think these two go together but will let you decide. Taking offers.
A couple round tuit dies
$20 + 4 shipping

$30 + 4 shipping
These have some nicer engraving so I will start them at $50 each. obo

Back to the $20 dies. $4 shipping if you buy one and free shipping with 2 or more. Once I finish this first batch I will be going thru a couple hundred horseshoe encased cent dies.
A few more for Sunday. Encased cent horseshoe dies start tomorrow
Here is the start of the encased cent horseshoe dies $20 each, plus $4 shipping with one purchased or free shipping with 2 or more

And for Tuesday
September 1,
For Thursday

Biron White House i would be interested if available.
For the weekend

For Labor Day
Monday bump