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Gregory G. Brunk, R.I.P.

I was sad to see that Gregory G. Brunk passed away on October 19th at the age of 71. Greg was an accomplished writer and publisher in a number of different disciplines.

As a frequent user of his books on countermarks, I've come to appreciate how much time and energy went into creating what we have in his last published volume of Merchant and Privately Countermarked Coins (Advertising on the World's Smallest Billboards). I enjoy the history in countermarked coins and exonumia, and the book is always my first place to turn.

I know some members here knew Greg and worked with him in the past by contributing to his research and books. If you have a reminiscence of Greg or a counterstamp to post in tribute, please do.



Searching for bust quarters.....counterstamps, errors, and AU-MS varieties, please let me know if you can help.


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